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Posts posted by Vladcik

  1. I've found a LITTLE bug for me. I wanted to put EVERY RARE item on my collection. I'm playing Colosseum right now, and i've fought the 4 boss for the 4 colors badges (i think it's the english name ? I'm playing in french) so i saved in order to put them in my collection.

    I opened Trigger's PC, saying that my save is not working, and there's a problem with the index when i want to re-add it

    so i'm 99% the problem is that the badges are not added into Trigger's PC. If you need my save for adding them, tell me ! I can stop to play (4AM need to sleep a little)

    Thanks o/

  2. Awesome !

    The rows etc are just a perfection !

    but now i've a problem with colosseum... And i can understand how it can be possible and moreover it'll be hard to explain. I wanted to move my espeon / umbreon but there's something weird. On my game, i moved a pokemon in a other slot of the box (just to check if everything is okay) i save my game, i restart it, the pokemon is at the good place.

    I open Trigger's pc, nothing. Like before. I've no idea how to fix that

    THanks T_T

    Edit : I'm having many bug (for exemple can't rename a row and got "EditRowWindow" as a name that i can't change) maybe it's because i kept the Gen III folder from previous version ? The fact is i don't want to lost special items in my collection... What can I do ? Nop put the "Gen 3" folder away, many bugs, no idea what can be from... I've some random crash when i want to reload saves etc

    edit 2 : log when i want to reload and Trigger's pc crash :

    System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: L'argument spécifié n'était pas dans les limites de la plage des valeurs valides.

    Nom du paramètre*: index

    à System.Windows.Controls.ItemCollection.GetItemAt(Int32 index)

    à PokemonManager.Windows.ComboBoxGameSaves.SetGameSaveVisible(Int32 gameIndex, Boolean visible)

    à PokemonManager.Windows.PokemonTab.OnGameSwitch(PokemonBoxViewer caller)

    à PokemonManager.Windows.PokemonTab.ReloadRowComboBoxes()

    à PokemonManager.Windows.PokemonTab.Reload()

    à PokemonManager.Windows.PokeManagerWindow.ReloadGames()

    à PokemonManager.PokeManager.ReloadEverything()

    à PokemonManager.Windows.PokeManagerWindow.OnReloadSavesClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    à System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

    à System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

    à System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

    à System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)

    à System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.InvokeClickAfterRender(Object arg)

    à System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)

    à MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

  3. Absolutly perfect, I can't wait for this version this + xD / Colosseum fix... OMG <3

    Edit : found a little bug. I'm doing a run on Emerald, and wanted Shedinja. Because of the special way of getting it, i wanted to try with Trigger's PC. And it doesn't work (only getting Ninjask, and a ball free ofc)

    Edit : found a more important bug. I've moved the Nincada from my Fire Red to my Emerald directly (team to team) I save. The Nincada is not on the Fire Red anymore. I reload Trigger's PC, the Nincada is present in the Fire Red AND the Emerald. And just tried with 3 boxes (so pc to pc) same thing

  4. Yr2Inix.png

    Not entirely sure if Dolphin will automatically extract your saves from your MemoryCard raw data to the GCI Folders, but if it doesn't, it's as simple as creating a folder named Card A in the relevant folders in your ..\Dolphin Emulator\GC\, either EUR/JAP/USA depending on the region of your games, then extracting all your save files to the Card A folder.

    From then on, Dolphin will read and save directly to .gci save files rather than using a clunky raw Memory Card save format.

    Awesome ! It works very well, thank you so much <3

    Except that I lost my Umbreon / Espeon (they are on my PC waiting for a way to put them back hahaha)

    And awesome this idea of rows, the project is getting better every day omg !

  5. Hey o/ !

    I'm back with a little suggestion. I've started to play Colosseum on my pc (so emulator, i don't want to use my CD too much) and i've realized that the save is a little problem. It's more a lazy thing but well it could be nice. Any possibilty to support the Memory Card RAW (for dolphin), rather than exporting / importing every time ?

    Not really important for me because i know how to do that easily (even if i have to admit i'd be too lazy to do that every 5 minutes, but time from time is more than okay from me) but could help some people / support xD (once it'll be done), box AND colosseum at the same time ?

    Thanks o/

  6. If it's fixed, it'd be quite awesome !

    But I did a "bad" thing but I don't know even how : I was able to clone with Trigger's PC. I've wanted to check a Shiny on another game so I took the Nidoqueen Shiny from save 1 to the save 2, and played save 2 with Trigger's PC. I saw that the Shiny was not Shiny anymore in the game (emeraude+ once again) and so i closed the emulator and go back to Trigger's PC and i said "no" to reload saves. And tada. the Nidoqueen were in both games.

  7. Oh thanks but i've already did that already ! I love hex editing save / roms so it was not really a problem for me, it's just to help with finding bugs. They're not even my own saves, i just download them in order to try the Trigger's PC before using my own saves.

    Same, i've talked about a save without items, my bad, i deleted everything so it's logic xD

    Edit : found out that more money in saves is about Action Replay. The save was at 999,999$ in game so.

  8. I'm sorry but i can't find any english link... Everything is french.

    It's an awesome tool that can read your save...


    Here's a screenshot of that if this reminds you something...

    And it's a table with everything like in Pokémon box listing ! (just found the exemple)

    Stats / EV / IV etc

    you can order by name, shiny or not etc and after you can click on it to find his location ! (well at least, it works like that for pokemon reader)

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