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Posts posted by StarsMmd

  1. Okay so I have a new problem with a script. When I try to compile it, it says "not enough free space found. Cannot complile." does anyone know how to fix this? here is the script

    #dynamic 0xE3D176

    #org @Star



    msgbox @1 0x6

    setflag 0x273

    setflag 0x828

    setflag 0x829

    setflag 0x1f3

    fanfare 0x13E

    msgbox @2 0x6


    setflag 0x82f

    fanfare 0x13e

    msgbox @3 0x6



    fadescreen 1

    hidesprite 0x1

    setflag 0x1208

    fadescreen 0



    #org @1

    =STARVING TRAVELER: Ungh...\pthis is it... This is where my journey\nends....\pPlease, kid....do me...a favor...\pTake this Pokedex...and this\nPokeblock case.\pWith these you will...be able to become...\pcham...pion.....

    #org @2

    = \w\h01 received a Pokedex and the\nPokeblock Case! \pwait... what's that next to him?\pit seems like he just got a new\npair of RUNNING SHOES!

    #org @3

    =\w\h01 received a pair of RUNNING SHOES! \p"hold down B to run faster than the \nthe speed of sound!"\pWait.... hold what...?

    try #dynamic 0x800000

    You should be fine using 0x800000 every time. XSE should automatically find free space for you and will tell you the offset once it compiles.

  2. Okay so I have copied exactly one of the npc's scripts into new npc but when I click A on him, nothing happens.

    The two main things you need to check are the "Talking level" and "Script offset". Make sure the talking level is at the same height as the movement permission for the map (you can probably just set it to 'Always') and set the script offset to the same offset.

    I can't think of anything else that could be causing an issue unless maybe you didn't save properly or something.

  3. I'd wager you're right about 0xFFFF08 changing the font color.

    Just a little update. 0xFFFF08 does indeed change the font colour. The next bytes are in RGBA order but the Alpha channel doesn't appear to have any effect on the font.

    0xFFFF38 also changes the font colour but it uses a small group of predefined colours based on the following 1byte. The colours are as follows:

    0x00 white

    0x01 yellow

    0x02 green

    0x03 dark blue

    0x04 orange

    0x05 black

    The range of colours is small but it uses fewer bytes.

  4. it's been a few years since I hacked gba but hopefully I still know what I'm talking about.

    If you click on her sprite in route 103 you will see some details on the right hand side of the window. You want copy all of these to the a new sprite you create in petalburg woods. Sometimes the rival appears when you step on a script tile like on route 119. In that case you'd need a to copy that tile and it's values. Finally some scripts are activated by entering a map and there are some that will decide whether a sprite should appear or not.

    This may require you to tweak some of the scripts depending on the map.

    Honestly, I would recommend that you find a good advanced map tutorial and a scripting tutorial too since you sound like you're just starting out. I don't know of any personally but there are many and they should be pretty easy to find.

    Good luck.

  5. I've tried everything for pkhex.

    Does it even work on 9.4 firmware cause i was told it does and that's what I have. I've even tried pcedit. I need a dummy guide for pkhex(like skip nothing, if you think I know it I probably don't, so please include every little baby step).

    When you say it doesn't work, what exactly do you mean? It's hard to help if we don't know where the problem is coming from.

  6. [quote name=Tiddlywinks;205678

    A bunch of the "tables" are pretty indecipherable beyond maybe telling how big the entries are. I was able to identify string IDs in some of them' date=' though. Some of those were still hard to figure, though... But I did manage to figure out a few new tables pretty well, too.

    First, let me just identify the ones that had string IDs but that were difficult to figure out otherwise, in case somebody might feel like taking a look at them...

    Start: 0xB9C, entry size: 0x18 (dec 24), entry count: 54. String ID (4 bytes) at offset 0x14 of an entry. (Example string IDs: EB74-78.) Part of me wants to say this has to do with music, but it could some other sort of event.

    Start: 0x3280, entry size: 0x08 (dec 8), entry count: 604. String ID at offset 0x04. The strings are all Trainer names, and the rest of the entry only uses the first two bytes, which is pretty spare data, and I can't tell what it's for (I haven't tried messing with this during runtime yet).

    Start: 0x92798, entry size: 0x20 (32), entry count: 19. String ID at offset 0x1C. (String IDs (all Japanese): ECED and ED19-28.) Offsets 0x00 through 0x18 look like flags. My first thought is that this might be a debug menu or something, but I don't have the first idea how.

    Start: 0x11A698, entry size: 0x14 (dec 20), entry count: 553. String IDs at offsets 0x04, 0x08, and 0x0C. All of theses strings are in Japanese. (An example of the first is EC2C; of the second is F139; and of the last is EC0C-1C.) It kind of looks like it might be debug messages for the AI routines. Those string IDs don't leave an abundance of room otherwise in an entry, though, so I'm not sure what the structure might be for.

    Start: 0x11D1CC, entry size: 0x14 (dec 20), entry count: 80. String ID at offset 0x00. These strings are all in Japanese too, and it's kind of interesting because some of them say things like "Attacker", "Supporter", "Baton", and "Seal" (for example, EBFE-EC01 and F27C-81), so it kind of makes me think this might be related to AIs.

