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  1. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Anorith Category Old Shrimp Pokémon Types Ability Battle Armor Hidden Ability Swift Swim Description When restored Anorith are released into the ocean, they don’t thrive, because the water composition has changed since their era. Height 0.7 m (2'4") Weight 12.5 kg (27.6 lbs.) Gender 88.10% ♂ 11.90% ♀ Egg Group Water 3 Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 30 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Erratic Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 71 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 45 0 Attack 95 1 Defense 50 0 Sp. Attack 40 0 Sp. Defense 50 0 Speed 75 0 BST 355 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Anorith   Armaldo Level Up at level 40 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scratch 1 Harden 4 Mud Sport 7 Water Gun 10 Fury Cutter 13 Smack Down 17 Metal Claw 21 Ancient Power 25 Bug Bite 29 Brine 34 Slash 39 Crush Claw 44 X-Scissor 49 Protect 55 Rock Blast Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Frustration Smack Down Return Brick Break Double Team Sandstorm Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round False Swipe Rock Polish Swords Dance Rock Slide X-Scissor Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Rapid Spin                 Knock Off                                 Screech                   Sand Attack                 Cross Poison     Curse           Iron Defense               Water Pulse                       Aqua Jet                    
  2. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Cradily Category Barnacle Pokémon Types Ability Suction Cups Hidden Ability Storm Drain Description Normally, it lived on shallow sea shoals. When the tide went out, this Pokémon came up on land to search for prey. Height 1.5 m (4'11") Weight 60.4 kg (133.2 lbs.) Gender 88.10% ♂ 11.90% ♀ Egg Group Water 3 Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Big Root (5%) Hatch Cycles 30 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Erratic Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 173 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 86 0 Attack 81 0 Defense 97 0 Sp. Attack 81 0 Sp. Defense 107 2 Speed 43 0 BST 495 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Lileep   Cradily Level Up at level 40 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Wring Out 1 Astonish 1 Constrict 1 Acid 1 Ingrain 5 Acid 9 Ingrain 13 Confuse Ray 17 Ancient Power 21 Brine 26 Giga Drain 31 Gastro Acid 36 Amnesia 44 Energy Ball 52 Stockpile 52 Spit Up 52 Swallow 61 Wring Out Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Earthquake Return Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Energy Ball Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Swords Dance Bulldoze Rock Slide Infestation Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Barrier           Recover       Mirror Coat       Wring Out             Tickle                 Curse           Mega Drain     Endure               Stealth Rock (Requires chain breeding)
  3. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Lileep Category Sea Lily Pokémon Types Ability Suction Cups Hidden Ability Storm Drain Description In ancient times, it lived in warm seas. It disguised itself as seaweed to ambush its prey and devoured them whole when they got close. Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 23.8 kg (52.5 lbs.) Gender 88.10% ♂ 11.90% ♀ Egg Group Water 3 Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Big Root (5%) Hatch Cycles 30 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Erratic Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 71 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 66 0 Attack 41 0 Defense 77 0 Sp. Attack 61 0 Sp. Defense 87 1 Speed 23 0 BST 355 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Lileep   Cradily Level Up at level 40 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Astonish 1 Constrict 5 Acid 9 Ingrain 13 Confuse Ray 17 Ancient Power 21 Brine 26 Giga Drain 31 Gastro Acid 36 Amnesia 41 Energy Ball 46 Stockpile 46 Spit Up 46 Swallow 52 Wring Out Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Return Double Team Sludge Bomb Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Energy Ball Rock Polish Swords Dance Rock Slide Infestation Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Barrier           Recover       Mirror Coat       Wring Out             Tickle                 Curse           Mega Drain     Endure               Stealth Rock (Requires chain breeding)
  4. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Claydol Category Clay Doll Pokémon Types Ability Levitate Description If it gets wet, its body melts. When rain starts to fall, it wraps its whole body up with its psychic powers to protect itself. Height 1.5 m (4'11") Weight 108 kg (238.1 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Light Clay (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Black Base Exp 175 Escape Rate 15 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 70 0 Defense 105 0 Sp. Attack 70 0 Sp. Defense 120 2 Speed 75 0 BST 500 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Baltoy   Claydol Level Up at level 36 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Hyper Beam 1 Hyper Beam 1 Teleport 1 Harden 1 Confusion 1 Rapid Spin 4 Rapid Spin 7 Mud-Slap 10 Heal Block 13 Rock Tomb 16 Psybeam 19 Ancient Power 22 Cosmic Power 25 Power Trick 28 Self-Destruct 31 Extrasensory 34 Guard Split 34 Power Split 40 Earth Power 46 Sandstorm 52 Imprison 58 Explosion Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Charge Beam Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Dazzling Gleam Confide
