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Posts posted by trigger_segfault

  1. Here's littleroot's town house script:

    EDIT: also, flag 0x112

    0x112 : Player has been given running shoes

    So before receiving running shoes and at the start of the game (vigoroths), the map is the same for male and female

    Would you happen to know where the vars start in Emerald and Ruby/Sapphire? I've located the flags awhile ago but don't know anything about where the vars start and how to understand their offsets.

    Edit: If anybody can get me an RSE save right before beating the elite 4 that would be really helpful for gender checking.

    As for progress I've made:

    • Correct Moms in each house.
    • Howdy Neighbor person is in correct house.
    • Unselectable Doll is now placed in the correct bedroom.

    I'm still unsure if this will fix the script issue after beating the elite 4 and getting shoved into a wall.

    Edit 2: I should also mentioned I've only done testing on Emerald so far.

  2. To find the differences, a male save in the truck and a female save in the truck should be compared. I bet there will be a different flag at block #2 that is set for female.

    Alternatively, we could use advancemap to check the script that produces the odd behavior, it will teach us how the game determines different behavior for male/female (I bet on a checkflag command).

    Also in emerald:

    - badges flags are stored at 0x3fB section 2, badge 1 flag# is 0x867 and badge 8 flag# is 0x86E

    - Selected lati is stored at 0x5c6 section 2 (bit 0, or 0x01), the flag# is 0x16B0

    Maybe the badge flag locations and the lati for emerald will be of some use, even if it is just for displaying purposes.

    I remember correctly, if flag 0x16B0 is set, Latios is roaming and latias at southern island (so player selected that he saw a blue pokemon on tv).

    The latias flag would have been helpful awhile ago for my emerald run. As for the badge flags I already happen to have them but thanks. :) (If you haven't tried Trigger's PC recently you'll notice badges are displayed.)

    I will look into the gender issues today but first I'm going to write a nifty little feature to withdraw Pokemon from the daycare without them learning moves on withdrawal.

    Edit: So it looks like KonohaDaze's method will most likely be easier. I took a look at the scripts and they were too complicated for my skills in finding the correct settings.

  3. I decided to implement a Fix e-Reader Pokémon feature into my program (Similar to the Fix Roaming IVs feature) that will detect if the Pokemon is an unaltered e-Reader Shadow Pokemon and randomize it's personality, ability, and IVs so people can enjoy them more. Of course it's not required that people do it so anyone that wants their e-Reader Pokémon to remain legit should just avoid it.

  4. An interesting curiosity: Changing gender in R/S (Not tested with Emerald) fails to correctly change locations of NPCs in the houses in Littleroot.

    I'm gonna take a look at the differences it makes in the sav when picking gender legitimately that way I might be able to find a fix.

    Thanks that would be really helpful. If you can compile my source code, I have a nifty little function to find difference data that works with GBA Save Blocks.

  5. If i open FIRST my Shiny Charizard (will keep this exemple) same bug. But i can see its summary AFTER closing the bug report (but i'm fearing to loose something)

    so not really haha. But i see that the bug is from the two saves i choose to set as default ?

    Can I have your saves then?

    Edit: Also most errors are pretty safe assuming they're not happening during a modification to a Pokemon or anything else such as using one of the Pokemon settings.

  6. 1) Oh okay ! can't wait to see that haha. I've seen something new somewhere maybe there's a link ahah

    2) well i'm not that sure, that's why. Gonna try / check anyway o/ !

    3) Launching Trigger's PC, checking my Shiny Charizard first slot of my team in Fire Red (same bug with any pokemon of any of my games in my team ONLY)

    4) Yeap i was aware that it could be a problem. But

    What version of Trigger's PC are you using? I can't even reproduce it with the latest released version. If you are using the latest version can you send a couple of your affected saves?

  7. Hey o/

    Just uploaded to the last version, and finally to be able to set the defaults box / saves is AMAZING ! Really

    You did a great job this past days. I'm looking for the secret feature haha i want to know T_T

    I had difficult days, and i'm going to be free for the next hours mwahaha i'm ready to play !

    I've a question : I'm boring with my dropbox etc questions, but is it working with the onedrive stuff too ?

    Thanks o/

    edit : bug when i wanted to check my Charizard in my team

    System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.

    à PokemonManager.Windows.PokeBoxControl.OnContextMenuSummaryClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    à System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

    à System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

    à System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

    à System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)

    à System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.InvokeClickAfterRender(Object arg)

    à System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)

    à MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

    and more a suggestion rather than a bug or something, but it'll be hard for me to explain right now.