    Start: 0x145224, entry size: 0x38 (dec 56), entry count: 97. String IDs at offsets 0x18 (a move name), 0x20 (in Japanese; probably everything from EC76-ECD5), 0x30 (Trainer name), and 0x34 (Trainer name). Sometimes both Trainer names are the same, sometimes not (and then they seem to stagger, so the 2nd name in one entry is the 1st name in the next entry), and I just can't imagine what it could possibly be.


    My japanese is pretty good and as far as I can tell it's mostly debug text. Stuff from the debug menu and maybe some output logs. You also identified the strings that are very clearly related to the AI. They remain enigmas though. I can say that the table at 0xB9C is almost definitely not to do with music. It seems more like a list of milestones and events from the game. They probably come from a debug menu that the programmers could use to skip to certain parts of the game for testing.

    [EDIT:] I don't know actually, maybe I'm wrong about it not having anything to do with music. It's pretty hard to ignore the fact that the names of all the sfx and music are listed right after it. Furthermore, I just counted the number of song names and I think it's the same as the number of entries in this table.

  7. I found a list of pointers to tables in common_rel that includes all four of the ROM tables I described above. It starts at 0x478E58 in common_rel, and the addresses are all offset by 0x807628A0 (for the US ROM). There are some "empty" pointers, though, and I don't know if it might actually be multiple lists.

    It wasn't very clear that you found the pointers in the RAM just spent a good few minutes searching common_rel itself. Also don't the pointers start at 0x478DF8 in RAM?

    Also I've been wondering how the game decides if the opponents pokemon's HP is visible. It's definitely visible on mt.battle on battle mode but not in story mode. It's probably one of the unknown bytes somewhere in the tables you found. Or maybe it's just incorporated in the battle type values or something. Did you notice this?

  8. I probably don't really care that much if it's some assembly. I've generally been having trouble reading the assmebly to any great extent, but I may see if I can find some simpler introductions than the very technical/jargony instruction set documentations I've been trying to reference.

    When you say that a nice "feature" is you can see what functions are calling what you're looking at, you don't mean that Dolphin has some "feature" that will determine that automatically, do you? Did you just mean something like you can look for instructions that jump to the start of your function (though I think finding that may be a little complicated too)?

    I did use one of the AR codes just like you describe already, but with my general trouble reading the assembly, I haven't been eager to try it a lot.

    It really it is a feature that calculates it for you. I don't know how much you know about using debug mode so I'll start from the beginning. It also shows you the code in hex and in assembly and you can place breakpoints and all that.

    When in debug mode, choose the 'Symbols' option in the top menu and then 'Generate Symbol Map'. This will get dolphin to name all the functions for you and they will come up in different colours making it easy to see where each one starts and ends.

    If you look at the 'code' tab. You will see 4 boxes on the very left. The second one shows the names of the functions (Dolphin automatically names them based on their offset and you can change the name to whatever you like if you figure out what it does). The third box shows the functions the current function branches to and the 4th box shows which functions branch to the current function.

    You can click on any of these and it'll take you straight to that function. Also if you're looking at the code itself you can right click on a branch instruction and there's an option to follow that branch and dolphin will take you to the instruction it branches to.

    I had a lot of trouble finding a good ASM tutorial as well but then I stumbled across a really good one on the super smash bros melee forums. It uses melee and Sonic adventure 2 battle as examples but it is really easy to follow and should teach you everything you need to know. There aren't any prerequisites either, so I'm sure you'll get it. This one video is all I needed to get started. Here's the link:

    I hope you give it a go. It's a few hours long but well worth the time. Good luck!

  9. In response to the original question, I've found the ASM function which determines whether the pokemon's shiny model is used or not. This calls the function that calculates whether it is shiny or not. We can quite easily change this to decide whether it uses the shiny image based on if it's a shadow pokemon. The only thing stopping us from using shadow textures for all shadow pokemon is that the model formats aren't understood yet. It would be possible to do it on dolphin by dumping then replacing the textures for every shiny pokemon in the game. Of course, it goes without saying that there would be no shiny pokemon anymore. Personally I would happily make that trade. I haven't had any luck with extracting textures from the model files though...

  10. It occurs to me I may have misunderstood your meaning a bit. If you just meant to zero out the whole table, then that wouldn't have any problems; the game doesn't generally have any trouble if given an invalid string ID, and the appeal/jam fields are certainly fine with 0. What I initially figured--and which I now realize would bring its own problems--was that you meant to delete the table, as in, all the data that used to be after the table would now appear that much earlier. At any rate, my main worry was that if you replaced the table with some new data and weren't careful about it and ended up with the "wrong" value in the description string field, you could get some pretty weird "descriptions". But aside from that, appeal/jam seem not to have any issue with random values.

    It also just occurred to me that the Contest category (Smart/etc) has to be defined too, and that turns out to be offset 0x15. Oddly, it seems there may also be something that overrides the category in a move entry, because I tried changing the category for Shadow Rush and that ???? but they persisted with no-icon or the "???" icon. (Changing 0x15 worked just as expected for Bite, though.)

    No worries. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

    The game often checks for shadow moves in the ASM and probably determines whether it should display the icon or not in the code.

