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Everything posted by Raleiigh

  1. hey rust i added u my name is Kise Friend Code:0920-2834-8224
  2. ooh i didnt get to online in time
  3. Before i do my own pokemons but i updated my devices so cant do it anymore x.x Friend Code:0920-2834-8224 Wifi-Trade Sylveon Blaziken
  4. Raleiigh

    Sylish points

  5. Raleiigh

    Sylish points

    can i get max stylish points via pkhex? i want to get haircuts
  6. what is the max IV and EV ?
  7. btw this is legit used it in battle spot with no problem
  8. thanks will do
  9. ok did it is all pokemon legal cos i want to replay the game from the start then use this pokemons btw should i download the DB file?
  10. well your English is good i understand it very clearly thanks mate will try that do you know if i edited my trainers info and items can i still wifi battle? i will make my money max and all my items but not hack pokemons
  11. hey can i use this method iam using a legit cartridge to get all this pokemons ? btw iam using Y which one should i download
  12. can make this work on the normal game? edit : nvm i will just get pokemons that i want then copy it to my save so my pokemon is sure legal thanks dude!
  13. if i edited my money and items like TM/HM Potions/RareCandy but all my pokemon is legal can i still battle online cos i dont want to hack pokemons anymore
  14. sorry ididnt understand your 2nd sentence iam just new to pokemon hax so i dont know acronyms or such can u make it simple
  15. does this will make my hatched eggs legal? cos i cant battle online with hacked pokemons but i can trade it
  16. Question Can i battle with Pkhex pokemons i already found legal moves with websites but before i start battle with other trainers it said communication with other trainers interuptred can anyone help m,e
  17. thanks worked
  18. when i pressed get all accesories nothing happent
  19. is it possible to have Megastones from ORAS to XY i tried to put salamencite on my bagon and it crashed or i just did it wrong
  20. its ok now it already worked but when i checked my pokemons screen went black
  21. i used this to get me 999999 money and after a used the method to input it did ok then when in game it lag then reboot after that the changes didnt occur
  22. how can i get all accesories
  23. hello i used pcedit and i cant edit trainer info do i need to use ram2sav to able to edit it? thanks for answering
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