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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 411 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x19B ID (Hex, Little Endian) 9B 01 Dex Number 379 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 18 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 18 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 18 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 18 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Explosion 1 Stomp 9 Metal Claw 17 Curse 25 Superpower 33 AncientPower 41 Iron Defense 41 Amnesia 49 Charge Beam 57 Lock-On 65 Zap Cannon 73 Iron Head 73 Flash Cannon 81 Hammer Arm 89 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Earthquake Thunderbolt Safeguard Sandstorm Explosion Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Shadow Claw Stealth Rock Charge Beam Fling Flash Cannon Rock Polish Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 410 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x19A ID (Hex, Little Endian) 9A 01 Dex Number 378 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 18 Base Sp. Defense 18 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 18 Base Sp. Defense 18 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Explosion 1 Stomp 9 Icy Wind 17 Curse 25 Superpower 33 AncientPower 41 Amnesia 49 Charge Beam 57 Lock-On 65 Zap Cannon 73 Ice Beam 81 Hammer Arm 89 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Earthquake Thunderbolt Safeguard Explosion Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Charge Beam Fling Avalanche Flash Cannon Rock Polish Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 409 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x199 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 99 01 Dex Number 377 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Explosion 1 Stomp 9 Rock Throw 17 Curse 25 Superpower 33 AncientPower 41 Iron Defense 49 Charge Beam 57 Lock-On 65 Zap Cannon 73 Stone Edge 81 Hammer Arm 89 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Dig Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Earthquake Thunderbolt Safeguard Sandstorm Explosion Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Stealth Rock Stone Edge Charge Beam Drain Punch Fling Rock Polish Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 408 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x198 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 98 01 Dex Number 376 Evolves From Metang Evolution Criteria Level 45 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 14 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 14 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Take Down 1 Confusion 1 Metal Claw 1 Magnet Rise 20 Confusion 20 Metal Claw 24 Scary Face 28 Pursuit 32 Bullet Punch 36 Psychic 40 Iron Defense 44 Agility 45 Hammer Arm 53 Meteor Mash 62 Zen Headbutt 71 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Sandstorm Explosion Aerial Ace Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Gyro Ball Stealth Rock Flash Cannon Rock Polish Moves (Egg) Move
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 407 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x197 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 97 01 Dex Number 375 Evolves From Beldum Evolution Criteria Level 20 Male Base HP 42 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 14 Female Base HP 42 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 14 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Take Down 1 Confusion 1 Metal Claw 1 Magnet Rise 20 Confusion 20 Metal Claw 24 Scary Face 28 Pursuit 32 Bullet Punch 36 Psychic 40 Iron Defense 44 Agility 48 Meteor Mash 52 Zen Headbutt 56 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Sandstorm Explosion Aerial Ace Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Grass Knot Natural Gift Gyro Ball Stealth Rock Flash Cannon Rock Polish Moves (Egg) Move
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 406 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x196 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 96 01 Dex Number 374 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 46 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 16 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 16 Female Base HP 46 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 16 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 16 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Take Down Moves (TM) Move Moves (Egg) Move
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 405 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x195 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 95 01 Dex Number 373 Evolves From Shelgon Evolution Criteria Level 50 Male Base HP 44 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 23 Female Base HP 44 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 14 Base Sp. Defense 23 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Rage 1 Bite 1 Headbutt 2 Fire Fang 3 Thunder Fang 4 Leer 5 Bite 10 Leer 16 Headbutt 20 Focus Energy 25 Ember 30 Protect 32 DragonBreath 37 Zen Headbutt 43 Scary Face 50 Fly 53 Crunch 61 Dragon Claw 70 Double-Edge 72 Draco Meteor Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Fly Fire Blast Aerial Ace Toxic Dragon Claw Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift Shadow Claw Stone Edge Roost Captivate Dragon Pulse Moves (Egg) Move
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 404 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x194 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 94 01 Dex Number 372 Evolves From Bagon Evolution Criteria Level 30 Male Base HP 45 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 18 Female Base HP 45 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 18 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Rage 1 Bite 1 Headbutt 1 Leer 5 Bite 10 Leer 16 Headbutt 20 Focus Energy 25 Ember 30 Protect 32 DragonBreath 37 Zen Headbutt 43 Scary Face 50 Crunch 55 Dragon Claw 61 Double-Edge 72 Draco Meteor Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Fire Blast Aerial Ace Toxic Dragon Claw Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Shadow Claw Captivate Dragon Pulse Moves (Egg) Move
