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About DJZangoose

  • Birthday 08/24/2000
  1. I'd say R.I.P. my shinies, legends, shiny legends, Special Attacking Flareon, memories, etc. but thanks to Trigger's PC, I managed to somehow save them <3 love your software
  2. Well... I have totally no idea what happened wish to know to help
  3. When did the error happen? which one do you mean?
  4. I've decided to check something for fun and... it worked Not gonna use this glitch anymore. [video=youtube;m-z9FrPx2xs] DOWNLOAD SAVE
  5. I didn't really thought of it as an addition to your living dex, just idk... personal present? or something? Also I use lots of event pokemon from save that you made with some others.
  6. Got a shiny Squirtle from your save, Haxaras [ATTACH=CONFIG]13464[/ATTACH] Worked for my Japanese Ruby save, if you want, I can give it "back" to you.
  7. If anyone wants to test the Shiny Egg Finder feature, but have no patience or resources to breed, take save that I made for research reasons... or something :tongue: Download it here Game: Ruby It has 2 boxes full of Farfetch'D eggs and 1 box with Dittos: 6 English and 4 Japanese Dittos, so you can breed yourself. Parents and Dittos data: Also, in BOX14 you will have some bonus eggs that I didn't wanted to hatch and thought that they can be shiny for some of you I hope it will be useful for some of you.
  8. I have been thinking recently, would it be possible to hack Pokemon Box: Ruby and Sapphire to work with Emerald? I mean the adventure mode, I think it would be amazing [video=youtube;HxRGy43sBtw] That's what I mean
  9. I encountered some other weird bug, kinda similar to the one I showed you before. Why does it show that my Rayquaza was encountered at lvl 6? It's all legit, lvl 70. It also shows that with my other Rayquazas, Groudons, Kyogres, Ho-oh, Lugia, Mewtwo, some event Pokemon... hmm, actually seems like every single Pokemon I encountered at lvl 70 is shown to be encountered at lvl 6...
  10. 1. As I learnt that we can add more boxes, I am fine with 30 2. Oops, I didn't know I can add more boxes sorry for that 3. Yeah, mass movement would really be cool 4. I think searching option is a great idea too! Like in Pokemon Box too 5. The elements I have problems with are mostly the Pokemon icons , but I don't know, that's probably just me 6. I just mean, it'd be more legit like this and all for now, I can see it being used for sending yourself a Mewtwo, Rayquaza and all OP Pokemon at the beginning for example. 7. It'd be nice to fix. Not something that makes the app unusable because it totally rocks, but it'd be useful if you have like... a full box of 1 Pokemon and each has other ability or something. Also: Yeah That's the custom wallpaper so I am not surprised it doesn't work. ALSO I have one question: Is it possible here to evolve pokemon that use some specific items for trading and evolving then? My shiny Scyther wants to become Scizor :3 but I don't know if it is possible so I ask
  11. Hey there. I wanna say two things about this app: Good job and Thank you! I've been thinking recently that it'd be awesome if someone made app like Pokemon Box: RS but for PC. It has everything I've been searching for and it works very well for me. I have some suggestions tho: 1. Give us more boxes or make already existing software boxes to be like in Pokemon Box: RS. I mean, make them able to contain 60 Pokemon each, that'd be dope! 2. Maybe some more customization options? Like changing the trainer sprite of Trigger's PC, custom backgrounds for boxes etc. 3. Like HaxAras said, we NEED an option to move multiple Pokemon. Also releasing whole boxes would be awesome. 4. Auto-sorting options: It would be nice if there were some options to auto-sort your boxes with some presets, for example: By level, by dex number, color, type, size etc. 5. Would be nice if we had some bigger icons and interface overall, I have some problems with it being so small but maybe that's just me 6. I don't know if it already exists there, but some security like "can't withdraw Pokemon from Trigger's PC or other games before E4" would be cool for Fire Red, Leaf Green and Emerald (Ruby and Sapphire had no securities like this so only these) Also I encountered some minor... bugs I guess My hatching Slugma's ability is shown wrong in your app and here in my game So I guess that's all I have to say. The app is awesome, keep the good work! PS. That's just my save for breeding and RNG abuse, my main save doesn't suck so badly :wink: PS2. Sorry for my English, not my native language :biggrin:
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