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Posts posted by trigger_segfault

  1. I'm back with a really strange suggestion but this could save me a LOT of time about having an organised PC.

    But first i think i've to explain how i've planned to play. There'll be two types of saves : The main ones (aka FR/LG/R/S/E/C/XD) with everything important on it AND MANY saves that'll provide stuff to the main ones (RNG/Secret Base stuff/Shiny Hunting Cartidges and so on) so i'll have 7 saves for something like 70 saves that i'll not use. I'll have 7 roms with 7 saves and i'll use the 7 basic roms in order to play with the 70 secondary one.

    I'd like to know if it were possible to make a separation between these two types. For exemple, when i manage my save, i could have more than one listing and I could add my main saves etc

    and this way there'd be one pc but two listing and i could switch when i want.

    I hope it's understandable T_T ! Thank you, i'd really love a feature like that.

    So basically you want a dropdown to select your different game types but another dropdown to select which save from that game type?

  2. Edit : a suggestion / or something i missed. When i open Trigger's PC i've this rows :

    - First Row of "Your PC"

    - Second Row of "Your PC" (did two rows at the moment, i'm waiting to have more free time in order to spend one day doing something great that i'll like)

    - My Fire Red

    I'd like to change for :

    - First Row

    - Fire Red

    - Leaf Green

    and this could stay EVERY time i open Trigger's PC rather than having the same config everytime.

    Possible ? Thanks o/

    Sounds like a really good idea. I'll look into setting default rows.

    An hour or so? I've hunted Feebas 3 times. The first time took 8 minutes, the second took 3 days. I don't remember the third. I might have done it 4 times actually. I know there's a Feebas finder tool posted to the forums. I never found it very useful. It gave me incorrect results and I never tested it again.

    You did fish multiple times correct? Feebas isn't a guaranteed on it's own spots which is why finding them is a pain.

    And if the incorrect results are true I'd rather not use it in my tool.

  3. 2) Of course, but you could make a doc like for achievements in order to be sure of what we can suggest here or not ? So no way to edit but at least WE KNOW what things you are okay with or not ?

    3) I've seen that on the first post, and my idea about collection was the first thing in my mind (instantly)

    4) Yep exactly o/ ! Random egg on my Fire Red and TADA i'm really happy haha :P I'm gonna make a bunch of eggs tonight o/

    2) I'm certainly not against any suggestions being made even if they're the same thing but slightly different so I don't mind.

    4) Congrats! ^_^

  4. I LOVE this new feature haha <3 !

    Really awesome, but i've a bug (i don't think it's Trigger's PC related directly) : I've migrated a REALLY OLD version (the first ones) to the last one (because it was on a different computer) and everytime i've an error when i want to save :


    I've no really idea of what to do, but i'm 99% sure it's only because i failed with too much updates at once X_X

    For future suggestions, your tool has became something perfect (i mean with all the options we could imagine) so, except a thing to auto-order PC boxes i've no true idea at the moment but i'll think about that don't worry :P

    And for "Your PC" inventory, i've a idea about collection and rare items. Why not make a separation between each game like :

    Ruby / Sapphire

    Fire Red / Leaf Green




    and something more proper ?

    Edit : Oh just saw about injecting saves into real cartidges. Well i use GBA Backup Tool too, but if you're from the US you can find a cheap linker for $5 so don't think too much :P

    Thanks o/

    1) Actually that isn't the issue. I've been strict on keeping compatibility with old save files and haven't removed the ability to load any previous version. I think I fixed the issue. But for now goto the Gen 3/Settings.xml file and find the "MakeBackups" tag and change the value to true then save the file, open up Trigger's PC and try saving then. I'll still upload the hotfix.

    2) Ordering PC boxes will most likely be a feature down the road but not yet.

    3) I've wanted to do better item sorting for Your PC for a long time but I'll have to rewrite a bit of how the inventory is handled so that's why I've been putting it off. It will happen eventually though.

    4) Did you hatch that Bulby thanks to the Find Shiny Eggs feature? :D

    Edit: Hotfix is up.

  5. Oh man that's a lot of talking that popped up overnight!

    First, I'd say the more illegitimat part of Trigger's PC here is that it shows you the IVs, nature etc. of unhatched Pokémon. And nobody has an issue with this. The shiny factor is just a nice addition to this feature. And you still have to create and transfer all these eggs. And then hatch all of them if you want to get rid of them by releasing them.