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 403 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x193 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 93 01 Dex Number 371 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 33 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 7 Female Base HP 33 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 7 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Rage 5 Bite 10 Leer 16 Headbutt 20 Focus Energy 25 Ember 31 DragonBreath 35 Zen Headbutt 40 Scary Face 46 Crunch 50 Dragon Claw 55 Double-Edge 72 Draco Meteor Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Fire Blast Aerial Ace Toxic Dragon Claw Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Shadow Claw Captivate Dragon Pulse Moves (Egg) Move Thrash Twister Hydro Pump Dragon Rage Dragon Dance Shadow Claw Dragon Rush Fire Fang
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 402 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x192 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 92 01 Dex Number 370 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 8 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 8 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 4 Charm 7 Water Gun 9 Agility 14 Take Down 17 Lucky Chant 22 Attract 27 Sweet Kiss 31 Water Pulse 37 Aqua Ring 40 Captivate 46 Flail 51 Safeguard Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psych Up Safeguard Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Brine Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Supersonic Mud Sport Splash Water Sport Aqua Ring Captivate
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 401 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x191 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 91 01 Dex Number 369 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Harden 1 Tackle 8 Water Gun 15 Rock Tomb 22 Yawn 29 Take Down 36 Mud Sport 43 AncientPower 50 Double-Edge 57 Dive 64 Rest 71 Hydro Pump 78 Head Smash Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Psych Up Earthquake Safeguard Sandstorm Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Brine Natural Gift Stealth Rock Stone Edge Captivate Rock Polish Moves (Egg) Move Snore Rock Slide Mud-Slap Amnesia Sleep Talk Magnitude Water Sport Skull Bash Aqua Tail
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 400 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x190 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 90 01 Dex Number 368 Evolves From Clamperl Evolution Criteria Item #142 and Link Cable Male Base HP 29 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 11 Female Base HP 29 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 11 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Whirlpool 6 Confusion 10 Agility 15 Water Pulse 19 Amnesia 24 Aqua Ring 28 Captivate 33 Baton Pass 37 Dive 42 Psychic 46 Aqua Tail 51 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Safeguard Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Brine Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 399 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x18F ID (Hex, Little Endian) 8F 01 Dex Number 367 Evolves From Clamperl Evolution Criteria Item #143 and Link Cable Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Whirlpool 6 Bite 10 Screech 15 Water Pulse 19 Scary Face 24 Ice Fang 28 Brine 33 Baton Pass 37 Dive 42 Crunch 46 Aqua Tail 51 Hydro Pump Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Brine Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 398 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x18E ID (Hex, Little Endian) 8E 01 Dex Number 366 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 35 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 35 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Clamp 1 Iron Defense 1 Water Gun 3 Whirlpool Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Brine Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Confuse Ray Supersonic Mud Sport Body Slam Barrier Refresh Aqua Ring
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 397 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x18D ID (Hex, Little Endian) 8D 01 Dex Number 365 Evolves From Sealeo Evolution Criteria Level 44 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Encore 1 Crunch 1 Powder Snow 1 Growl 2 Water Gun 7 Encore 13 Ice Ball 19 Body Slam 25 Aurora Beam 31 Hail 32 Swagger 39 Snore 39 Rest 44 Ice Fang 52 Blizzard 65 Sheer Cold Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Brine Natural Gift Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 396 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x18C ID (Hex, Little Endian) 8C 01 Dex Number 364 Evolves From Spheal Evolution Criteria Level 32 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Encore 1 Powder Snow 1 Growl 1 Water Gun 7 Encore 13 Ice Ball 19 Body Slam 25 Aurora Beam 31 Hail 32 Swagger 39 Snore 39 Rest 47 Blizzard 55 Sheer Cold Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Brine Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 395 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x18B ID (Hex, Little Endian) 8B 01 Dex Number 363 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 8 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 8 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Powder Snow 1 Growl 1 Defense Curl 3 Water Gun 7 Encore 13 Ice Ball 19 Body Slam 25 Aurora Beam 31 Hail 37 Snore 37 Rest 43 Blizzard 49 Sheer Cold Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Brine Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Yawn Rock Slide Signal Beam Fissure Curse Water Sport
