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Everything posted by LeviTrueblade

  1. Oh ok, I had no idea where to start looking. I'm still kinda new to this, would you happen to have a link to one or is it on this site/forum somewhere?
  2. With BWTE I've changed sprites for the battle intro/outro, but how could one change the overworld sprite of individual trainers?
  3. I can't believe I didn't think of this. Thanks.
  4. Working with W2 - I need some help, someone please give some advice? I've been trying everything I could find, I don't want to have to learn C++ or something JUST to hack simple things on White 2. Starter Editing - Tried: Twisted Fatal Starter Editor, Zero's Starter Editor I tried all the Starter Editors I could find, none of them worked, so I found out how to hex edit it but I can't figure out how to get the opening visual to change (the pictures of the starters with the names) so now, you choose visually from the original 3, but when you choose, you get the right one. Trainer Editor - Tried: Spiky Eared Pichu's DS Map Editor, Kazo's BWTE Spiky's DS map editor won't let me select the trainer editors, so I guess it's just incomplete or something? BWTE works until I load the game. The very next scene change from any savepoint will freeze, no matter what I change in the narcs; number of pkmn, type of pkmn, money reward, trainer type, etc. Text Editor - Tried: Spiky Eared Pichu's DS Map Editor, All I wanted to change was a few Gym Leader names, Juniper's opening statement, and take out "Your opponent is about to send in *PKMN*" to not show the *PKMN* so it's a blind switch. No matter what I change, it freezes on the next scene change. Script Editor - I haven't tried anything yet, and all I want changed is receiving certain items earlier on. IE: EXP Share+Fishing Rod+Bike+Shiny Charm *In other words, I want the item layout to be the same was Drayno's BlazeBlack2 and VoltWhite2* I've successfully changed evolution/stats/movesets/moves/abilities/wild encounters/ And every tool or piece of knowledge I've gained along the way has been reliable, but for the life of me, I can't get these other tools to work. And if anyone just so happens to know how I could just add in an extra area or two, like a side route, to the maps with Spikey's map editor, I'd love you forever. I just thought it'd be cool to have an extra area for wild other wild encounters/trainers since BW2 feels so linear compared to Kanto/Hoenn.
  5. NEED HALP. The Key-bearer will not talk to me. I've saved, restarted, walked in and out of places, tried over and over. Just can't get the key-bearer at the start to talk.
  6. As I'm working on modding a White2 ROM, I'm also looking for a way to put it on my DSi. Does anybody have any information on how I might go about this? Such as which flashcards would work, what programs I'll need, and where to find them?
  7. Ok, I've gotten a lot of progress in a day. I've found a bunch of tools to help, but I need a map of the NARC locations for learnsets, moves, abilities, evolutions and such, does anybody have this?
  8. Ok, so I'm a 20 year old pokemon fan that just will not be satisfied until I can rebalance pokemon the way I think they should have done lol And I'm asking you guys to help me on that quest! So if anyone can steer me down the right path, I'm a complete noob at this and this is what I want to accomplish: Any overworld/gen/etc BUT- I want to have all gen1-5 pokemon, moves, and abilities (maybe items too) Next I want to be able to change each pokemon's way of evolution, stats, learnsets, types, etc. Then to be able to change/add pokemon moves/abilties Changing the wild pokemon's random encounters would be good. Placing new pokemon, changing areas of encounter, etc. And finally to adjust what trainers have what pokemon and at what levels. Future plans if I don't suck at this: Custom Storyline Overworld changes/additions I'm out to make a rebalanced and hard version of pokemon. Story, items, overworld and such are all optional and are less of my concern. So, can you guys help me get the tools, programs, and knowledge I need for this mission as a complete noob?
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