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Everything posted by jereellison

  1. Oh! So I just need to bump up to level 2? I'll try it and see if it works. Thanks! :-D That worked, and you're brilliant. This is actually for my wife. She has always wanted a Seel, but they come up so much later in games that she never really gets to use one. Know that you made a very beautiful woman even prettier by the smile this will put on her face. :-D
  2. Sorry it took me a day to get back. Here's the save file. It's just right at the beginning of the game. Pokemon Fire Red (U).srm Any help is appreciated. :-) And wrathsoffire76, I had toyed around with that, too, though I wasn't sure hwo to really address that. :-\
  3. Trying to add in a Seel at the beginning of FRLG. I didn't want anything fancy, just Seel. Got it into the game using PKHeX, but it keeps freezing when going to Seel's summary screen. Any idea on how to address this? I've scoured Google, but can't seem to turn anything up regarding how best I could fix this, if it's even possible. Any help is appreciated. EDIT: If it matters, I'm doing this on the Pi so we can play on the TV, and I'm using WinSCP to transfer the saves.
  4. Thanks. :-) I was able to (somehow) get the file size down to where I could use PKHeX. I did that, switched the extension back to .srm, and the game started up fine and showed the Seel in her party. Problem is, when she goes to look at the Seel's "Summary" screen, the game freezes. Not sure if that's a known issue of any sort, but we're packing right now to leave for the weekend. If anyone has advice, that's great, and I'll be able to check in a few days. If not, thanks anyways for the help so far.
  5. Hope this is the best place to post this. I'm trying to get a Seel early in LeafGreen for my wife. We're playing with Retroarch through Retropie on our Raspberry Pi (if any of that matters). I downloaded PKHeX, but Retroarch only has .srm files rather than .sav files. To that end, I got a converter for .srm to .sav files. It converted, but kept the size at 136KB, which I guess is too large/unsupported in PKHeX. My wife as said she doesn't care anymore, and that I've tried my best (it's been a couple days of trying to figure it out). Anyways, I figured I'd give it one last shot here and see if anyone has any advice. If not, that's fine, and thanks anyways. :-)
  6. jereellison


    I'll look into this. Thanks for the quick reply! :-D
  7. jereellison


    New to all of this, so I have a quick question. I'm trying to get a low-leveled Seel for my wife on LeafGreen/FireRed. We have the ROM of the game, that way she can play it up on the TV through RetroPie on the RaspberryPi. However, the only save file I can find through the pi is a .srm file, which doesn't seem to be compatible with this program. Or at least I'm not doing something right. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :-)
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