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About KOEB

  • Birthday 01/01/1990
  1. HOW?!?!?!?! Every time I try and use one of my pokes in a WiFi battle, the game says no. I don't have realm moves. Is that a problem?
  2. Hey, I was wondering exactly how you made these pokes. I mean what was the steps you where following as you made each poke? What Websites did you use? stuff like that, I was wondering because I wanted to make same of my own battle ready pokes and give them to my friend via email, and stuff like that. Please help this would be awesome!
  3. Sorry?? Import what?
  4. Thanks! Its working.
  5. what's the difference?
  6. I got my pc not to crash, but all the pokes are eggs ?
  7. Thanks, I'll try it when I can.
  8. Because the game realised there not real. If you want to trade or battle with them make sure there 100% legit.
  9. Which file is it? Main or PCdata?
  10. Thanks, I'll try it when I get home!
  11. Its still not working for me D:
  12. I had a problem as well with this happening, and I couldn't open my PC.
  13. There are 7 links to click on. which one do I click? I have OR and a male character (If this even matters)
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