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Posts posted by hacks

  1. My own dumped Main is 472 KB and has no extension at all so you could use that as an aim value I guess.

    but the gate way ones .sav and the one i dumped has no .sav on end and its just called a file named main also when i open the gateway save in pkhex it says not reponding

  2. yes tdvs will be better the down side is if you want to back up two save games you will have to take the sd card out of use ftp and rename the main folder to some thing else and rename it back to main when you want to back it up. also the werid thing is super mario 3d lands save file is a game.bin while pokemons is a a main

  3. well the exploits not patched all they did was take the game off eshop and the same thing can be done with cubic ninja so if you missed out on getting ironfall you can still buy cubic ninja and it will still work when it comes out if you downloaded it before it was removed

  4. You shouldn't have done that...

    had to because i did not know when they would take iron fall off the eshop so i updated my un updated 3ds i used for ram saves to get iron fall on it as well so when ironhax gets pathetic and a new pokemon update required to play online comes out i can still use it

  5. ok so smea has still not told us when this comes out he said end of the week but its monday atlease for me and he has no tweeted since saturday can wait just wondering when it will come out cause i updated my other 3ds and can't gen still it comes out

  6. Patience is a virtue.. Also the end of the week is Sunday

    1) he's French and in Europe weeks are Monday - Sunday

    2) Saturday and Sunday are called the weekEND for a reason. It makes no sense whatsoever to have a week start on Sunday to begin with.

    but the point is its Sunday today unless his time zones behind ours i can wait just don't want it to get patched before it even comes out

  7. Yes again. Also please refer to this post as this is not supposed to be discussed here:


    just so you know i sent that here before that thread was made

    also im not using ramsav any more gonna use the new method of injecting comes out which should ba a day or 2 or a few days with the homebrew cause imma gonna update my 3ds

  8. oh well, I still have Y as a cartridge but the other 3 I have as downloads :/

    well it may not be supported at first but could be supported as tdvs can access the sd card but i have no idea

    Also do you think its a good idea i update my unupdated 3ds i use for ram save and ditch qr codes

  9. So far.. well that it's a 100% given that it works. So download Ironhax and wait patiently for the release of both Ironhax and TVDS. Smea has said he hopes to release that at the same time, but if anything TVDS might be a couple of days after.

    Furthermore, this:


    will is also be able to back up saves

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