    For xD I guessed how the game may check for a shadow move. I'd already tried copying the exact entry for a shadow move and putting it over a regular move and that didn't make it a shadow move so I knew it wasn't in the move data table. The next obvious answer was that the game simply compared the index with 0x164. So I searched Start.dol for the value 0x164 which led me to the instruction "0x2c000164" which is "cmpwi r0,356". I found the same instruction in the RAM on dolphin in debug mode and used break points to test it. A neat feature is that you can see which functions call the function you're looking at. Finding a similar function could be helpful to you. For example, the main part of my phsyical/special split implementation was finding the function that determined the category of a move. I knew it had to check if the move was a shadow move or not so I looked at each of the functions that called the function for checking. I found the function and simply ignored the check so that it always ran the code that checks the move data rather than the move's type.

    Another helpful way to find ASM functions is to see which values in the RAM are being edited by Action Replay or Gecko codes. You can then begin to look into which functions branch to and from eachother. This helped me find the shiny calculation function. Seeing a bunch of XORs and a comparison to the value '8' were a dead give away.

    Unfortunately it doesn't seem that xD displays the contest data. I thought of using it to display an image of the move's status rather than contest category.

  11. I tried looking for pointers before, but like you said my start offsets were a bit off. I concluded that the pointers must have been somewhere else and never thought to look for them again. Very useful indeed. I usually just scroll through the file and adjust the bytes per row until the bytes all align and see if I can spot anything. The really great thing about the pointers though, is that this means we can potentially increase the size of tables. I'm really glad you spotted that!

    I'm in the process of documenting some of my recent findings in xD. Maybe Some of it will be of use to you. May have figured out some of the tables you haven't.

    Also you found some really interesting tables. Clears up a lot of things I'd been looking for.

  12. Even though it's not in the list of tables I -hacking-tutorial-part-7-Editing-Trainers-(Colosseum)&p=205678&viewfull=1#post205678'>found in Colosseum's common_rel, I noticed that the move table starts one entry earlier than you said it does above (at 0x11E010).

    Sorry, my colosseum data is a bit unreliable at times since it's pretty old. Thanks for that.

    This is certainly in the games. Shadow Pokemon can only use Shadow moves at first, so this "????" is a placeholder that just hides the other moves until the Pokemon has been purified enough. (I'm not exactly sure at what point that move ID gets substituted over the Pokemon's actual move, but it doesn't seem to be in the PKM at all (it always gives the Pokemon's "real" moves).)

    That makes sense. I noticed the description and still didn't make the connection hahaha.

    Contest stats (Colosseum):

    • In: common.fsys\common_rel.fdat
    • Start: 0x14BCA8
    • Entry size: 0x08 (dec 8)
    • Entry count: 51


    • 0x00 -- 1 byte -- Appeal (hearts * 10)
    • 0x01 -- 1 byte -- Jamming (hearts * 10)
    • 0x02 -- 2 bytes -- 0
    • 0x04 -- 4 bytes -- Description string (ID)

    The contests stats aren't actually that 'useless' from a hacking point of view. Since this data is irrelevant it can all be replaced in order to optimise the lzss compression. Decreasing the file size is always nice.

  13. I have a lot of information on xD which I'll be adding to this post. I've been writing an app to streamline the hacking process and I've pretty much completed the logic and just need to complete the UI now. As a result there is a lot of code that is quite useful as a reference. It's all in the swift programming language which I doubt many people here use but it should be simple enough to figure out what it all does.

    Here's a link to the repository : -Code'>https://github.com/PekanMmd/Pokemon-xD-Code

    Part 1 of my tutorials: -hacking-tutorial-part-1-File-decompression-recompression'>http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46250-Stars-Pokemon-colosseum-and-xD-hacking-tutorial-part-1-File-decompression-recompression

    I'll be updating this post with more details.


    Types, TMs, HMs, natures and abilities are the same as any other gen III main series game.

    Bag Slots

    None = 0x0

    Pokeballs = 0x1

    Items = 0x2

    Berries = 0x3

    TMs = 0x4

    KeyItems = 0x5

    Colognes = 0x6

    BattleCDs = 0x7

    Super effectiveness

    Ineffective = 0x43

    NotVeryEffective = 0x42

    Neutral = 0x3F

    SuperEffective = 0x41

    EXP Rates

    Evolution Methods:

    Same as other games with 0x10 being used for the xD exclusive eevee evolutions with the sun and moon shards



    Male = 0x0

    Female = 0x1

    Genderless = 0x2


    Shadow Lab = "D1"

    Mt. Battle = "D2"

    S.S. Libra = "D3"

    Realgam Tower = "D4"

    CipherKey Lair = "D5"

    Citadark Isle = "D6"

    Orre Colosseum = "D7"

    Phenac City = "M1"

    Pyrite Town = "M2"

    Agate Village = "M3"

    Pokemon HQ = "M5"

    Gateon Port = "M6"

    Outskirt Stand = "S1"

    Snagem Hideout = "S2"

    Kaminkos House = "S3"

    Move Targets:

    Selected Target = 0x00

    Depends On Move = 0x01

    All Pokemon = 0x02 (I think this is an xD exclusive as Shadow Half is the only move that uses it.)

