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Posts posted by Poryhack

  1. It's easier to use a NDS Adaptor Plus than to break apart your game (kidding about the breaking part, it's not hard to take apart DS carts without breaking them if you have something like a thumb tack).

    I've done it with a thumbnail. =P

  2. It might do something along the lines of the friend code. Such as the same game cart giving different results depending on the DS it's in. Suppose that's something to try. Ihave 2 of each game with my kids copies included, but I have no way to backup/clone anything since the ARDSi isn't working with the HGSS carts.

    I actually tried that; it's not the case. Specifically, I put my brother's game into my DS (he plays on his own DSi) and was able to do a transfer with his pokewalker.

    Hopefully an update for the DSi comes out but I'm skeptical. A flashcard app is more likely, do you have a flashcard?

  3. Well, I was poking around with the identification thing more and came up against a problem which I find rather odd. I cloned my brother's HG save file onto my SS card thinking that it would let me connect to his pokewalker. Turns out it didn't. I got the usual "This is not the registered Pokewalker." message.

    What that means is that the pokewalker checks for more than just some kind of ID in the save. In this case it seems it's looking at the version (HG vs SS). Unfortunately I don't have access to more than one of either SS or HG so I can't see what the results would be had I done the same thing with two HeartGold cards. My guess is that it would work flawlessly though; I simply don't know what else, independent of the save file, they could be checking.

  4. hello im new to this. i have a question about the pokewalker too.

    my little sister started the soul silver game for me and she chose the girl and named her.

    i didnt let it bother me before but i just saw the "pokesav" in this website and i saw that the name and gender can be changed.

    if i do decide to change it with the Action Replay will my pokewalker still work with my game?

    I'm gonna guess yes. Changing the ID or SID could cause problems though.

  5. I know most of you can't mess with saves on your retail cards yet (and by extension can't do editing that requires a pokewalker), but it sounds like you may not be waiting much longer. I shelled out for a hardware dumper however and took a stab at finding the offsets relevant to the pokewalker.

    Here's a dump of the notes I've taken, offsets in hex from beginning of the current block:

    e5dc - 02 when a pokemon is on the walker, 01 when not?

    e5e0-e667 - pokemon sent to pokewalker (136 byte encrypted as usual)

    e6d4 - course selected

    e704-e707 - steps taken to date

    e708-e70b - watts

    e70c-e70f - courses unlocked bitfield (27 courses total)

    I've noticed the addresses e5de and e700 changing as well, but haven't figured out how they're relevant.

    I can't promise that this list is every address related to the pokewalker, but I've covered the major stuff. One thing I'd like to know more about is if there's any kind of unique pokewalker-ID stored in the save to tie one game to one walker. (Seems the identification information is stored on the pokewalker side; my guess it it's just the ID, SID, or both of the current player.)


  6. The Acekard2(i) and Cyclo were the only cards playing HGSS flawlessly on release. That says a lot right there as far as what to buy. The Acekard is oodles cheaper and works on the DSi (if you pay the extra few bucks for that model) and the Cyclo does not. On the other hand the Cyclo has more features.

  7. This is crazy stuff. I understand that you guys are rerouting network traffic to your DS via your router in order to trick the game into thinking that your computer is a GTS server. Is it possible to connect to other people's GTS servers, ones that are not in your network? It would be very useful for non-real time trading.

    I think so, said person would have to be running a webserver though.

    On that note, wouldn't it be possible to set up a public DNS, one that just reroutes traffic for the GTS server and points all other urls to another public DNS? Then any DS could access the private GTS server just by changing its DNS settings. Not everyone can or is willing to change their router DNS, and this would be a universal solution.

    Nobody has to mess with their router with LordLandon's current method though... Unless you mean WifFi Connector users like myself...

  8. 2.c. Installing the Trainer Software

    Insert the Trainer Software CD into your drive and wait for the installation to auto-run. If autorun

    is not enabled on your PC, browse to the CD and double-click the SETUP file.

    Follow the onscreen prompts to install the Trainer Software on your PC. Once set-up is

    complete, you have a new program folder, ‘Datel > Trainer Toolkit’. If opted for during

    installation, a program icon for ‘Trainer Toolkit’ appears on your desktop.

    Driver Installation

    The drivers for the Trainer Board are included on the installation CD, but are not automatically

    installed by Windows.

    When you connect the Trainer Board to your PC, you’re prompted to install the drivers. To do

    so, direct Windows to the Trainer Software CD, which you should leave in your drive during

    this process.

    Does that help at all?

    It's possible that they don't offer 64bit drivers, in which case you're really out of luck.

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