  5. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Baltoy Category Clay Doll Pokémon Types Ability Levitate Description Depictions of Pokémon similar to Baltoy have been found on the walls of caves where primitive humans lived. Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 21.5 kg (47.4 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Light Clay (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 60 Escape Rate 15 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 40 0 Attack 40 0 Defense 55 0 Sp. Attack 40 0 Sp. Defense 70 1 Speed 55 0 BST 300 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Baltoy   Claydol Level Up at level 36 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Harden 1 Confusion 4 Rapid Spin 7 Mud-Slap 10 Heal Block 13 Rock Tomb 16 Psybeam 19 Ancient Power 22 Cosmic Power 25 Power Trick 28 Self-Destruct 31 Extrasensory 34 Guard Split 34 Power Split 37 Earth Power 40 Sandstorm 43 Imprison 46 Explosion Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Charge Beam Explosion Rock Polish Gyro Ball Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Dazzling Gleam Confide
  6. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Crawdaunt Category Rogue Pokémon Types Abilities Hyper Cutter Shell Armor Hidden Ability Adaptability Description Its temperament is rough and it loves to fight, but as soon as its pincers break off, it turns cowardly. It stays timid until they grow back. Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 32.8 kg (72.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Water 1 Water 3 Details Catch Rate 155 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fluctuating Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 164 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 63 0 Attack 120 2 Defense 85 0 Sp. Attack 90 0 Sp. Defense 55 0 Speed 55 0 BST 468 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x0 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Corphish   Crawdaunt Level Up at level 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Swift 1 Swift 1 Bubble 1 Harden 1 Vice Grip 1 Leer 5 Harden 7 Vice Grip 10 Leer 14 Bubble Beam 17 Protect 20 Double Hit 23 Knock Off 26 Night Slash 32 Razor Shell 36 Taunt 40 Swords Dance 43 Crunch 48 Crabhammer 54 Guillotine Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Taunt Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Brick Break Double Team Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round False Swipe Scald Fling Payback Giga Impact Swords Dance Rock Slide X-Scissor Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Snarl Nature Power Dark Pulse Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Mud Sport                                                                                     Endeavor                       Body Slam                                       Ancient Power                                                       Knock Off                                       Superpower                       Metal Claw                       Dragon Dance                     Trump Card       Chip Away           Double-Edge                 Aqua Jet                                                                         Switcheroo                
  7. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Corphish Category Ruffian Pokémon Type Abilities Hyper Cutter Shell Armor Hidden Ability Adaptability Description Individuals that have been set free by Trainers who could no longer raise them have become common, and they can now be found in Alola. Height 0.6 m (1'12") Weight 11.5 kg (25.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Water 1 Water 3 Details Catch Rate 205 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fluctuating Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 62 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 43 0 Attack 80 1 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 35 0 Speed 35 0 BST 308 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Corphish   Crawdaunt Level Up at level 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Bubble 5 Harden 7 Vice Grip 10 Leer 14 Bubble Beam 17 Protect 20 Double Hit 23 Knock Off 26 Night Slash 31 Razor Shell 34 Taunt 37 Swords Dance 39 Crunch 43 Crabhammer 48 Guillotine Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Taunt Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Brick Break Double Team Sludge Bomb Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round False Swipe Scald Fling Payback Swords Dance Rock Slide X-Scissor Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Mud Sport                                                                                     Endeavor                       Body Slam                                       Ancient Power                                                       Knock Off                                       Superpower                       Metal Claw                       Dragon Dance                     Trump Card       Chip Away           Double-Edge                 Aqua Jet                                                                         Switcheroo                