    Random = 0x03

    Both Foes = 0x04

    User = 0x05

    Both Foes and Ally = 0x06

    Opponent Field = 0x07

    Special String Characters:

    Font Colours:

    When you use the special character that changes the font colour to a predefined colour, these are the colours that the next byte refers to. I tried going above 5 and they all remained black (or maybe white, can't remember)

    White = 0x00

    Yellow = 0x01

    Green = 0x02

    Blue = 0x03

    Orange = 0x04

    Black = 0x05


    There are slots for the key items in r/s which are unimplemented. The new items and key items exclusive to xD come at the end.


    Trainer Models:

    Trainer Classes:


    None = 0x0

    Sun = 0x1

    Rain = 0x2

    Sandstorm = 0x3

    Hail = 0x4

    ShadowSky = 0x5


    same as gen 3 games with a couple of additions. Note that gen 3 order is different from later gens.


    Bulbasaur = 0x0001

    Deoxys = 0x019A

    Chimecho = 0x019B

    ??? = 0x019C

    Bonsly = 0x019D

    Munchlax = 0x019E (It's literally just munchlax's name which is used as a reference for pokespots. It doesn't have a battle model or any battle data)


    Same as other games but with the shadow moves afterwards


    Pound = 0x1

    Psycho Boost = 0x162

    ??? = 0x163 (unused)

    Shadow Blitz = 0x164

    Shadow Rush = 0x165

    Shadow Break = 0x166

    Shadow End = 0x167

    Shadow Wave = 0x168

    Shadow Rave = 0x169

    Shadow Storm = 0x16A

    Shadow Fire = 0x16B

    Shadow Bolt = 0x16C

    Shadow Chill = 0x16D

    Shadow Blast = 0x16E

    Shadow Sky = 0x16F

    Shadow Hold = 0x170

    Shadow Mist = 0x171

    Shadow Panic = 0x172

    Shadow Down = 0x173

    Shadow Shed = 0x174

    Shadow Half = 0x175

    ??? = 0x176 (unusable)

    Move Effects:


    same as other games but with a few additions.

    harshly lowers foes evasion = 0xD6 (shadow mist)

    changes weather to shadow sky = 0xD7 (shadow sky)

    eliminates moves like reflect. = 0xD8 (shadow shed)

    reduces the HP of all pokemon in battle by half. must recharge. = 0xD9 (shadow half)

    Move Category:

    None = 0x0

    Physical = 0x1

    Special = 0x2



    First TM in Start.dol = 0x40239F (The HMs come straight after)

    First Battle Bingo Card in common_rel = 0x1CAF

    Mt. Battle Chikorita in Start.dol = 0x1C5974

    Mt. Battle Cyndaquil in Start.dol = 0x1C59A0

    Mt. Battle Totodile in Start.dol = 0x1C59CC

    First PokeSpot pokemon in common_rel = 0x2FAC

    Demo Starter Vaporeon in Start.dol = 0x14F614

    Demo Starter Jolteon in Start.dol = 0x14F73C

    Starter Eevee in Start.dol = 0x1CBC50

    Trade Meditite in Start.dol = 0x1C5888

    Trade Shuckle in Start.dol = 0x1C58D8

    Trade Larvitar in Start.dol = 0x1C5928

    Traded Shadow Togepi in Start.dol = 0x1C5760 (I found the elekid you get in the trade but accidentally lost the offset. Will find it again)

    First Item in common_rel = 0x1FEE4

    First Move in common_rel = 0xA2710

    First Nature in common_rel = 0x47728

    First Trainer Class in common_rel = 0xEA40

    First Tutor Move in common_rel = 0xA7918

    First Type in common_rel = 0xA7C30


    First Ability Name ID = 0xC1D

    First Ability Description ID = 0xCE5

    First Trainer Class Name ID = 0x1B59

    Entry Numbers:

    Number of Abilities = 0x4D

    Number of TMs and HMs = 0x3A

    Number of Trainer Classes = 0x33 (first is empty entry)

    Special Characters with 2 byte values = [0x07,0x09,0x38,0x52,0x53,0x5B,0x5C]

    Special Characters with 5 byte values = [0x08]

    Number of Bingo Cards = 0x0B

    Number of PokeSpot entries = 0x0B

    Number of Items = 0x01BC

    Number of Moves = 0x0177 (first is an empty entry as well as 0x0163 and 0x0177)

    Number of Natures = 0x19

    Number of Pokemon = 0x019F (first is an empty slot and so is 0x19C. There are also 25 empty slots between celebi and treeko like in other gen III games)

    Number of Tutor Moves = 0x0C

    Number of Types = 0x12

    Max Number of Evolutions = 0x05

    Max Number of Level Up Moves = 0x13

    Entry Sizes:

    Size of TM entry = 0x08

    Size of Bingo Card entry = 0xB8

    Size of Battle Bingo Pokemon entry = 0x0A

    Size of PokeSpot Pokemon entry = 0x0C

    Size of Trainer Pokemon entry = 0x20

    Size of Item Entry = 0x28

    Size of Move entry = 0x38

    Size of Nature entry = 0x28

    Size of Pokemon stats entry = 0x124

    Size of Trainer entry = 0x38

    Size of Trainer Class entry = 0x0C

    Size of Tutor Move entry = 0x0C

    Size of Type entry = 0x30

    Size of Evolution entry = 0x06

    Size of Level Up Move entry = 0x04


    First Shadow Move Index = 0x0164 (The game's ASM determine's whether a move is a shadow move by compring it's index to 0x164)

    First TM Item Data = 0x0121

    Texture Editing:

    I've uploaded the code I use to replace textures to the git hub repository. It's all in swift because I use it on my ipad app but anyone is free to port it.

