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Posts posted by hacks

  1. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! well at least i got everything i want using RAM2Sav but i might need sum more things l8r so im not updating til nintendo releases a new update for ORAS (hopefully they will do it before the new fire emblem game right because i got £50 balance and im not spending a dime til the nwe fire emblem comes out!

    good thing you can use regoin three to run newer games with out having to update

  2. if you have 2 3ds like i do you can leave 1 updated and one not so you can use 1 to gen and 1 to play the game online also an update for the games are not likely and i think oras has never had a patch in order to play online i only think x and y did and that was because of instacheck and since this exploit does not mess with online like instacheck did a patch probley will never happen that makes you have to download it to go online idk about this but if you firmwares really outdated will it block online for all games

  3. it depends on how they patched it to how long it will take to be on newer firmwares they may have only changed one little thing that causes it not to work anymore all they need to work out is what the update had changed to the internet browser and edit the code of the exploit so it works again also of course they need to be able to hack into it onto this firmware to see what has changed which its the hardest part

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