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  1. @theSLAYER Here, a pic of this R4 hardware. I am trying YSmenu but doesn't open, frozen on "Loading..." when launch R4. Maybe I didn't make right... I will try again.
  2. I use a Mario & Ligui PiT. .nds & .sav files from R4. And works really well on DeSmuME. Then i create a second game on the same .sav file. And WITHOUT convert, just export from DeSmuME to Raw. Works. I am trying with more games. I think it is just pokemon...
  3. Okay, i tried to do all that, but nothing works... Installing the updates of R4, only works with clone card firmware, tried to open "Wood R4.nds" it runs, but cannot open the SDcard to see files (Still cannot run Black2). The R4 Saves files exported from the converter to DeSmuME ".dsv" looks like there is no way to open those, i tried -R4 to DeSmuME-, -Raw to DeSmuME- & -R4 to Raw-. Nothing works. This is getting really complicated, i organized the folders on the same link to get less confusion. Except I think the said "corrupt saves" work properly on the R4, while normal raw saves could not be imported into then R4. But in the R4 .sav files created by the card, works well, not in DeSmuME, and vice versa. The DeSmuME .sav files works well on it, but not in R4. SoulSilver save file works well on R4, platinum too... Maybe this is a problem by the R4 at all... Maybe I need to buy a new one... Do you guys know which R4 are the best option? or some good Flashcard?
  4. Well. There is a little detail i forgot to mention... The pokemon black 2 seems that cannot run on this R4, (but it can runs the others rooms). I upload a save file of Pokemon platinum & pokemon SoulSilver running from this R4. I also uploaded the save file of the Black 2 (all in the same link), but seems that is frozen on "Loading..." screen (probably because is a some old R4). The .sav file from R4 does not work with DeSmuMe https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByUuITTisD78dWFwajhSTFVhYkE I also upload the pictures of the settings when i can select the save file type. And yes, i have some games with 4MB save file size (on the settings, like pokemon platinum) but those games has a 256KB or 512KB files of the .sav
  5. Oh, yes. I moved to 512K because it was on 4M. I wasn't aware of this option. When i moved and save, i re-copy .sav files, but didn't work.
  6. Rooms removed. I already create a folder on the same link (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByUuITTisD78dWFwajhSTFVhYkE) where are a pictures of all settings and one of the physical R4. Yes, before i posted, i tried to open on check saves (like the ones that you mention it) and work really well I think this may be problem of the R4, not the .sav or rooms. I already try to use the direct exported Raw save file from DeSmuMe, didn't work. I can upload a .sav file created from this R4 if can help to this. Thanks
  7. Hi, I need to say thank you because all of this post & contributions for this program I have an issue, and i hope here you can help me. I have .sav files that wasn't been used in years, so i don't remember which format are they. I open those ".sav" files from DeSmuMe and their respective games and works well. The problem is when i try to use those ".sav" file to R4 card doesn't work. I already try to convert to R4 files from this program (but i don't know exactly which format is originally, so it probably never worked without that info). So, I load ".sav" files to DeSmuMe and Export to ".dsv"(DeSmuMe) & ".sav"(Raw Save File) and i tried to convert those save files to R4 ".sav" But never worked. In the screen on the game it appears like a new game, like if the ".sav" doesn't have any data saved. I think this could happened because the ".sav" file & the game (".nds") are in different language. (".sav" file is spanish & ".nds" is english and vice versa). But i need your help. I'll try to download the ".nds" in the original language to see if the problem get solved, but in DeSmuMe it work well with the same ".nds" and ".sav". Here are all the files that i been using. (in all my tries, the name of the ".nds" and ".sav" was the same (pokemon platino.nds & pokemon platino.sav or english version)) Link: https://drive google.com/open?id=0ByUuITTisD78dWFwajhSTFVhYkE So I wait for answers, Thanks
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