    Before running the code I use the program TiledGGD to extract the texture as a PNG.

    Here's how:

    First open the file in a text editor. The first 4 bytes are the width and height of the texture although sometimes one of the sizes may end up being a multiple of this value. I'm not sure how this works yet though so I just use it to get an idea.

    The 5th byte is the number of bits per pixel for the image. Some are 8 bit (indexed) and some are 16 or 32 bits (not indexed). There are also a few that are 4 bits per pixel but don't have a palette which is odd for 4bpp images. Treating them as non-indexed doesn't yield a perfect image though so more research is needed for these ones.

    The 4 byte value at offset 0x28 is a pointer to the start of the pixel data. This always points to 0x80 in every texture I've encountered so far.

    The 4 byte value at offset 0x48 is a pointer to the start of the palette data. If the image isn't indexed this value defaults to 0.

    Using this information we can figure out the settings for TiledGGD. The bits per pixel is the 5th byte in the texture. The images are Tiled. The tile sizes are 8x4 for 8bpp images and 4x4 for 16bpp images. Not sure of the tile sizes for other pixel depths and don't know how the game determines the tile size from the data (Maybe it checks if the dimensions are divisble by 8 or not?). The image start offset is the value at 0x28 (always 0x80). The palette start offset is the value at 0x48. If the image isn't indexed then set the image endianness to little. Otherwise set the palette endianness to little instead. The colour order is RGB and the alpha value is at the start. Don't ignore the alpha value.

    The width and height from the data isn't always right so I just adjust the size with the arrow keys until the image looks right. It's usually pretty obvious when it's been adjusted properly.

    Now that the image is displayed properly, just use the save graphics option on the file menu to save it as PNG image.

    Once I have the PNG I run it through the program along with the fdat file it was extracted from.

    These are the simplified steps the program goes through.

    1. Convert the PNG to a bitmap.

    2. Rearrange the pixels into the order they will be in as a tiled image. This requires the original fdat to determine details like the tile width and tile height.

    3. Convert the pixels to format used in the texture. If it is indexed then each new colour is added to the palette and then each pixel using that colour is converted to an index.

    4. The data is then connverted to bytes and written back to the fdat file.

    Data Tables:

    I'm feeling a bit lazy so I'm just going to copy the offsets from my code. Hopefully the variable names make sense to others. I'll be explaining some of the quirkier ones.


    The table starts at 0x47BA0 in common_rel. Each entry is 8 bytes long. The last 4 bytes are the string ID of the ribbon's description.

    Battle Bingo Card:

    Each card has 3 mystery panels and 13 regular ones.

    let kBingoCardIndexOffset = 0x01

    let kBingoCardDifficultyLevelOffset = 0x02

    let kBingoCardSubIndexOffset = 0x03

    let kBingoCardPokemonLevelOffset = 0x04 // Every Pokemon on the card including the starter is of this level.

    let kBingoCardPokemonCountOffset = 0x07 // Always has the same value of 13

    let kBingoCardMysteryPanelCountOffset = 0x08 // Always has the same value of 3

    let kBingoCardNameIDOffset = 0x0B

    let kBingoCardDetailsIDOffset = 0x0F

    let kBingoCardFirstCouponsRewardOffset = 0x11 // The 10 levels of coupons you receive for the number of bingos achieved.

    let kBingoCardFirstPokemonOffset = 0x25 // The first pokemon specified is your starter for that card

    let kBingoCardFirstMysteryPanelOffset = 0xB1

    Each panel is 2 bytes. The first byte is the the item under the panel:

    0x1 = masterball

    0x2 = epx1

    0x3 = epx2

    The second byte is the position of the panel on the board. I believe the top left corner is panel 0 and the rest follow horizontally the rows from top to bottom.

    The pokemon are all specified in the order of their panels.

    Battle Bingo Pokemon

    let kBattleBingoPokemonPanelTypeOffset = 0x00 // Each pokemon has 2 types in its stats. this value determines whether type 0 or type 1 appears on the back of the panel.

    let kBattleBingoPokemonAbilityOffset = 0x01 // Determines which of the pokemon's abilities it has

    let kBattleBingoPokemonNatureOffset = 0x02

    let kBattleBingoPokemonGenderOffset = 0x03 // The genders of the pokemon appear to be random outside of the battles probably due to a programming error.

    let kBattleBingoPokemonSpeciesOffset = 0x04

    let kBattleBingoPokemonMoveOffset = 0x06 // Only one move per pokemon


    let kBagSlotOffset = 0x00 // Determines the pocket the item goes in in the bag like Key items or berries.

