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Posts posted by Poryhack

  1. So, PBR does encryption then?...

    FYI, Poryhack, there is some Wii homebrew that can extract Wii save data in an unencrypted format whether you are normally able to back it up or not so, in this case, we'd only have to worry about breaking the encryption on PBR, not the Wii itself...

    Either that or we could use Gecko OS to create a code save data WITHOUT the encryption... (Before you question the plausibility of it, look into the Brawl SD loader code to see what is possible through RAM hacking...)

    Indeed. I used that app to retrieve my PBR save from my Wii's NAND.

  2. I've looked at the PBR save for just long enough to figure out that it is encrypted. One would have to figure out the encryption scheme before having any chance of locating pokemon data.

    Note that this encryption is on top of encryption that the Wii does every time it copies a save to the SD slot. That particular encryption can be bypassed by just retrieving the save from NAND, but as I said, the PBR save is encrypted there as well.

  3. Alright, interesting stuff. I'm considering getting one of those USB save adapters (unless there's a better alternative) so I can fiddle around with the pokewalker after the US release. Looks like there's lots to big figured out.

  4. Great guide! Honestly did not know much of that until now.

    Just a couple questions: Counting pokemon sent from HG/SS and ones caught on the walker, a maximum of 4 can be stored? Also, where can you select pokemon from when sending them to the walker? Boxes? Party?

    Although I doubt you'd know this one, have you seen anything that would indicate the full PKM file is sent to the pokewalker, as opposed to just the important bits and pieces?

  5. Hey all, with HG and SS coming out in about a month now, this is a big question to me and probably many others who'd like to get saves to and from their retail HG/SS cards once they come out.

    As far as I know there are no DS homebrew apps to do the trick (which is a big bummer seeing as that's the free option). There is at least one device, which supposedly DOES work with these IR cards, that connects a DS game to a computer via USB to dump saves.

    So, is that it? I'm wondering if there are any other options that are escaped me. If not I suppose I will shell out for one of these pieces of hardware.

  6. Getting nervous over what? I wish people would stop acting like the Pokemon Police will come after them for hacking their game. You have every right to do whatever you want with your save file.

    And if you're worried about it because you're entering some contest, you ought to be. Don't expect that you can use pokesav to gain an advantage over other players.

  7. When I am in the NDS filesystem explorer, I don't see any button to decompress overlay9_0074.bin

    And what is the UPS patch for? To patch the overlay or to patch the rom?

    I take it you edited this post? Because when I replied to it it was something about my link to the download.

    To answer your new questions: don't worry about a decompress option. The patch is designed to work with a compressed (not decompressed) overlay file (not an entire ROM), and as such you'll only make use of the export and import options.

    It doesn't work.

    I don't get any option to decompress the file when in the NDS filesystem viewer.

    However, it lets me patch overlay9_0074.bin using the UPS patch.

    I import back the overlay9_0074.bin into the rom, but I cannot save it.

    When I close CrystalTile2, I get what seems to be a popup asking me to save the file, so I press Yes.

    But now the rom crashes after the Lugia screen.

    Nevermind. For some reason, when I went in Tools to go to NDS filesystem viewer, I couldn't save.

    However, when clicking on the button you showed in the video, it lets me save.

    Let's see if it works.

    Edit: Still doesn't work. Crashes after the titlescreen, like pretty much everyone else there.

    I don't think anyone else has followed my instructions to get the latest version of CrystalTile2. I tried it with the version you're using and got the same back screen.

    Since the author of the program is not making a download available I suppose I'll upload my copy. Once you have that everything should work.

  8. Not sure if you tried this back when I first posted it but the link in the first post was a direct download link to the latest version. Now it redirects to another page, which links to a blog post, which links back to what's supposed to be the download but fails because that now redirects to the original page, starting the chain over again. If I knew the author and/or understood chinese I might be able to tell you what's going on, but I don't and I have no clue.

    Sometime I really wish we didn't depend on weirdo Asian people for our best tools.

    Clearly several changes need to be made to the procedures, so I'll get on that.

  9. Here is the Legit PCD and PGT of my Pikachu colored Pichu.


    And here is a bonus pic of the "Confidential Distribution Manual" that Nintendo sent them.


    When I walked in I asked them about the distribution and they said "Oh is that today?" and saw them pull the distro cart out of their drawer, and unwrap it. It said "Pichu Distribution Only" and I did not get a pic of that unfortunately, but did get a pic of the manual, since they had to read it to figure out that they had to press the a button to start the distro.

    Did you happen to notice where they put the DS once the distribution was running?

  10. Actually I found a program which allows me to create fonts, it took me a half day to get that application working :P

    I've completed the alphanumeric symbols (foreground), but the Japanese will take some time. Not to forget the Korean...

    After that I need to add the background of each char in a seperate font. I saw that just shifting the text 1 px right en 1px px down won't create the same texts as ingame.

    By the way, has somebody noticed that the En/Fr/Ge/It/Jp/Sp save files won't work on the Korean games? I tried to get the texts from the Wonder Card, but since it didn't work I don't have any strings to add. I'm not trying to play the game all the way in Korean because I don't exactly know when the Mystery Gift is activated.

    What did you mean about Sabresite? Has he only done some research to it or has he created the font itself? If the latter, it would spare me much time :)

    Either way, I'll ask him what he knows.

    Oh, a bit off topic, but why does doubleclicking the icon of this thread closes it? I just figured that out a couple of minutes ago xD

    I've already opened it again just by doubleclicking it again, but if someone won't notice this doubleclicking it will leave his thread closed. Well, for me it probably only works on my own thread, but it's still weird :S


    Yeah there is a font, haha. Sorry you had to waste your time doing it manually. kazumi213 did some kind of black magic and got a complete typeface in TTF format. You can find it here. It doesn't include the dropshadow. I also noticed that just shifting the font doesn't result in a perfect reconstruction but IMO it's close enough to not warrant a whole new font.

    And yeah, Korean save files are not compatible like the other languages. Don't take my word for it here, but I swear that the wonder card offsets were the same. (Despite some other things obviously being different.)

  11. Well actually there's nothing to google. If you try migrating from a retail GBA game to D/P/Pt running on your slot-1 card it will work fine. Having a slot-2 card actually only complicates the process, so no need to get one of those. =)

    You can backup and restore saves on your retail GBA games via a slot-1 homebrew app called GBA Backup Tool (author is Rudolph). After you have the save with the pokemon you want migrating is no different than if you had a retail 4th gen game, as I said.

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