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About KOEB

  • Birthday 01/01/1990
  1. HOW?!?!?!?! Every time I try and use one of my pokes in a WiFi battle, the game says no. I don't have realm moves. Is that a problem?
  2. Hey, I was wondering exactly how you made these pokes. I mean what was the steps you where following as you made each poke? What Websites did you use? stuff like that, I was wondering because I wanted to make same of my own battle ready pokes and give them to my friend via email, and stuff like that. Please help this would be awesome!
  3. I got my pc not to crash, but all the pokes are eggs ?
  4. Thanks, I'll try it when I can.
  5. Because the game realised there not real. If you want to trade or battle with them make sure there 100% legit.
  6. Which file is it? Main or PCdata?
  7. Thanks, I'll try it when I get home!
  8. Its still not working for me D:
  9. I had a problem as well with this happening, and I couldn't open my PC.
  10. There are 7 links to click on. which one do I click? I have OR and a male character (If this even matters)
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