  8. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Whiscash Category Whiskers Pokémon Types Abilities Oblivious Anticipation Hidden Ability Hydration Description Whiscash shakes the ground at high intensities to intimidate its opponents. It swallows its prey whole—along with mud from the swamp floor. Height 0.9 m (2'11") Weight 23.6 kg (52.0 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Water 2 Details Catch Rate 75 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 164 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 110 2 Attack 78 0 Defense 73 0 Sp. Attack 76 0 Sp. Defense 71 0 Speed 60 0 BST 468 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x4 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Barboach   Whiscash Level Up at level 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Thrash 1 Thrash 1 Belch 1 Zen Headbutt 1 Tickle 1 Mud-Slap 1 Mud Sport 1 Water Sport 1 Water Gun 6 Mud Sport 6 Water Sport 9 Water Gun 13 Mud Bomb 15 Amnesia 17 Water Pulse 20 Magnitude 25 Rest 25 Snore 28 Aqua Tail 34 Earthquake 39 Muddy Water 45 Future Sight 52 Fissure Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Double Team Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Giga Impact Stone Edge Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Thrash               Whirlpool                   Spark     Hydro Pump                                   Flail                             Take Down                     Dragon Dance   Earth Power (Requires chain breeding) Mud Shot (Requires chain breeding)             Muddy Water (Requires chain breeding)      
  9. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Barboach Category Whiskers Pokémon Types Abilities Oblivious Anticipation Hidden Ability Hydration Description Its entire body is gooey. When pecked at by bird Pokémon, it slips and slides its way to freedom. Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Water 2 Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Gray Base Exp 58 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 1 Attack 48 0 Defense 43 0 Sp. Attack 46 0 Sp. Defense 41 0 Speed 60 0 BST 288 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x4 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Barboach   Whiscash Level Up at level 30 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Mud-Slap 6 Mud Sport 6 Water Sport 9 Water Gun 13 Mud Bomb 15 Amnesia 17 Water Pulse 20 Magnitude 25 Rest 25 Snore 28 Aqua Tail 32 Earthquake 35 Muddy Water 39 Future Sight 44 Fissure Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hail Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Double Team Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Scald Bulldoze Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Surf Waterfall Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Thrash               Whirlpool                   Spark     Hydro Pump                                   Flail                             Take Down                     Dragon Dance   Earth Power (Requires chain breeding) Mud Shot (Requires chain breeding)             Muddy Water (Requires chain breeding)      
  10. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Solrock Category Meteorite Pokémon Types Ability Levitate Height 1.2 m (3'11") Weight 154 kg (339.5 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 1 Stardust (50%) Held Item 2 Sun Stone (5%) Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 161 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 90 0 Attack 95 2 Defense 85 0 Sp. Attack 55 0 Sp. Defense 65 0 Speed 70 0 BST 460 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Solrock Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Flare Blitz 1 Tackle 1 Harden 1 Confusion 1 Rock Throw 5 Fire Spin 9 Rock Polish 13 Psywave 17 Embargo 21 Rock Slide 25 Cosmic Power 29 Psychic 33 Heal Block 37 Stone Edge 41 Solar Beam 45 Explosion 49 Wonder Room Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Smack Down Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Overheat Charge Beam Will-O-Wisp Acrobatics Embargo Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Confide
  11. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Lunatone Category Meteorite Pokémon Types Ability Levitate Height 1 m (3'3") Weight 168 kg (370.4 lbs.) Gender Genderless Egg Group Mineral Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 1 Stardust (50%) Held Item 2 Moon Stone (5%) Hatch Cycles 25 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Yellow Base Exp 161 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 90 0 Attack 55 0 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 95 2 Sp. Defense 85 0 Speed 70 0 BST 460 Type Effectiveness x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x0.5 x2 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Lunatone Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Power Gem 1 Psyshock 1 Moonblast 1 Tackle 1 Harden 1 Confusion 1 Rock Throw 5 Hypnosis 9 Rock Polish 13 Psywave 17 Embargo 21 Rock Slide 25 Cosmic Power 29 Psychic 33 Heal Block 37 Stone Edge 41 Future Sight 45 Explosion 49 Magic Room Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Smack Down Earthquake Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Round Charge Beam Acrobatics Embargo Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Gyro Ball Psych Up Bulldoze Rock Slide Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Confide
