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About Rapuny

  • Birthday 03/20/1997
  1. Izaya : Here you go -> https://gbatemp.net/threads/pokemon-oras-model-editing-homebrew.401501/ Everything you'll need should be there. (if not, just ask me) Hey ! I'm expecting negative answers but I recently had fun with my romfs file, randomizing the game, swapping models, etc... ( Thanks a lot for the great Ohana3ds by the way ) and like 90% of peoples, i swapped Brendan with Zinnia's. However, her battle model (stuck in a T pose) and running OW model seems to stay static (levitating girl). Is there a way to get around that ? Is it not possible to apply Brendan's animations on her skeleton ? Or even better, see her battle animation from the game ? Thanks a lot of your help ! + By the way, anyone got a way to mass edit a palette ? Similarly to photoshop ? Using Gimp to change each box one by one just takes far too much time to me. For anyone wondering, using Brendan's animations on Zinnia will work pretty well with the bike animation (hair is not perfect but decent) and will looks pretty bad with the throwing animation (cape is distorted). Though i'm debating if that's not better than static T.
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