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Everything posted by ElseSomeone

  1. A delibird will be distributed for those who will participe to the festive feud (PGL tournament) who will be held from december 11th to 13th, registrations starts december 3rd
  2. Ok : I upload in few minutes : -Zoroark Sly (Germany) -Hoopa Harry (Germany) -Universe Diancie (Taiwan) Wondercard Title : Ein Zoroark voller Überraschungen! Wondercard Text : Stifte mit Zoroarks Fähigkeit Trugbild jede Menge Verwirrung! Dieses kampfbereite Zoroark beherrscht Attacken, die sich in der Wettkampfszene großer Beliebtheit erfreuen und deine Gegner im Dunkeln tappen lassen werden! Wondercard Title : Wow! Ein Hoopa! Wondercard Text : Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Hoopa ist da! Mit Diemensionsloch beherrscht es eine neue und mächtige Attacke, die nur Hoopa erlernen kann! Wondercard Title : Diancie Gift Wondercard Text : Mythical Pokémon Diancie which plays an active role in the movie this year will be presented! (No mistakes in the Diancie text, it's really in a jumbled-up english) Hoopa Harry (Germany) : https://1fichier.com/?t8iubrwb1u Zoroark Sly (Germany) : https://1fichier.com/?gcxfpm3950 Diancie Universe (Taiwan) : https://1fichier.com/?o50ghet6d7 Upload the pics in a second ! The pics for the other will came another day, I'd forgotten to use the capture board (I only used a camera)
  3. I've redeem the Universe Diancie, so I will contribute this ASAP
  4. They don't distribute anything in wifi, they just like giving serial codes in europe/usa so it won't make me sad if I can get events without having to go at PC
  5. If the homepass was their priority, it has to be already cutted off x) But yeah I understand, I hope we will get password to gets theses events
  6. That's not a problem to nintendo that anyone can access to the events. 3DS turn into a fully hacked console, and nothing happen, so that's not a "hack" for pokémon that will make them angry..
  7. It should be this, since they're exactly the same
  8. They match (in hexadecimal too) to the redeemed one with proof wondercard so we can say that they're totally legal, right ?
  9. hexadecimal data for a thing like this should be easy to understand, but it will be useful one day with other events (for a new pc in europe or during a travel?)
  10. I won't go at this but an homebrew like that can be very useful in the future for other events, if you could share this
  11. Homebrews will change what ?
  12. yeah if someone succesfully that, let us know lol
  13. So basically, it don't work ? Tood bad
  14. The japanese region is not required, all the pokemon center events are unzoned, they can be received on any consoles from anyy region as long as you're physically here. But with a SSID hack with the mac adress, we should be able to download them from where we are, but this will be only on a japanese console (or nand) (since it won't download the nintendo zone feature if so..). If you successfully download this event, take me aware, i'm very interested
  15. Is the Universe Diancie is already contributed ? If no I'll try to get this. Btw, I've capture board's screen for Maxsoft Hoopa if you want to see them.
  16. Zoroark Sly - (FRE - EUROPE) : https://1fichier.com/?gm72rnrq2b It should be this one Not yet
  17. Ha ? Maybe I put the US one in the EU directory and vice versa (this exist in english I suppose? 'cause this is latin lol) as they got the same SID, so the same name. I correct this at the end of the day, sorry
  18. Ok I got 5 codes for zoroark, I redeem every languages now And got also the XY&Z events, but the proofs are taken with a capture board so I guess this should be better. I also have real picture but I guess in game quality this may be better ? Yveltal : http://imgur.com/a/t58T6 Download : https://1fichier.com/?hwtuktbqlc Xerneas : http://imgur.com/a/IUZbv Download : https://1fichier.com/?47n811t6d0 Zoroark Sly (USA) - French : http://imgur.com/a/wuxWV Download : https://1fichier.com/?0ud67ceu47 I will upload other languages for Zoroark later Title : Un Zoroark rusé fait sa loi ! Wondercard Text : Il est temps de profiter pleinement du talent Illusion de Zoroark ! Ce Pokémon prêt pour le combat dispose de capacités souvent utilisés en compétition. Votre adversaire aura bien du mal à prédire votre prochaine attaque !
  19. So presently from now we have : Ita/Eng/Fre Hoopa right ? So will obtain the Spa/Deutch to get the full list, is that correct ?
  20. Uh ? I don't see any change, there isn't the latest Xerneas, Yveltal, Pika PGL (FRA), the Galileo's Rayquaza (every languages), Zoroark.., the european hoopas... Btw, if anyone has hoopa's to contribute or will do it, please tell me the language you will have. (Because I've 2 codes for now, so I won't contribute languages that are already there). Or simply tell me the already contributed languages.
  21. How can you screenshot with ninjhax ? Btw, there is never wifi events in europe, pretty weird seriously
  22. Tous les codes anglais, allemands, français, européens sont les mêmes. Ce code était allemand, mais c'est les mêmes qu'en France. Every serial codes english, deutch, french, the european one, are the same. This code was the deutch one, but that's the same as they are in France.
  23. Soit mignon et lis 9 posts plus haut, c'est pas compliqué !
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