    SO i've configured my Trigger's PC in order to have :

    Your PC -Row 1-

    Fire Red


    (before it was Your PC Row 1 / Your PC Row 2 / xD)

    and i wanted to check the pokedex of my Fire Red so i had to put it in the FIRST row. After I wanted to put my "Your PC" in the first row

    and rather to switch between these two, i got the Row 2 that i don't want to see right now.

    So anyway to fix that ? or better if the "Focus" tool would be able to set all the "Items / Pokédex" etc settings ? This way we could keep the order of the row and when we focus a specific row all the tab informations would be from this save ?

    Thanks again !

    1) Secret Feature randomly happens or not. In the next version it will be more common and if you use the tool enough you'll find it.

    2) If OneDrive supports syncing with folders on your computer then yes.

    3) Having trouble reproducing the bug. Any more info on what you were doing previously?

    4) Sadly that would require a lot of reworking my current code. A lot of Trigger's PC's limitations at the moment are due to my messy unorganized code. If I ever do refactor the code (which would be far in the future) I'll try to implement it.

  8. Yes, they have always 0 IV.

    I actually have no idea, I was told that the some of these Pokémon data is on these cards.

    Can't confirm if this is true or not. I would be very interested to know about this tho'.

    And also if there's an easier way to emulate this, since I don't get this to work.

    These Pokémon are useless when it comes to battling but they're still nice to collect. :)

    Would you like me to help you get it working on your side?

  9. I checked the ones I catched on colosseum, purified and transfered to gen 3, and they do have IVs, so most likely IVs are generated when the pokémon is purified? Or are you referring to only those 3 e-reader shadow pokemon?

    This is in fact quite good in the sense that if there's no way to save without the gba connection to catch the shadow pokemon (besides savestates), it would mean that we don't really need that, just a save for each language edited to have some of the "instant purification item" (can't remember the name) in the inventory. Or maybe the purification gets the IVs from the PID and does not randomly generate them.

    Also, does the save have them in english or which language?

    Nah it's just the e-Reader Pokemon. And no I've used my program to check and normal shadow Pokemon do in fact have IVs right off the bat.

    Also the save is in English with the US as its region.

  10. Should work with vba-m and dolphin. Since you are on it, might you keep a save before capturing each of the 3 shadow pokemon? Loading that save in each language of the game should give us the pokémon for each language.

    Since the savefile trainer can be edited, having those save files would be the easiest way to get those extra shadow pokémon, since if I correctly understood you can save after reading the e-card before the shadow pokémon battle. Also good for those who like soft-resetting for natures and such.

    Only the JAP ones would be really legit though, but accessible to everybody.

    I wasn't having any luck with getting it to work on Dolphin. Every time the e-Reader gave me a communication failure message. Is this one of those keep trying until it works deals?

    Edit: It is in fact one of those deals. I managed to get it to work after the 10th or so time right after posting that. Card loading worked perfectly.

    Edit 2: Fun fact. If you don't want to deal with the hassle every time you connect, you can in fact save state the loaded Colosseum Data on your emulator then when you want to use it again load up the e-Reader Plus then the save state then goto the registration counter in the e-Reader Room in Colosseum.

    Edit 3: It seems like all the shadow Pokemon have 0 in every IV. That's a shame. :(

    Edit 3.5: All e-Reader Shadow Pokemon.

    Edit 4: Finished catching them all. Occasionally the e-Reader was finicky or VBA-M crashed but overall it worked a lot better than I expected it to.

    Here's some screenshots




    Edit 5: Here's a download with all 3 e-Reader Shadow Pokemon (English US) in Box 2

  11. Yeah, in PKHeX I don't even allow people to put different things in the daycare or modify egg availability :)

    I found the bytes that disable the daycare egg if you want them. (Blocks are zero indexed)


    • Flags start at Block 2, byte 672.
    • Unset flag 0x86 so the daycare man no longer appears up front.
    • Clear bytes 564-657 in Block 4 to disable the egg.


    • Flags 0x0-0x4FF start at Block 1, byte 3808.
    • Flags 0x500+ start at Block 2, byte 0.
    • Unset flag 0x266 so the daycare man no longer appears up front.
    • Clear bytes 536-538 in Block 4 to disable the egg.


    • Flags start at Block 2, byte 752.
    • Unset flag 0x86 so the daycare man no longer appears up front.
    • Clear bytes 712-716 in Block 4 to disable the egg. (yes that's 5 bytes instead of 3 like the other games, most likely due to Emerald having more breeding features.)