    And second, the idea behind Trigger's PC was to bring together people's many Gen 3 games into one place, right? Trigger's PC helps to unify a trainer's collection of games to add a bit of sense to the very hard life of Gen 3.

    1) I agree with that. It deinsentivises players from hatching all of their eggs. Instead they can just check them. After finishing the Check Egg Shininess feature I've considered making a Mystery Eggs setting. If you enable it, you will not be able to see anything about the egg other than it's species.

    2) That's a beautiful way of putting it. :')

    On the topic of hatching eggs. I was reading the changelogs before I updated the other day and saw that you could no longer move Pokemon eggs to Colosseum. (Which to me is a damn shame!) I have a few Pokemon Box eggs that are shiny but they're generated to hatch shiny on Pokemon Box, which is impossible. Oh, how the games love to troll us. When I moved them to Colosseum, they were forced to hatch but their ID and secret ID were 0. Their OT was AZUSA, which they all seem to be generated with. I couldn't change their OT's and ID's and keep the same personality value and shinyness which sucked.

    That was actually a bug of mine. :PC

    It is always very exciting when you find other people that are still invested in Gen 3. :) And it's catching on. It's really cool to see how many people have picked up ribbon hunting for example. A few years ago, basically nobody had even heard of it. And most people are so very helpful. I got my first Liechi berry by sending someone my actual GBA game so they could trade it onto it, for example.

    That's a beautiful amount of trust to put in the Pokemon community and I'm glad the community turned into what it is today.

    Is there a way to 'update' a save file that is added in Trigger's PC? Maybe I just didn't see it? What I mean is: once you have added the save file to Trigger's PC, done something with it then played it in the GBA game again, it would be cool if you could click on the game in Trigger's PC and update its save file. The way I am doing it now is that I delete the save from Trigger's PC, then add the updated save that I just transferred from the cartridge to the PC. Is there a different way?

    File > Reload Saves (Will reload all saves)

    It's a safety mechanism at the moment because I have no way to tell when you opened your game in an emulator so I can't tell if changes have been made to it after you opened the game.

    If you wan't I can add a force reload feature for the current loaded game.

  6. One thing I've been contemplating. I don't know if I want to back up all my saves from my carts so I can use them on the tool or if I want to deal with trying to remember if the tool or my cart has the updated saved on it.

    For ex. I currently I have my Spanish Ruby save on the tool buy my French Ruby and Japanese Emerald are currently on my carts.

    That does seem troublesome.

    By the way. What tool do you use to transfer and backup your cartridges? I'd love to get my shiny Ekans from my physical FireRed save over to my current saves. What's the price range on it?

  7. Welp... I just hatched a shiny Charmander with the help of a new feature I've finished for Trigger's PC. Now I'm not sure whether people will dislike this or not but similar to the Mirage Island Checker I've created an Egg Shininess Checker. It goes through every Pokemon Egg and sees if it would be shiny if you hatched it in any of your games and then it gives you the results.

    What are people's opinions on this? Because I agree it does feel pretty off but technically it's nothing you can't already do with the information Trigger's PC gives you. (Although I'd never expect anyone to calculate shininess for a mass amount of eggs) I'd still probably consider this to be Trigger's PC's most illegitimate feature. Albeit it did take 11 Boxes worth of eggs.

  8. Here's a tip for your debug code. You mentioned WPF earlier so I'm assuming you're using C#.

    If you declare a method like this then all calls to it will be removed when you do a release build. Then you don't need to worry about removing and readding individual bits of code before you release.

    static void DebugMethod()

    It's explained here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4xssyw96(VS.90).aspx

    It's kind of silly but I actually debug in release mode. Now my reasoning behind this is I've already forgotten to switch to release mode a few times when releasing a new version so I'd take the unupdated release build and end up posting that. Is there a way to run code in release mode only when using the debugger?

    I gotta say, I don't know why I didn't think about it before. That secret base feature would be amazing!

    And I've been thinking of making a feature to make a secret base for Your PC for a long time as well. :D

  9. Glad you like the idea. :)

    Does it help you in any way if I tell you that GBA Backup Tool seems to be able to tell the language of the game? When I use it to backup save files, it shows the name of the game and the final bit has the info on which language (E for English, J for Japanese, D for German, etc.). That name's then also used as the file name for the .sav file. Maybe you already know and this doesn't help (because the info's not stored in the .sav file itself or whatever) but I thought I'd mention it in case it might be of use in some way.

