1. I installed the software from this link:
I can't read Japanese, so I had to guess my way through the installation. In the three first windows, I clicked at the buttons with "N" in parenthesis, then the button with "I", and lastly the button with "F". I don't know if it's normal, but no icon was added to my desktop, so I'm not able to open the save editor, and the program I downloaded from the link has this name in the folder: 3DSSESetupV2
2. Then I downloaded the "".
3. I extracted "3DSSaveEditor_en.exe" and "Ionic.Zip.dll" to the same folder as "3DSSESetupV2".
4. I ran "3DSSaveEditor_en" as Administrator.
5. I clicked "Ok" in the "saveEditor 2 for 3DS News/Announcements" window that appeared. The top line/news/message has 2015/02/05 as the latest date.
After I clicked "Ok", a window appeared called "Will now download game list from server". The green bar filled up and it seemed alright, and when it was finished, the problem as showed in the picture above occurred. I've tried uninstalling and installing again several times.