  12. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Seviper Category Fang Snake Pokémon Type Ability Shed Skin Hidden Ability Infiltrator Height 2.7 m (8'10") Weight 52.5 kg (115.7 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Field Dragon Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Shed Shell (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fluctuating Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Black Base Exp 160 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 73 0 Attack 100 1 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 100 1 Sp. Defense 60 0 Speed 65 0 BST 458 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 Evolution Chain Target Method   Seviper Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Wrap 1 Swagger 4 Bite 6 Lick 9 Poison Tail 11 Feint 14 Screech 16 Venoshock 19 Glare 21 Poison Fang 24 Venom Drench 26 Night Slash 29 Gastro Acid 31 Poison Jab 34 Haze 36 Swords Dance 39 Crunch 41 Belch 44 Coil 46 Wring Out Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Protect Rain Dance Frustration Earthquake Return Double Team Sludge Wave Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Brutal Swing Payback Swords Dance Bulldoze X-Scissor Dragon Tail Infestation Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Stockpile                                 Swallow                                 Spit Up                                 Body Slam                                                                                                         Scary Face                                                                                                                                   Assurance                                                                                         Night Slash                                                                                   Switcheroo                             Iron Tail (Requires chain breeding)                                                                                               Wring Out       Punishment                                   Final Gambit                
  13. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Zangoose Category Cat Ferret Pokémon Type Ability Immunity Hidden Ability Toxic Boost Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 40.3 kg (88.8 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Quick Claw (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Erratic Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color White Base Exp 160 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 73 0 Attack 115 2 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 60 0 Sp. Defense 60 0 Speed 90 0 BST 458 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Zangoose Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Scratch 1 Leer 5 Quick Attack 8 Fury Cutter 12 Pursuit 15 Hone Claws 19 Slash 22 Revenge 26 Crush Claw 29 False Swipe 33 Embargo 36 Detect 40 X-Scissor 43 Taunt 47 Swords Dance 50 Close Combat Moves (TM) Move Work Up Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Ice Beam Blizzard Protect Rain Dance Frustration Solar Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Return Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Flamethrower Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast False Swipe Fling Embargo Shadow Claw Payback Swords Dance Rock Slide X-Scissor Poison Jab Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Flail                                                                                                 Double Kick                                                                       Razor Wind               Counter                                                                                               Curse                                                                                                       Fury Swipes                                                                                                                   Night Slash                                                                         Metal Claw                               Double Hit                           Disable                               Iron Tail (Requires chain breeding)                                                                 Final Gambit                 Feint                                                         Quick Guard                                   Belly Drum                          
  14. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Altaria Category Humming Pokémon Types Ability Natural Cure Hidden Ability Cloud Nine Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 20.6 kg (45.4 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Flying Dragon Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Erratic Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 172 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 75 0 Attack 70 0 Defense 90 0 Sp. Attack 70 0 Sp. Defense 105 2 Speed 80 0 BST 490 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x0.25 x1 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Swablu   Altaria Level Up at level 35   Altaria (Mega) Mega evolve with Altarianite Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Dragon Breath 1 Dragon Breath 1 Sky Attack 1 Pluck 1 Peck 1 Growl 1 Astonish 1 Sing 3 Astonish 5 Sing 7 Fury Attack 9 Safeguard 11 Disarming Voice 14 Mist 17 Round 20 Natural Gift 23 Take Down 26 Refresh 30 Dragon Dance 34 Cotton Guard 40 Dragon Pulse 46 Perish Song 52 Moonblast 59 Sky Attack Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Hyper Beam Protect Rain Dance Roost Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Double Team Flamethrower Fire Blast Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Giga Impact Fly Psych Up Bulldoze Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Agility                                                                                     Haze                                             Pursuit                                                     Rage               Feather Dance                                                               Dragon Rush                                 Power Swap     Roost                                                                                         Hyper Voice                 Steel Wing                                                                 Play Rough (Requires chain breeding)      