    Ah! Sorry, I didn't know. I should try out more things before I make suggestions. :S

    - - -

    Something I have just thought of that would make my life in Gen 3 much easier: an overview of occupied Secret Bases in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. As in, a list that shows which Secret Bases (locations) have trainers in them, the trainer's info (name, sprite, …) and the trainer's team. That would help immensely with keeping track of which EV teams and which Exp teams I have in which location on which game … but that might go beyond what you have imaged Trigger's PC to be used for.

    It would be incredibly cool if we could put trainers and their parties from one game into a Secret Base of another game (a shortcut of what happens when you mix records). This would probably be A LOT of work, and I would probably feel too much of a cheat if I used a feature like this anyways ^^, so … just putting it out there because it crossed my mind.

    The GBA Backup tool most likely knows the language of the game because it can take a look at the ROM file. I can't tell what ROM file a cartridge originated from.

    As for the Secret Base stuff that's also something I've considered doing. :D

  10. Thanks for the nice reply, Trigger! :)

    One thing I noticed when adding my Japanese save files: The trainer names didn't appear right first, even after changing the game to Japanese. Only when I closed the Manage Games window and opened it again did the correct hiragana/katakana show up. Also, without a manual, people might easily overlook that they have to set their save file to Japanese. Maybe this should be done via a checkbox when the user selects which game (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, etc.) the save file is from? That might also make it possible to display the trainer name correctly the moment the game is added to the list.

    Also, when adding more than one Pokémon Box save file, all of the Box save files show up as 'Pokémon Box' only. Maybe add an option to add a custom tag to these saves so that we can tell them apart ..?

    1) Good idea on the checkbox. It's also perfect since the GBA games are the only ones that I can't tell the language of.

    1.5) Yeah I will be writing a guide to all the features before I exit beta. At the moment the Wall o' Text Changelog is the temporary guide to usage.

    2) You can already specify nicknames for saves so that should suffice for knowing the difference between Pokemon Box Saves.

  11. I have finally had time to use Windows and use Trigger's PC, and I'm amazed. It is super cool, looks great and has so many features. Big thank you for all your hard work! :)

    As I see the Search function as the most useful feature for Gen 3, and as others have commented on features they would see useful for their own ways of playing Pokémon, I thought I'd post some thoughts/suggestions for the Search function here:

    • Could you make it so that one can move from one Pokémon to the next by pressing the arrow keys? At the moment, I seem to have to click on a Pokémon's icon to bring up that Pokémon's info. Would be a big help if I could simply press the arrow keys to move on.
    • What about a list view similar to the one Pokémon Box offers? That would help a lot with comparing and getting an overview of large Pokémon collections, especially in regards to IVs (see next point).
    • As getting an overview of IVs is still a bit cumbersome with the current functionality, could you enhance the IV search function? I like that I can select 'any' and 'higher than', but if would be great if I could, say, search for Pokémon with specific IVs lower than / equal to / higher than whatever value (e.g. a search for Pokémon with a Speed IV higher than 30 and a SpA IV higher than 20).

    I know that all this is a lot of work and I don't want to be/sound rude or demanding. I just thought I'd comment about what I personally would benefit most from, similar to others have done so far. Whether or not you can / want to implement any of these, I am very grateful for all your hard work and the great tool we've got already! :)

    PS: One more tiny thing I noticed: I only had a Pokémon Box save file added but I could still use the Mirage Island function. It told me no Pokémon matched (obviously), but I thought maybe you'd like to disable this feature when there's no Mirage Island game added/loaded in the first place.

    - - -

    To reply to your read-only question: I'm not sure. I don't see much use for it to be honest. If people wanna show off, they can do that in other ways, no? And those who fear their Pokémon might get cloned might also fear others simply creating a Pokémon based on the info they can see in Trigger's PC. Depending on how much this mode would show, people could simply recreate the Pokémon. Or actually find a way to acces the file in a way that allows them to clone the Pokémon file. But if you (and others) want it, sure, why not? :)

    Thanks for the info.

    1. I've been thinking of doing that for awhile. I just need to figure out how to enable it since the arrow and WASD keys are already in use. Also if you didn't know. There's something called summary mode. If you hold shift or toggle with T, hovering over a Pokemon will automatically show the results.
    2. I may consider it but not anytime soon.
    3. As for enhanced IV searches you can already do that with the refine or add results feature.
      First: Search for Speed IV higher than 30. Press Search
      Second: Goto the Search Tab and change Search Mode to Refine Results.
      Then search for SpAtk IV higher than 20. It will only use Pokemon from the previous results.
      Alternatively if you want to check Speed higher than 30 OR SpAtk higher than 20 you would do Add Results instead.
    4. You certainly aren't demanding or rude and I love it when people make suggestions no matter how big or small they are. :)
    5. That's a pretty minor issue hehe xD. I guess I could disable it if there are no RSE games but it's certainly not an issue in any sense of the word since this tool is more aimed towards people with a decent understanding of Pokemon.

