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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 536 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x218 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 18 02 Dex Number 487 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 50 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 50 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scary Face 1 DragonBreath 10 Ominous Wind 30 Dragon Claw 40 Shadow Force 50 Heal Block 60 Earth Power 70 Slash 72 Draco Meteor 80 Shadow Claw 90 Aura Sphere Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Silver Wind Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Fly Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Dragon Claw Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Energy Ball Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Stone Edge Charge Beam Dragon Pulse Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 535 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x217 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 17 02 Dex Number 492 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growth 10 Magical Leaf 19 Leech Seed 28 Quick Attack 37 Sweet Scent 46 Natural Gift 55 Worry Seed 64 Air Slash 73 Energy Ball 82 Sweet Kiss 91 Leaf Storm 100 Seed Flare 100 Seed Flare Moves (TM) Move Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure Psychic Psych Up Safeguard SolarBeam Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Moves (Egg) Move
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 534 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x216 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 16 02 Dex Number 492 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Growth 10 Magical Leaf 19 Leech Seed 28 Synthesis 37 Sweet Scent 46 Natural Gift 55 Worry Seed 64 Aromatherapy 73 Energy Ball 82 Sweet Kiss 91 Healing Wish 100 Seed Flare Moves (TM) Move Swagger Return Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure Psychic Psych Up Safeguard SolarBeam Bullet Seed Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Moves (Egg) Move
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 533 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x215 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 15 02 Dex Number 491 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 50 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 50 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Disable 1 Ominous Wind 11 Quick Attack 20 Hypnosis 29 Faint Attack 38 Nightmare 47 Double Team 57 Haze 66 Dark Void 75 Nasty Plot 84 Dream Eater 93 Dark Pulse Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Taunt Aerial Ace Swords Dance Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Flash Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Focus Blast Giga Impact Embargo X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Charge Beam Poison Jab Drain Punch Fling Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 532 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x214 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 14 02 Dex Number 490 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bubble 1 Tail Glow 1 Water Sport 9 Charm 16 Supersonic 24 BubbleBeam 31 Acid Armor 39 Whirlpool 46 Water Pulse 54 Aqua Ring 61 Dive 69 Rain Dance 76 Heart Swap Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Safeguard Skill Swap Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Reflect Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Brine Natural Gift U-turn Fling Moves (Egg) Move
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 531 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x213 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 13 02 Dex Number 489 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 5 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 5 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bubble 1 Water Sport 9 Charm 16 Supersonic 24 BubbleBeam 31 Acid Armor 39 Whirlpool 46 Water Pulse 54 Aqua Ring 61 Dive 69 Rain Dance Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psych Up Safeguard Waterfall Toxic Surf Sleep Talk Rest Secret Power Blizzard Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Grass Knot Brine Natural Gift U-turn Fling Moves (Egg) Move
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 530 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x212 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 12 02 Dex Number 488 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 50 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 20 Female Base HP 50 Base Attack 19 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Double Team 1 Confusion 11 Safeguard 20 Mist 29 Aurora Beam 38 Future Sight 47 Slash 57 Moonlight 66 Psycho Cut 75 Psycho Shift 84 Lunar Dance 93 Psychic Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Safeguard Skill Swap SolarBeam Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Recycle Reflect Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Charge Beam Trick Room Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 529 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x211 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 11 02 Dex Number 487 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 50 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 50 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scary Face 1 DragonBreath 10 