  12. Fun fact me and a friend just discovered. Using Trigger's PC you can breed any Pokemon in the daycare. (Results may vary, may crash the game). Walk up to the daycare man with an egg ready to pickup and save. Then goto Trigger's PC and replace the Pokemon with say a ditto and groudon. And poof! You get a groudon egg! We then proceded to test this with every combination finding ones that did and didn't freeze the game. Fun fact. A latios and latias will force breed as well! I shall patch this soon.

    Edit 2: You can breed a Pokemon that's still an egg with another Pokemon. You can also breed two female pokemon.

    Edit 3: You can also levelup eggs in the daycare.

  13. Well it's more annonying ?

    And why not being able to put the "Your PC" save where we want (via settings.xml) ? This way people could put it in a Dropbox folder if they want. They could put different save path for EACH Trigger's PC (so X Trigger's PC for X computer but only ONE save for Boxes / Secret Bases / ITems ?)

    I'm sorry to ask this, it's more a suggestion than question now haha.

    Thanks o/

    Ah that makes more sense. And it's a neat idea. I'll add that to the next update. You'll have to edit it manually in Settings.xml though.

  14. Oh it's not a problem about syncing, i've already a complex way to saves (aka i can play with 10 roms with the same save as base) but it's more about Trigger's PC itself.

    I've 3 computers (4 soon) and I'd like to have the same Trigger's PC for all my computers. This way rather than putting saves, I could have a LOT of saves but in only one Trigger's PC ?

    Thanks o/

    Ah I see. Well if your saves are stored at the same location (relative to Trigger's PC) on every computer then I guess it would be possible. If you have different usernames on each computer then here's what you do. Go into Settings.xml and change all the filepaths to relative file paths from the directory where Trigger's PC is stored. You will have to store Trigger's PC in your Dropbox Folder as far as I know.

    For relative filepaths you'll have to place "../" to goto a parent directory.

  15. No problem. I'm gonna use it like something stable now (so with real saves, with Backups it's not a problem) and i'm gonna try everything i think. I just hope if I loose datas i'll be able to see it haha !

    For the suggestion, it's okay, I thought it could be more easier for you that's why !

    Now i've a question. I'm thinking about using Dropbox Sync in order to have a common Trigger's PC + Saves for all my computers (or at least, a common Trigger's PC and differents saves idk), did you try it with Trigger's PC ? Is it working nice ?

    Thanks o/

    Yes I actually use Dropbox. Install the Dropbox application on your computer and store your saves in the Dropbox folder somewhere. Add the saves to Trigger's PC from the Dropbox folder and whenever you save it will update them. Syncing GameCube games with Dropbox AND having them ready to play in Dolphin is a lot harder and requires a workaround that most people would prefer not to do. Give me a moment and I'll look up how to set it up if you're interested. I'll probably make an article about it on the Wiki as well.

    Edit 2: What's REALLY nice about Dropbox is you can restore from previous saves. Each time the file is updated a backup is made that you can restore from. (I haven't done too much extensive testing with the backups but I have used them before)

  16. I'm back o/ !

    Well, i've finished Fire Red + Emerald and to be honenst, Trigger's PC works flawlessly ! I used to make many trades between versions, I used the secret base stuff for a Blissey XP base (for xping fastly all my teams, because i want fresh FR / LG / R / S / E / Colosseum / xD saves) and to be honnest i can't find any bugs now. SO, do you want to try something ? My Ruby save is not really started, or i can redo my xD save if you need help ?

    About suggestion, i have a little one (not really after thinking for a personnal use) but if people use many saves why not doing rows AND colums ?

    for exemple i don't use ALL my boxes (1 or 2 atm) in my saves cartidges. It could be cool if I could do something like :

    A Row for "Your PC"

    A Row for Fire Red AND Leaf Green (so 2 colums)

    A Row for Ruby, Sapphire AND Emerald (with one or two boxes displayed ?)

    Well something customable that we could do as we want ?

    Thanks O/

    Thanks for the check in. People don't realize it but it really does help when you report bug free usage.

    As for the feature, I wouldn't be able to implement it without heavily changing how the row systems work in code so that's going to be a no. Sorry. :\ Still a neat idea none-the-less.

  17. I wasn't planning on another playthrough, so I'll do the ones before and after Teddiursa and the two others you mentioned then PM the saves.

    EDIT: Done!

    I figured it out! It's funny with the way xD is saved it was either gonna be really hard or really easy and it was really easy. I figured out the value on my first save modification test. Thanks for the help. :)

    @Sonic Blader

    @Sonic Blader

    Would you mind if I added you to the Wiki Credits and linked your profiles for helping out with the saves?

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