  12. What would you guys think of the ability to create a *readonly* save to share? I know a lot of you have a very private collection and It seems like it may be nice if you can still make your collection viewable without risking people taking anything from it. Of course, if people really wanted to take the Pokemon and knew how to program in C# they could decompile Trigger's PC (or take the source code if I ever publish it) and write code to export the Pokemon. Is that a deal-breaker?

    Alternatively I could store the Pokemon in an incomplete format where only the basic information is present. But then you may lose some of the niceties of viewing the Pokemon's info. Let me ask, what are you most concerned of people learning about your Pokemon? Are you worried they could completely duplicate it making it not unique? Or just having information on it so they could make their own version? I can easily hide the Pokemon's personality or any other specific stat if that's the primary worry.

  13. Hey o/ !

    I'm sorry i didn't have the time to post bug / try everything, i'm working on my Shiny Hack-Rom stuff.

    I've one little bug and one suggestion about searching :

    First the bug, when i want to find Pokemon with All the IV greater than X it simply doesn't work. I've a Pidgeotto with all IV > 28, and when I do "Greater than 27" in "All" 0 result. Same with a X = 0 so it's really not working :c

    And the suggestion, really important for me. The way to filter Shiny. I've a LOT of Shiny (100 in 1/8192 in Fire Red, I do not count RNG etc i've more than 500/600 of this i'm addicted) and i'd like to search without normal pokemon and ONLY making some order in my Shiny stuff. If it'd possible to add that, the search function would be perfect / important to me

    Thanks o/

    Sorry I forgot to respond to you Vladcik. Yes I shall fix that issue and yes I can certainly make searching for shinies.

    Edit: You can now search for shinies in the latest release.

  14. I vote to distribute all 3. I have the actual E-reader card and it allows you to send all 3. I think it might even allow you to do it more than once.

    One small issue I found with the events feature. I added a copy of my Spanish Ruby save to the tool so I could add the events and upload it elsewhere. I'd already activated the events on my save already in the tool so it claimed they'd already been used on the copy.

    (The only difference between the 2 saves is one has my living Pokedex and the copy doesn't.)

    That's expected. Triggers PC stores the Trainer ID and Secret ID of a game that completed an event. If you would still like to activate the event, either load it up from an executable in a different location or temporarily move your YourPC.trigsPC save somewhere else and activate the event. Who has completed the event is stored on the YourPC save file.

  15. They should all say "completed" except for Aurora Ticket and Jirachi. I'll PM you the save since I want to keep the Pokemon uncloned.

    Downloaded, thanks I'll take a look at it. I really appreciate that everyone has been willing to share their saves with me to work on the program. :)

    Edit: Found the problem. I was referencing the same flag for the Aurora Ticket. This is fixed now. It's funny, it's kind of perfect that you hadn't used the Aurora Ticket yet.

    Edit 2: It's fixed in the latest released version now.

  16. Found a bug. My Japanese emerald save says "Completed" for the Eon and Mystic Tickets but not the Old Sea Map. All of them were loaded onto the save using Takasan's Legit Events tool and I have yet to beat the Elite Four (I really should get on that, considering the Mew from that playthrough will be used in my Gen 3 Living Pokedex).

    May I have the save to take a look at? Is the problem that they should all say completed or none of them should? The way it detects if they're completed is if you own both the proper ticket/map and you have the game flag to actually use the ticket/map activated.

  17. That is a perfect solution and gets rid of all my worries. Thanks for clearing this up for me! :)

    Edit: Almost all my worries, as Mew and Deoxys will be available then and appear completely legit – or not?

    Glad I could clear that up. And Mew and Deoxys will seem 100% legit because they were caught by the player. IMO ticket events are a dime a dozen now-a-days because most people use them to obtain the unobtainable Pokemon. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about making those seem any less legit.

    Edit: Update is up. Jirachi is now just a standard Colosseum Bonus Disc Jirachi and Celebi does not match any known Nintendo event and has a trainer name of TIMEFLT.

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