  15. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Swablu Category Cotton Bird Pokémon Types Ability Natural Cure Hidden Ability Cloud Nine Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 1.2 kg (2.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Flying Dragon Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Erratic Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Blue Base Exp 62 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 45 0 Attack 40 0 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 40 0 Sp. Defense 75 1 Speed 50 0 BST 310 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x2 x0.5 x0 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Swablu   Altaria Level Up at level 35   Altaria (Mega) Mega evolve with Altarianite Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Peck 1 Growl 3 Astonish 5 Sing 7 Fury Attack 9 Safeguard 11 Disarming Voice 14 Mist 17 Round 20 Natural Gift 23 Take Down 26 Refresh 30 Mirror Move 34 Cotton Guard 38 Dragon Pulse 42 Perish Song 46 Moonblast Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Ice Beam Protect Rain Dance Roost Safeguard Frustration Solar Beam Return Double Team Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Echoed Voice Steel Wing Fly Psych Up Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Dazzling Gleam Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Agility                                                                                     Haze                                             Pursuit                                                     Rage               Feather Dance                                                               Dragon Rush                                 Power Swap     Roost                                                                                         Hyper Voice                 Steel Wing                                                                 Play Rough (Requires chain breeding)      
  16. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Cacturne Category Scarecrow Pokémon Types Ability Sand Veil Hidden Ability Water Absorb Height 1.3 m (4'3") Weight 77.4 kg (170.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Grass Human-Like Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Sticky Barb (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 166 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 0 Attack 115 1 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 115 1 Sp. Defense 60 0 Speed 55 0 BST 475 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x4 x0.5 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x0 x2 x1 x0.5 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Cacnea   Cacturne Level Up at level 32 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Spiky Shield 1 Spiky Shield 1 Destiny Bond 1 Revenge 1 Poison Sting 1 Leer 1 Absorb 1 Growth 4 Absorb 7 Growth 10 Leech Seed 13 Sand Attack 16 Needle Arm 19 Feint Attack 22 Ingrain 26 Payback 30 Spikes 35 Sucker Punch 38 Pin Missile 44 Energy Ball 49 Cotton Spore 54 Sandstorm 59 Destiny Bond Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Return Brick Break Double Team Sandstorm Facade Rest Attract Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Embargo Payback Giga Impact Swords Dance Poison Jab Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Grass Whistle                                               Acid         Teeter Dance                               Dynamic Punch                                   Counter                                                           Low Kick                           Smelling Salts                           Magical Leaf                                                         Seed Bomb                                           Nasty Plot                           Disable               Block       Worry Seed                                                               Switcheroo           Fell Stinger (Requires chain breeding)     Belch               Rototiller       Power-Up Punch                      
  17. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Cacnea Category Cactus Pokémon Type Ability Sand Veil Hidden Ability Water Absorb Height 0.4 m (1'4") Weight 51.3 kg (113.1 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Grass Human-Like Details Catch Rate 190 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Sticky Barb (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 35 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 67 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 85 0 Defense 40 0 Sp. Attack 85 1 Sp. Defense 40 0 Speed 35 0 BST 335 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 x0.5 x0.5 x0.5 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Cacnea   Cacturne Level Up at level 32 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Poison Sting 1 Leer 4 Absorb 7 Growth 10 Leech Seed 13 Sand Attack 16 Needle Arm 19 Feint Attack 22 Ingrain 26 Payback 30 Spikes 34 Sucker Punch 38 Pin Missile 42 Energy Ball 