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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 286 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x11E ID (Hex, Little Endian) 1E 01 Dex Number 258 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 26 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 26 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Growl 6 Mud-Slap 10 Water Gun 15 Bide 19 Foresight 24 Mud Sport 28 Take Down 33 Whirlpool 37 Protect 42 Hydro Pump 46 Endeavor Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Ice Ball Whirlpool Counter Bite AncientPower Uproar Double-Edge Curse Stomp Mirror Coat Refresh Mud Bomb
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 285 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x11D ID (Hex, Little Endian) 1D 01 Dex Number 257 Evolves From Combusken Evolution Criteria Level 36 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Focus Energy 1 Growl 1 Scratch 1 Ember 3 Fire Punch 7 Focus Energy 13 Ember 16 Double Kick 17 Peck 21 Sand-Attack 28 Bulk Up 32 Quick Attack 36 Blaze Kick 42 Slash 49 Brave Bird 59 Sky Uppercut 66 Flare Blitz 72 Blast Burn Moves (TM) Move Dig Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Earthquake SolarBeam Fire Blast Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Bulk Up Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Shadow Claw Stone Edge Poison Jab Fling Captivate Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 284 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x11C ID (Hex, Little Endian) 1C 01 Dex Number 256 Evolves From Torchic Evolution Criteria Level 16 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Focus Energy 1 Growl 1 Scratch 1 Ember 7 Focus Energy 13 Ember 16 Double Kick 17 Peck 21 Sand-Attack 28 Bulk Up 32 Quick Attack 39 Slash 43 Mirror Move 50 Sky Uppercut 54 Flare Blitz Moves (TM) Move Dig Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Fire Blast Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Bulk Up Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Natural Gift Shadow Claw Poison Jab Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 283 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x11B ID (Hex, Little Endian) 1B 01 Dex Number 255 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growl 1 Scratch 7 Focus Energy 10 Ember 16 Peck 19 Sand-Attack 25 Fire Spin 28 Quick Attack 34 Slash 37 Mirror Move 43 Flamethrower Moves (TM) Move Dig Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Fire Blast Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Shadow Claw Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Swagger Rock Slide Counter Reversal SmellingSalt Agility Endure Baton Pass Crush Claw Night Slash Last Resort Feint
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 282 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x11A ID (Hex, Little Endian) 1A 01 Dex Number 254 Evolves From Grovyle Evolution Criteria Level 36 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Absorb 1 Quick Attack 1 Leer 1 Pound 3 Night Slash 6 Absorb 11 Quick Attack 16 X-Scissor 17 Pursuit 23 Screech 29 Leaf Blade 35 Agility 43 Slam 51 Detect 59 False Swipe 67 Leaf Storm 72 Frenzy Plant Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Giga Drain Endure Earthquake Safeguard SolarBeam Bullet Seed Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Dragon Claw Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Roar Protect Substitute False Swipe Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Focus Blast Giga Impact Grass Knot X-Scissor Natural Gift Drain Punch Fling Captivate Dragon Pulse Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 281 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x119 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 19 01 Dex Number 253 Evolves From Treecko Evolution Criteria Level 16 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Absorb 1 Quick Attack 1 Leer 1 Pound 6 Absorb 11 Quick Attack 16 Fury Cutter 17 Pursuit 23 Screech 29 Leaf Blade 35 Agility 41 Slam 47 Detect 53 False Swipe 59 Leaf Storm Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Giga Drain Endure Safeguard SolarBeam Bullet Seed Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute False Swipe Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Grass Knot X-Scissor Natural Gift Drain Punch Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 280 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x118 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 18 01 Dex Number 252 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 3 Base Defense 3 Base Sp. Attack 4 Base Sp. Defense 3 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Leer 1 Pound 6 Absorb 11 Quick Attack 16 Pursuit 21 Screech 26 Mega Drain 31 Agility 36 Slam 41 Detect 46 Giga Drain 51 Energy Ball Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Giga Drain Endure Safeguard SolarBeam Bullet Seed Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Grass Knot Natural Gift Drain Punch Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Crunch Endeavor GrassWhistle Synthesis Mud Sport Double Kick Crush Claw Magical Leaf Leech Seed DragonBreath Worry Seed Leaf Storm
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 279 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x117 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 17 01 Dex Number 251 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Heal Bell 1 Recover 1 Confusion 3 Leech Seed 10 Safeguard 19 Magical Leaf 28 AncientPower 37 Baton Pass 46 Natural Gift 55 Heal Block 64 Future Sight 73 Healing Wish 82 Leaf Storm 91 Perish Song Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Silver Wind Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Safeguard Skill Swap Sandstorm SolarBeam Aerial Ace Swords Dance Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Stealth Rock Charge Beam Trick Room U-turn Fling Moves (Egg) Move
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 278 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x116 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 16 01 Dex Number 251 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Heal Bell 1 Recover 1 Confusion 3 Leech Seed 10 Safeguard 19 Magical Leaf 28 AncientPower 37 Baton Pass 46 Natural Gift 55 Heal Block 64 Future Sight 73 Healing Wish 82 Leaf Storm 91 Perish Song Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Silver Wind Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Safeguard Skill Swap Sandstorm SolarBeam Aerial Ace Swords Dance Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Stealth Rock Charge Beam Trick Room U-turn Fling Moves (Egg) Move
