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Everything posted by BlackPyoVic

  1. I'm from Spain and I'm going to GAME tomorrow to grab one Lycanroc... Can I help in any way?
  2. It looks like it will be distributed on Spain at GAME starting from May 5th too. Source: Serebii.net
  3. I don't know the exact error, but you can fix it by changing the ability to Aura Break (1).
  4. I have a question about these new files. If you import them directly in a Sun/Moon save file, it will be met the day you import the file. Does it make illegal? Should you correct the date with the original date meeting? For example, if you import a Faraway Island Mew today, it will be met today. Should I change it to the date that it was obtainable?
  5. I don't know if this would help but one of my friends changed the language of the game, exported and played, then returned to the original language and he got banned. So that's considered a big modification. I've also heard that starting a new game, getting a new Game Sync and using it with your old save file would unban you.
  6. Hello! Some things that used to be legal in 6th gen are marked as illegal in the last pkhex updates. For example, Caterpie, Weedle and their evolutions are considered illegal if they are in a Dream Ball, which is supposed to be legal. 010 ★ - Caterpie - B69E4EDFB05F.pk7 013 ★ - Weedle - 95154EDFB05F.pk7
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