Ominous Wind 30 Dragon Claw 40 Shadow Force 50 Heal Block 60 Earth Power 70 Slash 72 Draco Meteor 80 Shadow Claw 90 Aura Sphere Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Silver Wind Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Fly Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Dragon Claw Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Energy Ball Giga Impact Defog Natural Gift Payback Shadow Claw Stone Edge Charge Beam Dragon Pulse Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 528 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x210 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 10 02 Dex Number 486 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 25 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 25 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 ThunderPunch 1 Ice Punch 2 Confuse Ray 4 Knock Off 5 Dizzy Punch 6 Fire Punch 7 Foresight 25 Revenge 50 Zen Headbutt 75 Crush Grip 100 Giga Impact Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Earthquake Thunderbolt Safeguard Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Hyper Beam Secret Power Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Natural Gift Stone Edge Drain Punch Fling Avalanche Rock Polish Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 527 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x20F ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0F 02 Dex Number 485 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 35 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 20 Female Base HP 35 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 AncientPower 9 Leer 17 Fire Fang 25 Metal Sound 33 Crunch 41 Scary Face 49 Lava Plume 57 Fire Spin 65 Iron Head 73 Earth Power 81 Heat Wave 88 Stone Edge 96 Magma Storm Moves (TM) Move Dig Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Overheat Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake SolarBeam Explosion Fire Blast Taunt Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact Natural Gift Payback Stealth Rock Stone Edge Captivate Flash Cannon Dragon Pulse Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 526 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x20E ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0E 02 Dex Number 484 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 55 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 20 Female Base HP 55 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scary Face 1 DragonBreath 10 Water Pulse 20 AncientPower 30 Dragon Claw 40 Spacial Rend 50 Heal Block 60 Earth Power 70 Slash 72 Draco Meteor 80 Aqua Tail 90 Aura Sphere Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psych Up Earthquake Thunderbolt Safeguard Sandstorm Fire Blast Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Dragon Claw Surf Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Bulk Up Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Brine Natural Gift Shadow Claw Stone Edge Trick Room Fling Avalanche Dragon Pulse Moves (Egg) Move
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 525 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x20D ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0D 02 Dex Number 483 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 50 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 20 Female Base HP 50 Base Attack 22 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 25 Base Sp. Defense 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scary Face 1 DragonBreath 10 Metal Claw 20 AncientPower 30 Dragon Claw 40 Roar of Time 50 Heal Block 60 Earth Power 70 Slash 72 Draco Meteor 80 Flash Cannon 90 Aura Sphere Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Cut Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Overheat Return Strength Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Psych Up Earthquake Thunderbolt Safeguard Sandstorm Fire Blast Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Dragon Claw Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Bulk Up Blizzard Flash Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Shadow Claw Stealth Rock Stone Edge Trick Room Flash Cannon Dragon Pulse Moves (Egg) Move
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 524 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x20C ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0C 02 Dex Number 482 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Rest 1 Confusion 6 Imprison 16 Detect 21 Swift 31 Uproar 36 Future Sight 46 Nasty Plot 51 Extrasensory 61 Last Resort 66 Natural Gift 76 Explosion Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Torment Swagger Return Flamethrower Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Sandstorm Explosion Fire Blast Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Payback Stealth Rock Charge Beam Trick Room U-turn Fling Moves (Egg) Move
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 523 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x20B ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0B 02 Dex Number 481 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 13 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Rest 1 Confusion 6 Imprison 16 Protect 21 Swift 31 Lucky Chant 36 Future Sight 46 Charm 51 Extrasensory 61 Copycat 66 Natural Gift 76 Healing Wish Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Sandstorm Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Recycle Reflect Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Stealth Rock Charge Beam Trick Room U-turn Fling Moves (Egg) Move
