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Everything posted by lvlann

  1. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    I'd love to know the SID of all the bday pokemon and all the serial code events as well
  2. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    I did... but i placed it via cybersaves....i dunno if its working right with powersaves. check out the attachment below. 2048 - It's an Eon Ticket!.rar
  3. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    Ok...so I got Pikaedit.. though it edits pokemon..and is similar to pkhex in many ways.. it doesnt mass edit files either
  4. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    shit, u r right. lemme check that.
  5. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    pokedit doesnt take gen 6 pokes
  6. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    Ok...guys... this is what it is.. I have 2 3ds..one is English and the Other is Japanese. I want to edit all my English 3ds' Pokemon files so that i can change the english sid and id to my japanese sid and id. also.. i wanted to mass edit specific pokemon to make them battle ready (i do giveaways on facebook).... editing hundreds of files is just too time consuming and takes the fun out of it all. so.. How can I edit the whole box or multiple files to change their id, sid, natures, iv, ev, etc.. please please help.
  7. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    hey, is there a way we can mass edit all Pokémon? I want to change the OT, ID, and SID, and IV. so could u pls have mass edit option in your next update???
  8. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    Hey.. i have a question (as usual), is there a way we can mass edit every pokemon in a box? basically I want to change the OT, ID, SID for all my pokemon..and i have all 31 boxes filled.. and a lot more waiting in bank..
  9. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    wut? wow!!!! holy poop balls!! wait.. let me get this straight.. .pkm files? YOU CAN OPEN .PKM FILES AND SAVE THEM .PK6 FILES?
  10. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    Could you explain the Secret Base Editor a little bit please? Favorites? Secret Base Location? Index? Decoration? Rotation Val? X coordinate? Y coordinate? Flags Captured? Happy, Encourage, Blackboard, Confetti????? Thanks.
  11. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

  12. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    A.W.E.S.O.M.E I'll test it right now.
  13. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    is the eon ticket wondercard already added in the pkhex? if not.. could you provide the necessary file pleasE?
  14. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    congrats!!! make sure u tell us all about em
  15. Well when i go to the "other" tab, there is a "secret base" button.. I press it n i get a popup error saying the following: "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quit the application will close immediately. Value of "-1" is not valid for "Value". "Value" should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum'. Parameter Name: Value."
  16. where is it located??? n can v choose which 25 items v can have?
  17. Well.. I tried translating.. I understood like 5-6 of them..for the rest even the translation is a bit fumbled.. so i dont understand that. secondly. i understand I can do majority of them on PKHex but i still would like to know what I have preloaded and plus one of the cheats are secret base items.. but PKHex doesnt have that yet
  18. I have a quick question.. I searched EVERYWHERE for this but i couldnt find an answer.. Omega Ruby has 30 cheats preinstalled.. could someone please translate the cheats for me and possibly many others who don't know Japanese? Thanks Here are the screenshots of the Cheats. Thanks.
  19. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    never mind, found it.. it should be poketransfer.
  20. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    @ Kaphotics: I sent you a PM.. could you please see if you can help me in that.. thanks
  21. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    I did visit the bulbapedia page and serebii before asking here.. In serebii i think it says the met location is bryant park.. In bulbepedia all it says is 10 aniv. If i should be looking at something else please advise and direct me towards it. Thanks
  22. lvlann

    PKHeX Legacy Discussion

    what "met location" would you use in pkhex if you wanted to gen 10th anniversary party of the decade event pokemon that were distributed in bryant park, New York?
  23. I'm SO Happy!
  24. Ok.. well I like creating a pokemon with Memory Amie. like for example.. i mostly choose my Met Location as "Route 7" for Kalos Borns. And in Amie I always choose Hatched from an egg and saw aryan for the first time at a riverside road. The pokemon remembers _________________" So basically every location has its own description in amie. Route 7 is a riverside road, Luminoise City is a Large City, dendemille town is a wind swept town etc.. For ORAS.. I dont know whats the description for each location is.. ALSO.. Today i was trying to create 10th Anniversary "Party of the Decade" Event Pokemon from the following list: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Party_of_the_Decade_event_Pokémon_distributions These events were distributed in New York, Bryant Park. So Met Location would either be Bryant Park or 10th Anniversary or something..right? But neither of them are available under Met Location.. So any help genning these pokemon would be greatly appreciated as well.
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