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capt forest

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Posts posted by capt forest

  1. You guys are awesome. I have a request that is in line with the work you are doing now. 


    Would you be able to give us the option in Emerald to edit the Battle Frontier leader boards?

    Here are some pics of what i am talking about






    I mixed records with a member on this forum who gave me the Regi dolls which i am grateful for but now i have all of his records jacking up my leader boards that i like to mix records with.

    I would realistically like to remove EMERALD from all of my boards if possible.  

  2. Is there a way to remove or edit the list of people you have mixed records with? I also would like to know if there is a way to see an expanded battle history for player vs player battles or any way to edit the info stored there. I know pkhex can edit a bunch of misc data but i do not think it can work with the stuff i am asking about. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, jasenyoface said:

    Here to drop a friendly reminder to keep extra backups of your .SAV files on hand, locally.  “)

    Thank you sir! Just to let you know, I have my file on my cart, in my computer, in a google drive and in my phone :) I also spent the cash for pokemon box where i house clones of all the pokemon i spent time acquiring. I take this shit seriously 


    I will be taking a break from playing till @projGBA gets me back my file. He took care of it once but in the mean time i continued to play not realizing the file he gave me the dolls on was not current and now obsolete.   

    • Proud 1
  4. On 1/21/2018 at 2:17 AM, BloodBird said:

    If you want to reduce the damage of confusion, you can use this PID.

    245 - Favre - A49F92584E85.pk3

    it has lower attack IV. (30 ☞ 13)

    I'm so glad to support you as one of the Gen 3 player.

    I apologize to my poor English. I'm korean and English is too hard for me. :P


    Hey wow thanks for looking out!!! I did not think of that aspect! I love it, if you ever want to battle let me know. I upload my battles on youtube check them out 


  5. 27 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Cool, xdseed is one way to go! (I'm not sure if present builds of rngreporter can give colo/xd PID)

    well, if there isn't any special moves you're trying to get in Gen 3, then you could just make it look like your Pokemon was bred in SMUSUM. This way, it gets to retain the Dive Ball!

    i only play Gen 3. I have never played any game that came out after emerald. I am a purist lol

     I post my battles on smogon and youtube. If you are interested i would love to feature you in one of my battles. You were a big help for me getting this done. I probably would have quit without your guidance http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3rd-gen-post-your-battle-thread.3623620/

  6. Hey!!! thank you for that! Check out this suicune i generated as legal. It was a pain in the ass and I used some Japan based program called xdseed to get the pid i needed and just see for yourself thank you for the back and forth! 


    I got the IVs i wanted and nature. Its GTG 

    245 - Favre - A6BFA3EE114D.pk3


    Edit your idea about manipulating the sid and the tid to get the shiny after taking that super lucky build was genius. I took the easy way out gave up my dive ball and just made it as if i hatched it from an egg. That way it all came back the way i wanted it legal i just miss my dive ball :(

  7. 9 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    PIDs aren't exactly the problem here. (I think it should be method 1, and you used method 2. not sure if Method 2 is okay)

    Basically follow how Bulbapedia described it, and translate the IVs to match the roaming glitch


    In case you can't get it working:
    PID 2707FC11
    IVs: 31/0/0/0/0/0
    Nature: bold

    Popped up legal for me :)  (using your base file)

    Damn this pkhex stuff is so precise that it will reject a proposed pid over a bug. Good stuff to the makers of this program. Thank you it worked using your method. Would you help me find the pid for this one? 367 ★ - Gannicus - 6C2AD12AFCC0.pk3 

    I suppose the reason i am having trouble for this one is that i am looking very specific. Shiny, with max SpA and 30 speed and Hidden power electric with a timid nature. Male preferably. So when i hit search it will just keep searching. 

  8. I need some help getting my Suicune to pass. I was doing what i could to fix as many of my pokemon on my own but i was stumped on this one. Check the link for a pick http://prntscr.com/hydgr4 I need a bold nature with 31 iv in all but attack which can be anything. Not looking for a shiny

    337 ★ - Cancer - 15EDECC1AE02.pk3

    with this one I am wondering if anyone can get a shiny in pokemon xd. I was able to you xdseed to get a non shiny pid with the ivs and nature i wanted but could not get a shiny pid to work on cancer my lunatone.

    Help with this is appreciated 

    245 - Farve - 7EE92E468B0F.pk3 This one is the suicune

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