    let kItemCantBeHeldOffset = 0x01 If this is set you don't get the option to 'GIVE' the item to a pokemon

    let kInBattleUseItemIDOffset = 0x04 Used on items that can be used on your pokemon in battle like potions. Not sure what this value affects if anything.

    let kItemPriceOffset = 0x06

    let kItemCouponCostOffset = 0x08 // Price in battle coupons.

    let kItemBattleHoldItemIDOffset = 0x0B Used on items that can be used on by pokemon in battle like the choice band. Not sure what this value affects if anything.

    let kItemNameIDOffset = 0x12

    let kItemDescriptionIDOffset = 0x16

    let kItemParameterOffset = 0x1B // Used on some items to determine things like the amount of HP restored or the chance of activation.

    let kFirstFriendshipEffectOffset = 0x24

    There are 3 friendship effects and they are signed UInt8s. When the item is used the pokemon's happiness increases or decreases by this value. There are 3 because the amount the value changes by is dependent on the the current happiness. Bulbapedia has the exact values that determine the change. IIRC, the first one is below 100.


    let kBattlePurificationOffset = 0x00

    let kWalkingPurificationOffset = 0x01

    let kCallPurificationOffset = 0x02

    let kDayCarePurificationOffset = 0x03

    let kColognePurificationOffset = 0x04

    let kAttackModificationOffset = 0x05

    let kDefenseModificationOffset = 0x06

    let kSpAtkModificationOffset = 0x07

    let kSpDefModificationOffset = 0x08

    let kSpeedModificationOffset = 0x09

    let kNatureNameIDOffset = 0x16

    Trainer Classes:

    A trainer's prize money is their class' payout x max pokemon level x 2. Although Greevil gives 5300 (300 more than expected) after his shadow lugia battle and then the expected 5000 after his actual battle. I don't think that battle uses a separate trainer class so not sure how the game determines the prize money for that battle. Could just be hard coded.

    let kTrainerClassPayoutOffset = 0x00

    let kTrainerClassNameIDOffset = 0x06

    Tutor Moves

    A trainer's prize money is their class' payout x max pokemon level x 2. Although Greevil gives 5300 (300 more than expected) after his shadow lugia battle and then the expected 5000 after his actual battle. I don't think that battle uses a separate trainer class so not sure how the game determines the prize money for that battle. Could just be hard coded.

    Move's index = 0x00

    Availability flag = 0x07

    This value affects whether the move is available or not. They are probably in game flags that are set when you've been to a certain map. I haven't documented the values used yet, nor have I tested different values.


    let kCategoryOffset = 0x0

    let kTypeNameIDOffset = 0xA

    let kFirstEffectivenessOffset = 0xD These are listed in the same order as the types are. This determines if the type specified by the current row is super effective on the type the current byte corresponds to.

    let kSizeOfTypeData = 0x30

    I have changed the ? type to fairy type but it does require some of the ASM to be tweaked a little bit. It has definitely affected a few things and some minor compromises had to be made. I haven't played through the game fully so I might have messed some stuff up without knowing. As far as I can tell, it's very stable though.


    let kEvolutionMethodOffset = 0x0 // 1 byte

    let kEvolutionConditionOffset = 0x2 // 2 bytes // Like the item or the level required

    let kEvolvedFormOffset = 0x4 // 2 bytes

    Level up move:

    let kLevelUpMoveLevelOffset = 0x0 // 1 byte

    let kLevelUpMoveIndexOffset = 0x2 // 2 bytes

    Gift and Trade Pokemon:

    I'm feeling a bit lazy so I'm just going to copy the offsets from my code. Hopefully the variable names make sense to others. I'll be explaining some of the quirkier ones.

    These are actually part of the game's ASM and so don't come in nice tables. They're easy enough to work with though.

    The start offsets in Start.dol are given above and these are the offsets to the useful values.

    Where I describe "Shiny Values", use:

    0x0000 for never shiny

    0x0001 for always shiny

    0xFFFF for random

    Mt. Battle Prizes

    These don't come with a level like the other gift pokemon. They probably all have their level specified by the same line of code but I couldn't be bothered to find it since the only way for me to test it would be to play through the whole game (or hope to find a save file that happened to be at the top of mt.battle). The value of 0x5 is quite a common value so it's a harder value to just assume to be correct.

    0x02 Species

    0x06 Move1

    0x0A Move2

    0x0E Move3

    0x12 Move4

    Also note that there are 3 strings for the text in the multichoice box for choosing the pokemon. If you change their species you may also want to change these strings to the new pokemon names.

    Beta Starters:

    0x02 species

    0x07 level

    0x16 Move1

    0x26 Move2

    0x36 Move3

    0x46 Move4

    0x5E Shiny Value

    0x92 EXP value (the actual exp the pokemon has. make sure it corresponds to it's level but can be more than the exact required value to determine how close it is to the next level.)

    Start Eevee:

    let kStarterSpeciesOffset = 0x02

    let kStarterLevelOffset = 0x0B

    let kStarterMove1Offset = 0x12

    let kStarterMove2Offset = 0x16

    let kStarterMove3Offset = 0x1A

    let kStarterMove4Offset = 0x1E

    let kStarterExpValueOffset = 0x66

    Trade Pokemon:

    0x02 Species

    0x0B Level

    0x26 Move1

    0x2A Move2

    0x2E Move3

    0x32 Move4

    I found Elekid but lost the offset. Will find it again.