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 277 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x115 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 15 01 Dex Number 250 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 55 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 6 Female Base HP 55 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 9 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 6 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Whirlwind 9 Safeguard 15 Gust 23 Recover 29 Fire Blast 37 Sunny Day 43 Swift 51 Natural Gift 57 AncientPower 65 Extrasensory 71 Punishment 79 Future Sight 85 Sacred Fire 93 Calm Mind 99 Sky Attack Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Giga Drain Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Sandstorm SolarBeam Fly Fire Blast Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Light Screen Secret Power Flash Roar Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift Charge Beam Pluck Roost Moves (Egg) Move
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 276 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x114 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 14 01 Dex Number 249 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 45 Base Attack 23 Base Defense 18 Base Sp. Attack 24 Base Sp. Defense 18 Female Base HP 45 Base Attack 23 Base Defense 18 Base Sp. Attack 24 Base Sp. Defense 18 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Whirlwind 9 Safeguard 15 Gust 23 Recover 29 Hydro Pump 37 Rain Dance 43 Swift 51 Natural Gift 57 AncientPower 65 Extrasensory 71 Punishment 79 Future Sight 85 Aeroblast 93 Calm Mind 99 Sky Attack Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Giga Drain Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Sandstorm Fly Waterfall Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Reflect Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Defog Brine Natural Gift Charge Beam Roost Avalanche Dragon Pulse Moves (Egg) Move
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 275 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x113 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 13 01 Dex Number 248 Evolves From Pupitar Evolution Criteria Level 55 Male Base HP 48 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 48 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Screech 1 Bite 1 Sandstorm 1 Leer 3 Thunder Fang 3 Ice Fang 3 Fire Fang 5 Sandstorm 10 Screech 14 Rock Slide 19 Scary Face 23 Thrash 28 Dark Pulse 34 Payback 41 Crunch 47 Earthquake 54 Stone Edge 70 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Earthquake Thunderbolt Sandstorm Fire Blast Taunt Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Dragon Claw Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Stealth Rock Stone Edge Fling Captivate Avalanche Dragon Pulse Rock Polish Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 274 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x112 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 12 01 Dex Number 247 Evolves From Larvitar Evolution Criteria Level 30 Male Base HP 43 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 43 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Screech 1 Bite 1 Sandstorm 1 Leer 5 Sandstorm 10 Screech 14 Rock Slide 19 Scary Face 23 Thrash 28 Dark Pulse 34 Payback 41 Crunch 47 Earthquake 54 Stone Edge 60 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Dig Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Taunt Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Natural Gift Payback Stealth Rock Stone Edge Captivate Rock Polish Moves (Egg) Move
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 273 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x111 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 11 01 Dex Number 246 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 24 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 24 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 20 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Leer 5 Sandstorm 10 Screech 14 Rock Slide 19 Scary Face 23 Thrash 28 Dark Pulse 32 Payback 37 Crunch 41 Earthquake 46 Stone Edge 50 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Dig Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Taunt Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Natural Gift Payback Stealth Rock Stone Edge Captivate Rock Polish Moves (Egg) Move Pursuit Focus Energy Outrage AncientPower Iron Defense Curse Stomp Dragon Dance Iron Head Assurance
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 272 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x110 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 10 01 Dex Number 245 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 45 Base Attack 7 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 7 Base Sp. Defense 4 Female Base HP 45 Base Attack 7 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 7 Base Sp. Defense 4 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Leer 8 BubbleBeam 15 Rain Dance 22 Gust 29 Aurora Beam 36 Mist 43 Mirror Coat 50 Ice Fang 57 Tailwind 64 Extrasensory 71 Hydro Pump 78 Calm Mind 85 Blizzard Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Hail Cut Swagger Rock Smash Return Double Team Facade Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball Sandstorm Waterfall Toxic Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Reflect Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Brine Natural Gift Avalanche Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 271 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x10F ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0F 01 Dex Number 244 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 42 Base Attack 8 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 42 Base Attack 8 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Leer 8 Ember 15 Roar 22 Fire Spin 29 Stomp 36 Flamethrower 43 Swagger 50 Fire Fang 57 Lava Plume 64 Extrasensory 71 Fire Blast 78 Calm Mind 85 Eruption Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball Sandstorm SolarBeam Fire Blast Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Roar Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Stone Edge Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 270 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x10E ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0E 01 Dex Number 243 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bite 1 Leer 8 ThunderShock 15 Roar 22 Quick Attack 29 Spark 36 Reflect 43 Crunch 50 Thunder Fang 57 Discharge 64 Extrasensory 71 Rain Dance 78 Calm Mind 85 Thunder Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Sandstorm Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Roar Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Charge