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Everything posted by akiratron

  1. Will add all those who have replied to add those above as soon I get home. I'm the fire type with Ponyta Slugma and Fletching. Ironically I'm looking for someone who has Fletching too
  2. My 3DS Code is: 2638 0577 9486 Let me know if you want to add me
  3. Yeah also using the destiny knot in breeding passes 5 IV's from both parents now. Used with a power item/Everstone your guaranteed to get a good spread in a few attempts. That and the fast EXP via Elite 4 (lucky Egg) and your laughing. Who says Gen 6 will have bad pokes lol #27thNationalDittoTransferDay
  4. If anyone would like to add me my 3DS FC: 2638 0577 948 Let me know and I'll add you. I'll even throw you the occasional O-Power
  5. I've yet to find one too, or could it depend on how many Pokemon you have encountered. Some say Horde Battles increase the chances.
  6. Agreed. Not only that, its even possible to soft reset for near flawless Legendaries, I've seen a 31/x/31/30/31/31 Xerneas already . Gamefreak have introduced a lot of mechanics to make things quicker and have iv spreads possible. The community is thriving with people spreading pokerus via twitter (check out #wondertradewednesday). The PSS system where you get OPowers. Without action replays etc people need the help of others which ultimately is making the community even better.
  7. Chespin all the way
  8. Wow Aero and Aboma look awesome. With team previews it will be a guessing game of which poke Is the mega. Gf did a good job here
  9. I'm actually glad there will be no cheats. Plus it makes it fair for everyone. People always throw up the argument of time. However I'm from the generation where Pokemon used to be about strategy and making the most of what you have. RNG has spoilt us, the longer the game stays hack free the better
  10. "Game" are offering 3d pokedex pro for free if you pre-order by download. I've gone with the retail copy which you get a pokeball, but may get the other version via download.
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