46 Cotton Spore 50 Sandstorm 54 Destiny Bond Moves (TM) Move Toxic Venoshock Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Frustration Solar Beam Return Brick Break Double Team Sandstorm Facade Rest Attract Round Energy Ball Fling Payback Swords Dance Poison Jab Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Nature Power Dark Pulse Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Grass Whistle                                               Acid         Teeter Dance                               Dynamic Punch                                   Counter                                                           Low Kick                           Smelling Salts                           Magical Leaf                                                         Seed Bomb                                           Nasty Plot                           Disable               Block       Worry Seed                                                               Switcheroo           Fell Stinger (Requires chain breeding)     Belch               Rototiller       Power-Up Punch                      
  18. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Flygon Category Mystic Pokémon Types Ability Levitate Description By flapping their wings, Flygon cause sandstorms that conceal Krookodile. The team then splits the prey they catch. Height 2 m (6'7") Weight 82 kg (180.8 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Bug Details Catch Rate 45 Evo Stage 3 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 234 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 100 1 Defense 80 0 Sp. Attack 80 0 Sp. Defense 80 0 Speed 100 2 BST 520 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Trapinch   Vibrava Level Up at level 35   Flygon Level Up at level 45 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Dragon Claw 1 Dragon Claw 1 Dragon Breath 1 Dragon Dance 1 Sand Attack 1 Sonic Boom 1 Feint Attack 1 Bide 5 Mud-Slap 8 Bulldoze 12 Sand Tomb 15 Rock Slide 19 Supersonic 22 Screech 26 Earth Power 29 Dragon Tail 33 Earthquake 36 Sandstorm 40 Uproar 43 Hyper Beam 47 Dragon Rush Moves (TM) Move Dragon Claw Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Roost Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Aerial Ace Facade Rest Attract Round Steel Wing Brutal Swing Giga Impact Stone Edge Fly Bulldoze Rock Slide Dragon Tail Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Focus Energy             Quick Attack                         Gust                         Flail                           Fury Cutter                               Mud Shot (Requires chain breeding)           Endure                                                   Earth Power (Requires chain breeding) Bug Bite                                                                                                       Signal Beam                      
  19. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Vibrava Category Vibration Pokémon Types Ability Levitate Description It vibrates its wings to generate ultrasonic waves, causing its prey to faint. Then it buries the prey alive in the sand to preserve it. Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 15.3 kg (33.7 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Bug Details Catch Rate 120 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Green Base Exp 119 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 50 0 Attack 70 1 Defense 50 0 Sp. Attack 50 0 Sp. Defense 50 0 Speed 70 1 BST 340 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0 x1 x4 x2 x1 x2 Evolution Chain Target Method   Trapinch   Vibrava Level Up at level 35   Flygon Level Up at level 45 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Dragon Breath 1 Dragon Breath 1 Sand Attack 1 Sonic Boom 1 Feint Attack 1 Bide 5 Mud-Slap 8 Bulldoze 12 Sand Tomb 15 Rock Slide 19 Supersonic 22 Screech 26 Earth Power 29 Bug Buzz 33 Earthquake 36 Sandstorm 40 Uproar 43 Hyper Beam 47 Boomburst Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Roost Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Double Team Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Steel Wing Fly Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk U-turn Substitute Confide Moves (Tutor) Move Draco Meteor Moves (Egg) Move Parents Focus Energy             Quick Attack                         Gust                         Flail                           Fury Cutter                               Mud Shot (Requires chain breeding)           Endure                                                   Earth Power (Requires chain breeding) Bug Bite                                                                                                       Signal Beam                      
  20. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Trapinch Category Ant Pit Pokémon Type Abilities Hyper Cutter Arena Trap Hidden Ability Sheer Force Description Its jaws are strong enough to crush rocks but so heavy that it can’t get up if it flips over. Sandile seize those moments as their chance. Height 0.7 m (2'4") Weight 15 kg (33.1 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Bug Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 1 Held Item 2 Soft Sand (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Slow Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 58 Escape Rate 9 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 45 0 Attack 100 1 Defense 45 0 Sp. Attack 45 0 Sp. Defense 45 0 Speed 10 0 BST 290 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0 x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Trapinch   