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 522 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x20A ID (Hex, Little Endian) 0A 02 Dex Number 480 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 10 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Rest 1 Confusion 6 Imprison 16 Endure 21 Swift 31 Yawn 36 Future Sight 46 Amnesia 51 Extrasensory 61 Flail 66 Natural Gift 76 Memento Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Thunder Facade Giga Drain Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Sandstorm SolarBeam Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Calm Mind Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot Natural Gift Stealth Rock Charge Beam Trick Room U-turn Fling Moves (Egg) Move
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 521 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x209 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 09 02 Dex Number 479 Evolves From ?????????? Evolution Criteria N/A Male Base HP 44 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 44 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 8 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 1 ThunderShock 1 Thunder Wave 2 Confuse Ray 3 Trick 8 Uproar 15 Double Team 22 Shock Wave 29 Ominous Wind 36 Substitute 43 Charge 50 Discharge Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Swagger Will-O-Wisp Return Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Light Screen Secret Power Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Natural Gift Charge Beam Moves (Egg) Move
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 520 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x208 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 08 02 Dex Number 478 Evolves From Snorunt Evolution Criteria Item #160 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 17 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 16 Base Defense 17 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 1 Double Team 1 Powder Snow 1 Leer 4 Double Team 10 Astonish 13 Icy Wind 19 Confuse Ray 22 Ominous Wind 28 Wake-Up Slap 31 Captivate 37 Ice Shard 40 Hail 51 Blizzard 59 Destiny Bond Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Hail Torment Swagger Return Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Embargo Natural Gift Payback Fling Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 519 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x207 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 07 02 Dex Number 477 Evolves From Dusclops Evolution Criteria Item #154 and Link Cable Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 15 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Leer 1 Fire Punch 1 Ice Punch 1 Gravity 2 Bind 3 ThunderPunch 6 Disable 6 Night Shade 9 Foresight 14 Astonish 17 Confuse Ray 22 Shadow Sneak 25 Pursuit 30 Curse 33 Will-O-Wisp 37 Shadow Punch 43 Mean Look 51 Payback 61 Future Sight Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Will-O-Wisp Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Skill Swap Taunt Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Focus Blast Giga Impact Embargo Natural Gift Payback Charge Beam Trick Room Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 518 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x206 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 06 02 Dex Number 476 Evolves From Nosepass Evolution Criteria Item #163 Male Base HP 45 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 20 Female Base HP 45 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 20 Base Sp. Attack 16 Base Sp. Defense 20 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Iron Defense 1 Block 1 Gravity 3 Magnet Rise 7 Iron Defense 13 Magnet Bomb 19 Block 25 Thunder Wave 31 Rock Slide 37 Sandstorm 43 Rest 49 Power Gem 55 Discharge 61 Stone Edge 67 Zap Cannon 73 Lock-On 79 Earth Power Moves (TM) Move Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Thunder Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Thunderbolt Sandstorm Explosion Taunt Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Stealth Rock Stone Edge Captivate Flash Cannon Rock Polish Moves (Egg) Move
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 517 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x205 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 05 02 Dex Number 475 Evolves From Kirlia Evolution Criteria Item #160 Male Base HP 40 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 10 Female Base HP 40 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 10 Base Sp. Attack 12 Base Sp. Defense 10 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Double Team 1 Teleport 1 Leer 1 Confusion 3 Night Slash 4 Leaf Blade 6 Confusion 10 Double Team 12 Teleport 17 Fury Cutter 22 Slash 25 Swords Dance 31 Psycho Cut 36 Helping Hand 39 Feint 45 False Swipe 50 Protect 53 Close Combat Moves (TM) Move Rain Dance Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Focus Punch Endure Psychic Psych Up Earthquake Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Safeguard Skill Swap Taunt Aerial Ace Swords Dance Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Bulk Up Flash Protect Substitute False Swipe Calm Mind Hidden Power Attract Frustration Dream Eater Snatch Recycle Reflect Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Focus Blast Giga Impact Grass Knot X-Scissor Natural