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Everything posted by dani-bit

  1. I'm working in a save editor for gen3 games and i'm having trouble with the pkm checksums. I'm using MILOTIC.bin as example/test, it's saved checksum is 0x3408 and the one i calculate is 0x3A02 This is the function I'm using to calculate the checksum: public function calcDataChecksum():UInt { var sum:UInt = 0x00; for (i in 0...24) { var pos = i * 2; sum += [this.data[pos], this.data[pos+1]].toUInt16(); } // truncate to 16-bit sum = sum & 0xFFFF; return sum; } And this is how i'm unencrypting the data: public function decryptData(key:UInt):Array<UInt> { var newData:Array<UInt> = []; // data offset at 32 var offset = 32; var ar = key.fromUInt32(); for (i in 0...48) { newData.push(this.pkm[offset+i] ^ ar[i%4]); } return newData; } Can someone help me find what i'm doing wrong? Thanks
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