Vibrava Level Up at level 35   Flygon Level Up at level 45 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Sand Attack 1 Bite 1 Feint Attack 1 Bide 5 Mud-Slap 8 Bulldoze 12 Sand Tomb 15 Rock Slide 19 Dig 22 Crunch 26 Earth Power 29 Feint 33 Earthquake 36 Sandstorm 40 Superpower 43 Hyper Beam 47 Fissure Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Double Team Sandstorm Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Round Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Focus Energy             Quick Attack                         Gust                         Flail                           Fury Cutter                               Mud Shot (Requires chain breeding)           Endure                                                   Earth Power (Requires chain breeding) Bug Bite                                                                                                       Signal Beam                      
  21. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Spinda Category Spot Panda Pokémon Type Abilities Own Tempo Tangled Feet Hidden Ability Contrary Description Its steps are shaky and stumbling. Walking for a long time makes it feel sick. Height 1.1 m (3'7") Weight 5 kg (11.0 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Groups Field Human-Like Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 15 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 126 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 60 0 Defense 60 0 Sp. Attack 60 1 Sp. Defense 60 0 Speed 60 0 BST 360 Type Effectiveness x1 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Spinda Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Tackle 5 Copycat 10 Feint Attack 14 Psybeam 19 Hypnosis 23 Dizzy Punch 28 Sucker Punch 32 Teeter Dance 37 Uproar 41 Psych Up 46 Double-Edge 50 Flail 55 Thrash Moves (TM) Move Work Up Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Protect Rain Dance Safeguard Frustration Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Rock Tomb Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Fling Psych Up Rock Slide Dream Eater Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Wild Charge Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Encore                                                                                             Assist                                     Disable                                               Baton Pass                                                                 Wish                                           Trick                             Smelling Salts                                                 Fake Out                                                                                             Role Play                               Psycho Cut                   Fake Tears                                                                                   Rapid Spin                         Icy Wind                                     Water Pulse                           Psycho Shift (Requires chain breeding)           Guard Split                 Spotlight (Requires chain breeding)
  22. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Grumpig Category Manipulate Pokémon Type Abilities Thick Fat Own Tempo Hidden Ability Gluttony Height 0.9 m (2'11") Weight 71.5 kg (157.6 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 60 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Purple Base Exp 165 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 80 0 Attack 45 0 Defense 65 0 Sp. Attack 90 0 Sp. Defense 110 2 Speed 80 0 BST 470 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Spoink   Grumpig Level Up at level 32 Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Teeter Dance 1 Teeter Dance 1 Belch 1 Splash 1 Psywave 1 Odor Sleuth 1 Psybeam 7 Psywave 10 Odor Sleuth 14 Psybeam 15 Psych Up 18 Confuse Ray 21 Magic Coat 26 Zen Headbutt 29 Power Gem 35 Rest 35 Snore 42 Psyshock 46 Payback 52 Psychic 60 Bounce Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Hyper Beam Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Psychic Shadow Ball Brick Break Double Team Reflect Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Focus Blast Energy Ball Fling Charge Beam Payback Giga Impact Thunder Wave Psych Up Bulldoze Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Future Sight                         Extrasensory                                   Trick (Requires chain breeding)                 Zen Headbutt                               Amnesia                                                                         Mirror Coat             Skill Swap       Whirlwind               Lucky Chant               Endure                                                                                                         Simple Beam (Requires chain breeding)              
