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Everything posted by basshunter

  1. Aahhh makes sense! Thanks so much for clearing my confusion! Just wanted to clarify that if I change the OT and TID + SID of a legit pokemon I got from trade to my OT, TID and SID details, do I need to change PID and/EC or can I leave it as it were before assuming that the trade pokemon isn't a clone?
  2. Hi guys! First sorry if this has been answered somewhere else, I have tried to search for my answer on this thread and other sites but I'm still confused lol. So I wanted to know with regards to my own pokemon that I have caught ingame or bred ingame (Alpha Sapphire using PkHex) : - if I change the nature and the IV's, do I need to change the PID and/or Encryption Constant (EC)? - if I change the OT and TID + SID of a legit pokemon I got from trade to my details, do I need to change PID and/EC? - if I make my legitimate pokemon from my game shiny, do I need to reroll the EC? Basically when is it needed to change my PID and EC with regards to my own pokemon ingame or bred. I thank you in advance for your help guys! PS: these are not for competitive purposes, just for my ocd needs of having perfect pokes
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