    Traded Shadow Togepi:

    0x02 Species

    0x0B Level

    0x26 Move1

    0x2A Move2

    0x2E Move3

    0x32 Move4

  14. So I've been digging through the files in Pokemon XD and I stumbled across an image that is unused in the final version of the game. It shows the main character (Michael) at what looks like an early version of Gateon port. He has a very different design to the final design and it's sooo much cooler than the final version. I wish they'd kept the old design.



  15. Usually these kinds of tables are in common_rel or, less often, in start.dol. However, we know that common_rel is loaded into ram in its entirety and I think almost all of start.dol is as well. You can figure out where these files start and end in ram and if any data in ram is between one of the two offsets you know it is in that file. However, these files are always at the same offset in ram and you say the start of the purification table varies in ram. This potentially means it's created at runtime.

    I've had a little look myself and can't track it down so my best guess is that it is created by some ASM in start.dol.

  16. No clue. I'd only know by seeing it happen (I haven't) or by reading a bunch of assembly that I don't even have the first clue where to find.

    From looking at the values for the AI of the trainer I'm assuming that a higher value doesn't necessarily correspond to a more intelligent AI. It would make sense for the Mt.Battle masters on battle mode to have the highest AI value in the game but this is not the case. My best guess is that the game was programmed with predefined strategies. Like you said some of the more important characters would get unique values which are tailored to their team while the generic characters are just assigned the default strategies. For example, I believe that Justy's pokemon are all very likely to use double team and Evice's Slowking will use skill swap on his Slaking. I've found that sometimes, I'll give a trainer some really creative sets like baton pass sets but they just end up spamming their attacking move.

  17. Hahaha it's pretty funny that we both had the same idea! I'm sure it'll become obvious eventually.

    The scripts definitely aren't assembly if you compare them to start.dol but yeah it's hard to figure them out. You can tell what they're doing you just can't tell how right now. The easiest way to test would be change values and see the results ingame but that process would be so tedious. Maybe one day...

    And yeah the code for controlling your opponent is one of my favourites. Very useful indeed.

    And, just because the Pokemon data uses Natures and I'm not sure of a "good" place to post this...

    Nature data:

    • In: common.fsys\common_rel.fdat
    • Start: 0x122E60
    • Entry size: 0x28 (dec 40)
    • Entry count: 25


    • 0x00 -- 1 byte -- Battle purification
    • 0x01 -- 1 byte -- Walking purification
    • 0x02 -- 1 byte -- Call purification (out of Hyper Mode/sleep)
    • 0x03 -- 1 byte -- Day Care purification
    • 0x04 -- 1 byte -- Cologne purification
    • 0x05 -- 1 byte -- Attack modification
    • 0x06 -- 1 byte -- Defense modification
    • 0x07 -- 1 byte -- Sp Attack modification
    • 0x08 -- 1 byte -- Sp Defense modification
    • 0x09 -- 1 byte -- Speed modification
    • 0x0A -- 1 byte -- 0x64
    • 0x0B -- 8*1 byte -- Unknown...
    • 0x13 -- 1 byte -- 0x00
    • 0x14 -- 4 bytes -- Nature string (ID)
    • 0x18 -- 7*1 byte -- Unknown...
    • 0x1F -- 7 bytes -- 0x64 (each/all)
    • 0x26 -- 2 bytes -- 0

    These entries correspond to Nature indices (such as are used in the Trainer Pokemon data) with a 1-based index. That is, the first Nature/entry, Hardy, has index 1.

    I've tentatively deciphered the first 5 bytes by taking what a FAQ claimed were the purification preferences of each Nature, and associating that with those bytes when they're sorted. I don't know exactly how the values influence purification (the short version is simply that higher numbers mean a larger effect), but I'm actually planning to spend some time on purification and try to put some hard numbers to it all, including these Nature effects.

    The "modification" bytes have three possible values. 0x00 means the stat is increased, 0x01 means the stat is not affected, and 0x02 means the stat is decreased.

    The 0x0B-0x12 and 0x18-0x1E bytes have a limited number of values, but I can't guess what they do. The interesting thing about both sets is that they tend to be in multiples of 5 and 10, like percents perhaps (the first 8 kind of tend low, and the latter 7 kind of tend higher). The only thing I can think up is that they could be AI parameters, sort of like the Emerald Battle Palace AI battles (though I don't actually have the first idea how the Battle Palace AIs were implemented). But Natures usually don't do much at all, so seeing all these values is kind of bewildering.

    I also have no idea if any of the static bytes actually have some meaning. I can't help but harbor a bit of suspicion for the ones that are 0x64 (decimal 100) in particular, especially all the ones that come right after 0x1E.

    Also I had a look on bulbapedia to see what else is affected by a pokemon's nature. The only other known effect is the effect on a pokemon's pokeblock flavour preferences. A lot of useless data like egg groups and egg cycles are carried over from the gba games so I wouldn't be surprised if most of the unknown values in the nature data were for the pokeblock data.