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 394 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x18A ID (Hex, Little Endian) 8A 01 Dex Number 362 Evolves From Snorunt Evolution Criteria Level 42 Male Base HP 41 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 11 Female Base HP 41 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 11 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Double Team 1 Bite 1 Powder Snow 1 Leer 4 Double Team 10 Bite 13 Icy Wind 19 Headbutt 22 Protect 28 Ice Fang 31 Crunch 37 Ice Beam 40 Hail 51 Blizzard 59 Sheer Cold Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Torment Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Earthquake Shadow Ball Safeguard Explosion Taunt Toxic Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact Natural Gift Payback Gyro Ball Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 393 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x189 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 89 01 Dex Number 361 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 32 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 32 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Powder Snow 1 Leer 4 Double Team 10 Bite 13 Icy Wind 19 Headbutt 22 Protect 28 Ice Fang 31 Crunch 37 Ice Shard 40 Hail 46 Blizzard Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Shadow Ball Safeguard Toxic Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move Disable Bide Rollout Block Spikes
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 392 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x188 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 88 01 Dex Number 360 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 33 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 17 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 17 Female Base HP 33 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 17 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 17 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Charm 1 Encore 1 Splash 15 Counter 15 Safeguard 15 Destiny Bond 15 Mirror Coat Moves (TM) Move Moves (Egg) Move
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 391 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x187 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 87 01 Dex Number 359 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 46 Base Attack 25 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 14 Female Base HP 46 Base Attack 25 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 14 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scratch 1 Feint 4 Leer 9 Taunt 12 Quick Attack 17 Razor Wind 20 Pursuit 25 Swords Dance 28 Bite 33 Double Team 36 Slash 41 Future Sight 44 Sucker Punch 49 Detect 52 Night Slash 57 Me First 60 Psycho Cut 65 Perish Song Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Rock Tomb Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Sandstorm Fire Blast Taunt Aerial Ace Swords Dance Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse False Swipe Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Stone Edge Charge Beam Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Mean Look Double-Edge Faint Attack Curse Baton Pass Magic Coat Substitute Punishment Me First Zen Headbutt Assurance Sucker Punch
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 390 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x186 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 86 01 Dex Number 358 Evolves From Chingling Evolution Criteria 100 IQ Points Male Base HP 21 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 21 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 6 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Wrap 6 Growl 9 Astonish 14 Confusion 17 Uproar 22 Take Down 25 Yawn 30 Psywave 33 Double-Edge 38 Heal Bell 41 Safeguard 46 Extrasensory 49 Healing Wish Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Torment Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Safeguard Skill Swap Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Grass Knot Natural Gift Charge Beam Trick Room Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Disable Hypnosis Wish Curse Future Sight Dream Eater
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 389 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x185 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 85 01 Dex Number 357 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 34 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 7 Base Sp. Attack 3 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 34 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 7 Base Sp. Attack 3 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Gust 1 Leer 7 Growth 11 Razor Leaf 17 Stomp 21 Sweet Scent 27 Whirlwind 31 Magical Leaf 37 Body Slam 41 Synthesis 47 Air Slash 51 SolarBeam 57 Natural Gift 61 Leaf Storm Moves (TM) Move Cut Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Giga Drain Silver Wind Endure Earthquake Safeguard SolarBeam Fly Bullet Seed Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Flash Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Defog Grass Knot Natural Gift Roost Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Razor Wind Synthesis Nature Power Headbutt Slam Curse Leech Seed Leaf Blade Leaf Storm
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 388 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x184 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 84 01 Dex Number 356 Evolves From Duskull Evolution Criteria Level 37 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Disable 1 ThunderPunch 1 Bind 2 Gravity 3 Ice Punch 4 Fire Punch 5 Leer 6 Disable 6 Night Shade 9 Foresight 14 Astonish 17 Confuse Ray 22 Shadow Sneak 25 Pursuit 30 Curse 33 Will-O-Wisp 37 Shadow Punch 43 Mean Look 51 Payback 61 Future Sight Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Skill Swap Taunt Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact Embargo Natural Gift Payback Charge Beam Trick Room Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 387 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x183 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 83 01 Dex Number 355 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 9 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Night Shade 1 Leer 6 Disable 9 Foresight 14 Astonish 17 Confuse Ray 22 Shadow Sneak 25 Pursuit 30 Curse 33 Will-O-Wisp 38 Mean Look 41 Payback 46 Future Sight Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Torment Swagger Will-O-Wisp Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Skill Swap Taunt Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Embargo Natural Gift Payback Charge Beam Trick Room Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Pain Split Memento Grudge Faint Attack Imprison Destiny Bond Ominous Wind
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