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About Peps_Project

  • Birthday 12/05/1999
  1. Thanks for helping I'm going to see that video :cool:
  2. Sorry for disturb you, but i don't know how to use the hex editor (is it cygnus hex editor? Because I already have it). Do you know a video that explain? I want to edit moves, overworld, pokemart, and the itens that NPC gives to you. Thank you so much! :)
  3. Thanks Kaphotics, but what are the programs that I can use to edit it? :cool:
  4. I need help ! How to trade itens locations? Like put Ice Beam on Aspertia City (its just an example). Which is the program? Please, someone help me And how to put overworld sprites on the map( put a Hydreigon Overworld Sprite on Aspertia City, for example). I want to make a hack of Pokémon Black 2, can someone tell me the programs that i need to do and the narc locations? Thanks a lot!
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