Gift Stone Edge Charge Beam Poison Jab Trick Room Drain Punch Fling Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 516 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x204 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 04 02 Dex Number 474 Evolves From Porygon2 Evolution Criteria Item #152 and Link Cable Male Base HP 48 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 13 Female Base HP 48 Base Attack 12 Base Defense 11 Base Sp. Attack 15 Base Sp. Defense 13 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 1 Conversion 1 Conversion 2 1 Trick Room 2 Nasty Plot 7 Psybeam 12 Agility 18 Recover 23 Magnet Rise 29 Signal Beam 34 Embargo 40 Discharge 45 Lock-On 51 Tri Attack 56 Magic Coat 62 Zap Cannon 67 Hyper Beam Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Rain Dance Swagger Return Double Team Thunder Facade Endure Psychic Psych Up Shadow Ball Thunderbolt SolarBeam Aerial Ace Shock Wave Thunder Wave Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Flash Protect Substitute Hidden Power Frustration Dream Eater Recycle Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact Embargo Natural Gift Charge Beam Trick Room Moves (Egg) Move
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 515 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x203 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 03 02 Dex Number 473 Evolves From Piloswine Evolution Criteria Level 1 Male Base HP 30 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 15 Female Base HP 30 Base Attack 18 Base Defense 13 Base Sp. Attack 13 Base Sp. Defense 15 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Odor Sleuth 1 AncientPower 1 Powder Snow 1 Peck 4 Mud Sport 8 Powder Snow 13 Mud-Slap 16 Endure 20 Mud Bomb 25 Hail 28 Ice Fang 32 Take Down 33 Double Hit 40 Earthquake 48 Mist 56 Blizzard 65 Scary Face Moves (TM) Move Dig Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Toxic Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Light Screen Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Reflect Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Stealth Rock Stone Edge Captivate Avalanche Rock Climb Moves (Egg) Move
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 514 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x202 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 02 02 Dex Number 472 Evolves From Gligar Evolution Criteria Item #155 and Lunar Ribbon Male Base HP 27 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 9 Female Base HP 27 Base Attack 6 Base Defense 15 Base Sp. Attack 10 Base Sp. Defense 9 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Knock Off 1 Fire Fang 2 Thunder Fang 3 Ice Fang 4 Poison Jab 5 Sand-Attack 9 Harden 12 Knock Off 16 Quick Attack 20 Fury Cutter 23 Faint Attack 27 Screech 31 Night Slash 34 Swords Dance 38 U-turn 42 X-Scissor 45 Guillotine Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Cut Torment Swagger Rock Smash Rock Slide Return Strength Double Team Facade Brick Break Rock Tomb Endure Earthquake Sandstorm Taunt Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Thief Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Steel Wing Secret Power Sludge Bomb Protect Substitute False Swipe Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Dark Pulse Giga Impact Defog X-Scissor Natural Gift Payback Stealth Rock Stone Edge Poison Jab U-turn Fling Roost Captivate Rock Polish Moves (Egg) Move
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 513 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x201 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 01 02 Dex Number 471 Evolves From Eevee Evolution Criteria Item #165 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 3 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 3 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tail Whip 1 Tackle 1 Helping Hand 8 Sand-Attack 15 Icy Wind 22 Quick Attack 29 Bite 36 Ice Shard 43 Ice Fang 50 Last Resort 57 Mirror Coat 64 Hail 71 Blizzard 78 Barrier Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Hail Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Endure Shadow Ball Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Blizzard Roar Protect Substitute Water Pulse Hidden Power Attract Frustration Ice Beam Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Giga Impact Natural Gift Captivate Avalanche Moves (Egg) Move
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky Details See more images ID (Decimal) 512 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x200 ID (Hex, Little Endian) 00 02 Dex Number 470 Evolves From Eevee Evolution Criteria Item #164 Male Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 3 Base Sp. Defense 5 Female Base HP 25 Base Attack 4 Base Defense 5 Base Sp. Attack 3 Base Sp. Defense 5 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tail Whip 1 Tackle 1 Helping Hand 8 Sand-Attack 15 Razor Leaf 22 Quick Attack 29 Synthesis 36 Magical Leaf 43 Giga Drain 50 Last Resort 57 GrassWhistle 64 Sunny Day 71 Leaf Blade 78 Swords Dance Moves (TM) Move Iron Tail Dig Rain Dance Swagger Rock Smash Return Strength Double Team Facade Giga Drain Endure Shadow Ball SolarBeam Bullet Seed Aerial Ace Swords Dance Toxic Sunny Day Sleep Talk Rest Hyper Beam Secret Power Flash Roar Protect Substitute Hidden Power Attract Frustration Wide Slash Vacuum-Cut Energy Ball Giga Impact Grass Knot X-Scissor Natural Gift Captivate Moves (Egg) Move
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