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Everything posted by Karyuu

  1. Karyuu

    Alamos Darkrai

    Can you have the name in English?
  2. If they can be born with HO?
  3. Thanks, but asked for an exe to open files WC7
  4. There is some version of WC7?
  5. a small question, all legal pkm files?
  6. someone with Wondercard of Kotone Yasue's Tyranitar (?) mod edit: You all have been warned time and time again. Infraction given.
  7. Anyone have the PKX file for Sharpedo #worlds ands Gamescon pokes(?)
  8. .pkm or .pkx file from pikachu pls(?)
  9. ok, i connect
  10. Please i Need This mons IGN Karyu FC 3497-2098-4723 Please
  11. Someone with these events in format pkm / PK6??
  12. excuse me, I have not been connected, all right?
  13. ok
  14. Hellooooo I Need This Pls, FC 3497-2098-4723 IGN Karyu x2 x3 x1 Thankssss PD: You have these events (?)
  15. please PK6 files of hoopa and legendary event
  16. I work best, use the method .pkm
  17. OK, im ready
  18. Pleaseeee!!! Friend Code: 3497-2098-4723 IGN: Karyu Now I do not need dragonite, thanks This need for now, thanks
  19. I'm going to fix it and then i'll edit the main post :creep:
  20. Thanks but I'm wrong in the balls: C
  21. OK, i am online
  22. Pleaseeee!!! Friend Code: 3497-2098-4723 IGN: Karyu Please Need this 6 Dragonites <3 EDITING Thanks!!!!!
  23. Ok, i connect
  24. Pleaseeee!!! <3 Friend Code: 3497-2098-4723 IGN: Karyu
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