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About PellOfTheTundra

  • Birthday 08/03/1994
  1. Well, I did what you said. After it was all said and done, I plugged in the device, and it "ping'd" as if a device were detected. However, the device still does not show up on Device Manager, and the "ping" hasn't been heard since I switched which port it was in in order to see if that USB port was simply faulty (spoilers, it's not). I've no idea what to do now.
  2. I am having this issue as well. The device just DOES NOT show up on my laptop, no matter which USB i plug it into. It isn't in the device manager, it isn't anywhere. It's really upsetting me because I'd like to be able to use my new Power Save. I have tried both the stock USB cable and another cable of the same variety that I owned. I have cleaned the connections, updated all my drivers, and plugged it into every USB port I have. Anyone have any ideas? To be more specific:
  3. For some reason, when I try to use BWOE on a-0-4-8 for BW2, the only two options available are Open Narc and Save Narc... Nothing otherwise shows up. Does anyone have a clue wat do?
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