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Everything posted by Vargryn

  1. So uh, that guy who wants a Skorupi for his Togepi? That isn't working for me...I caught the Skorupi with a quick ball. Is this a bug? Sorry if I'm being dumb or missing something
  2. I'm not updating just in case, but that's fantastic (and surprising) news if true
  3. Actually I have a question. Can you use this to level up Pokemon without replacing them? Say you have a level 46 Swampert that you want to get to 100. Is that okay to do? Will it be able to relearn any moves that it would have normally learned between those two levels?
  4. Welp scratch my last post. For some reason the pcin link in this post worked: ...I have no idea. O_o I guess I misspelled the URL last night and kept not noticing. I was half asleep...
  5. I don't think this is the right thread for that...
  6. I've followed the directions in the first post to a T from what I can tell, but the Pokemon isn't showing up in the assigned slot...Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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