  23. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Spoink Category Bounce Pokémon Type Abilities Thick Fat Own Tempo Hidden Ability Gluttony Height 0.7 m (2'4") Weight 30.6 kg (67.5 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 255 Evo Stage 1 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Black Base Exp 66 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 60 0 Attack 25 0 Defense 35 0 Sp. Attack 70 0 Sp. Defense 80 1 Speed 60 0 BST 330 Type Effectiveness x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x2 x1 Evolution Chain Target Method   Spoink   Grumpig Level Up at level 32 Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Splash 7 Psywave 10 Odor Sleuth 14 Psybeam 15 Psych Up 18 Confuse Ray 21 Magic Coat 26 Zen Headbutt 29 Power Gem 29 Rest 33 Snore 38 Psyshock 40 Payback 44 Psychic 50 Bounce Moves (TM) Move Psyshock Calm Mind Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Taunt Light Screen Protect Rain Dance Frustration Return Psychic Shadow Ball Double Team Reflect Torment Facade Rest Attract Thief Round Charge Beam Payback Thunder Wave Psych Up Dream Eater Grass Knot Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Trick Room Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Future Sight                         Extrasensory                                   Trick (Requires chain breeding)                 Zen Headbutt                               Amnesia                                                                         Mirror Coat             Skill Swap       Whirlwind               Lucky Chant               Endure                                                                                                         Simple Beam (Requires chain breeding)              
  24. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Torkoal Category Coal Pokémon Type Abilities White Smoke Drought Hidden Ability Shell Armor Description You can tell how it’s feeling by the smoke spouting from its shell. Tremendous velocity is a sign of good health. Height 0.5 m (1'8") Weight 80.4 kg (177.3 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 90 Evo Stage 2 Held Item 2 Charcoal (5%) Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 1 Forme Sprite 0 Color Brown Base Exp 165 Escape Rate 6 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 0 Attack 85 0 Defense 140 2 Sp. Attack 85 0 Sp. Defense 70 0 Speed 20 0 BST 470 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x2 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 x1 x1 x0.5 Evolution Chain Target Method   Torkoal Moves (Level Up) Level Move 1 Ember 4 Smog 7 Withdraw 10 Rapid Spin 13 Fire Spin 15 Smokescreen 18 Flame Wheel 22 Curse 25 Lava Plume 27 Body Slam 30 Protect 34 Flamethrower 38 Iron Defense 40 Amnesia 42 Flail 45 Heat Wave 47 Shell Smash 50 Inferno Moves (TM) Move Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Double Team Flamethrower Sludge Bomb Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Flame Charge Rest Attract Round Overheat Will-O-Wisp Explosion Giga Impact Stone Edge Gyro Ball Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Nature Power Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Eruption         Endure                                                                                                           Sleep Talk                                                                                               Yawn                                                                                                             Fissure                                       Skull Bash (Requires chain breeding)                   Flame Burst                                   Clear Smog (Requires chain breeding)         Superpower                            
  25. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky See more images Pokédex Name Camerupt Category Eruption Pokémon Types Abilities Magma Armor Solid Rock Hidden Ability Anger Point Height 1.9 m (6'3") Weight 220 kg (485.0 lbs.) Gender 50.00% ♂ 50.00% ♀ Egg Group Field Details Catch Rate 150 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Friendship 70 Exp Growth Medium-Fast Forme Count 2 Forme Sprite 0 Color Red Base Exp 161 Escape Rate 0 Local Variant False Stats Base EV Yield HP 70 0 Attack 100 1 Defense 70 0 Sp. Attack 105 1 Sp. Defense 75 0 Speed 40 0 BST 460 Type Effectiveness x1 x1 x1 x0.5 x2 x1 x0.5 x1 x0.5 x0.5 x4 x1 x0 x1 x1 x1 x1 x0.5 Evolution Chain Target Method   Numel   Camerupt Level Up at level 33   Camerupt (Mega) Mega evolve with Cameruptite Moves (Level Up) Level Move With Evolution Rock Slide 1 Rock Slide 1 Fissure 1 Eruption 1 Growl 1 Tackle 1 Ember 1 Focus Energy 8 Ember 8 Focus Energy 12 Magnitude 15 Flame Burst 19 Amnesia 22 Lava Plume 26 Earth Power 29 Curse 31 Take Down 39 Yawn 46 Earthquake 52 Eruption 59 Fissure Moves (TM) Move Roar Toxic Hidden Power Sunny Day Hyper Beam Protect Frustration Solar Beam Earthquake Return Double Team Flamethrower Sandstorm Fire Blast Rock Tomb Facade Flame Charge Rest Attract Round Echoed Voice Overheat Will-O-Wisp Explosion Giga Impact Rock Polish Stone Edge Bulldoze Rock Slide Swagger Sleep Talk Substitute Flash Cannon Nature Power Confide Moves (Egg) Move Parents Howl                                                             Scary Face                                                                                       Body Slam                                                                                   Rollout                                                                   Defense Curl                                                                             Stomp                                 Yawn                                                                                                           Ancient Power                         Mud Bomb                                   Heat Wave                                   Stockpile                               Swallow                               Spit Up                               Endure                                                                                                         Iron Head             Growth               Heavy Slam                  
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