    Also near the beginning of common_rel you will notice the ascii text for the names of all the sounds in the game from fanfares to background music. If you were to list these you could assume they're in the same order as the indexes used to reference them. You could figure out the index of miror b.s music from this and see if you can find it in those structures. There's no way to know that the songs are listed in order but it's quite likely.

  18. This is really interesting stuff. I didn't even think about structures like the natures and trainer classes. I think I actually stumbled across the trainer class one in xD but didn't realise it's significance. I assumed the prize money was a value stored with each individual trainer like in the gba games iirc.

    You said you think the trainer data probably starts an entry earlier and I think you're probably right. From what I've been seeing recently a lot of tables start with an empty row for index 0. e.g. the move data and pokemon stats tables both start with empty rows since there is no pokemon or move 0. However the type data (and I'm assuming natures too) don't have that empty row since 0 is a valid type value for the normal type. Where you said the data may start an index later at 1, I can't remember what you're referring to since it has been a while since I looked at colo but it probably does start at 0 even though it's unused because 0 is a possible value that could be assigned for that variable.

    On my very first editing attempt, I was changing the hex for some trainers manually using my hex editor and I accidentally set the value for a trainer's pokemon to a value between celebi and treeko. It took me a while to notice because rather than crashing the game or anything, the game just ignored that pokemon. As you will know, arrays in programming start at index 0 so it is a valid index and the game just ignores empty entries.

    oh and in case you were wondering, the indexes between celebi and treeko will work if you fill those entries with values first.

    Also, I don't know if you noticed but most trainers send their pokemon out in the same order as they are specified in the data. However, on rare occasions they will send them out in a different order. Most shadow pokemon are last in their teams but a few are first in their teams and yet they are still sent out last. Sometimes a trainer will just send their pokemon out in random order which changes each time you battle them. I was wondering if you'd seen any values that could specify this. I thought it could be the value in the pokemon list that is always between 0-3 but this had no effect on their ordering.

    As for where the game specifies which trainer is in which map, the second file in the .fsys for each map is the file with all the scripts for that map. In xD this file is very easy to piece together because it contains a lot of human readable text in it. However, the equivalent file in colosseum has no such text and so I don't know what any of it means but it probably serves a similar purpose. The 3rd file in the map .fsys files is a string table of the strings that appear in that map. In xD if you search for any if the string ids contaibed in the third file, in the second file they will appear. You could try searching for the trainer IDs in this file. The ID is most likely the same as the index in the trainer data

    Finally, since you're clearly really into this research I recommend taking a look at gecko and ar codes for pokemon colosseum. There is so much that was figured out years ago from looking at the ram. Usually they just figured out the really obvious data but sometimes you may find something interesting. like One code for xD came with a list of all the values for the trainer models.

  19. I'd wager you're right about 0xFFFF08 changing the font color.

    I certainly did write some Java. It's in pieces and the output of one doesn't always feed right into the next... I guess I can, though. Here. (Lemme also disclaim that it's probably not written to a professional standard:tongue:.)

    If you run any of it, it might be helpful to know that I like to use Excel (Calc, actually) to sort and prune my intermediate output files where it's necessary. That's the nice thing about using tabs as delimiters, super easy to put into and take out of a spreadsheet.:wink: In one program, I'm also throwing much more than is remotely useful to stderr, I just haven't felt like cutting it out... (You could in fact pretty well remove anything I'm printing to stderr at this point.)

    FYI, it usually takes me about 20-30 minutes to search through every file extracted from any given ROM. The other programs don't even take a minute to run, though, I think. Also FYI, one of my intermediate steps sees me writing a file for every table, and I did this because (at the moment, at least), I have a notion of only opening the file(s) I need and reading strings from there. Pretty much the only reason I went beyond that stage was to make it into a convenient text dump.

    Thanks for that. I just want to look through and make sure I haven't missed anything. You managed to parse every single file so your code can handle anything that the game contains. Mine currently only works perfectly for common_rel, tableres2 and start.dol but will crash on things I hadn't seen like 0xFFFF08. I haven't used java in a while but I think I can still understand it.

  20. Hahaha that's a fair point! This is really cool though. I'm assuming you wrote a program of sorts to dump all text right? If so, could you upload the source code for that as well. Mine isn't complete yet and it would be great to see how you did it (if you don't mind of course). You don't seem to have mentioned any such code but you'd have to be pretty dedicated to do all of this manually xD.

    Also, from the values I'm seeing, it looks like 0xFFFF08 almost definitely changes the font colour of the text. The next 4 values are RGBA values which determine the colour.

  21. Yeah, I noticed they were 2 bytes each but I just ignored it since the maximum value for an EV is only 1byte. 0xFFFF does make sense for randomising the value as it is used as a randomiser value for a lot of variables. I didn't consider that since the game never randomises EVs. I lost interest in colosseum when I realised I could implement the phsyical/special class split in xD so I probably won't get around to testing your theory but if/when you do I'm curious to know.

    And yeah sorry, I spent about a week typing up everything I knew on notepad and then copy and pasted it onto the forums at about 5am in the morning so I probably made a few mistakes along the way. I will correct that now, thanks for pointing it out.

    I should probably post my discoveries as they come rather than piling them up... I think I'll post some updates soon.

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