Beam Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 269 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x10D ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0D 01 Dex Number 242 Evolves From Chansey Evolution Criteria 150 IQ Points Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 8 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 8 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 8 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growl 1 Pound 5 Tail Whip 9 Refresh 12 Softboiled 16 DoubleSlap 20 Minimize 23 Sing 27 Fling 31 Defense Curl 34 Light Screen 38 Egg Bomb 42 Healing Wish 46 Double-Edge Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Sandstorm SolarBeam Fire Blast Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Recycle Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Stealth Rock Charge Beam Drain Punch Fling Captivate Avalanche Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 268 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x10C ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0C 01 Dex Number 241 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 11 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 3 Growl 5 Defense Curl 8 Stomp 11 Milk Drink 15 Bide 19 Rollout 24 Body Slam 29 Zen Headbutt 35 Captivate 41 Gyro Ball 48 Heal Bell 55 Wake-Up Slap Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Sandstorm SolarBeam Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Gyro Ball Stealth Rock Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Reversal Endure Psych Up Double-Edge Seismic Toss Helping Hand Sleep Talk Curse Dizzy Punch Present Hammer Arm Punishment
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 267 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x10B ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0B 01 Dex Number 240 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 32 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 7 Female Base HP 32 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 7 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Smog 1 Leer 7 Ember 10 SmokeScreen 16 Faint Attack 19 Fire Spin 25 Confuse Ray 28 Fire Punch 34 Lava Plume 37 Flamethrower 43 Sunny Day 46 Fire Blast Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Swagger Rock Smash Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Flamethrower Double Team Facade Brick Break Focus Punch Endure Psychic Fire Blast Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Screech ThunderPunch Karate Chop Cross Chop DynamicPunch Barrier Mach Punch Mega Punch Flare Blitz
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 266 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x10A ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0A 01 Dex Number 239 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 28 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 4 Female Base HP 28 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 4 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 4 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Quick Attack 1 Leer 7 ThunderShock 10 Low Kick 16 Swift 19 Shock Wave 25 Light Screen 28 ThunderPunch 34 Discharge 37 Thunderbolt 43 Screech 46 Thunder Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Return Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Focus Punch Endure Psychic Thunderbolt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Charge Beam Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Karate Chop Cross Chop DynamicPunch Barrier Fire Punch Rolling Kick Meditate Ice Punch
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 265 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x109 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 09 01 Dex Number 238 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Pound 5 Lick 8 Sweet Kiss 11 Powder Snow 15 Confusion 18 Sing 21 Mean Look 25 Fake Tears 28 Lucky Chant 31 Avalanche 35 Psychic 38 Copycat 41 Perish Song 45 Blizzard Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Skill Swap Toxic Thief Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Recycle Reflect Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Grass Knot Natural Gift Payback Trick Room Fling Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move Psych Up Wish Fake Out Meditate Ice Punch Miracle Eye
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 264 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x108 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 08 01 Dex Number 237 Evolves From Tyrogue Evolution Criteria Level 20 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 12 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 12 Base Sp. Attack 6 Base Sp. Defense 12 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Rolling Kick 1 Revenge 6 Focus Energy 10 Pursuit 15 Quick Attack 19 Triple Kick 24 Rapid Spin 28 Counter 33 Feint 37 Agility 42 Gyro Ball 46 Detect 51 Close Combat 55 Endeavor Moves (TM) Move Dig Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Aerial Ace Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Bulk Up Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Gyro Ball Stone Edge Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 263 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x107 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 07 01 Dex Number 236 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 42 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 42 Base Attack 17 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 17 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Fake Out 1 Foresight 2 Helping Hand Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Endure Earthquake Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Bulk Up Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move Counter Rapid Spin Mind Reader Helping Hand Hi Jump Kick Mach Punch Vacuum Wave Bullet Punch
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 262 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x106 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 06 01 Dex Number 235 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 24 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 4 Female Base HP 24 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 2 Base Sp. Attack 9 Base Sp. Defense 4 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Sketch 11 Sketch 21 Sketch 31 Sketch 41 Sketch 51 Sketch 61 Sketch 71 Sketch 81 Sketch 91 Sketch Moves (TM) Move Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Moves (Egg) Move
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