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Everything posted by Skarmorylande

  1. Ok, so first off I believe instead of an IRC we should have a PO server, it is much more productive pretty and there is much more to do, with ur standard ranks and auth. So here is... Guide on how to run a Pokemon Online Server. By Skarmory Lande. Getting the Server Application. The latest version can always be downloaded from http://pokemon-online.eu/downloads/Server_18.html Scroll down towards the bottom of the page, and there is a download button under the title "Server". Click it and proceed to download the server application. How to start up your server. After downloading the file, open it with WinRAR (you may need to download this. Look on Google for it). Then extract the 'pokeymon-server' folder to a location of your choice. Then open the extracted 'pokeymon-server' folder. Inside it will be an application called 'Server.exe'. Double click it to run the Server Application. Resigzed Image Click this bar to view the full image. This will bring up a server window which will allow people to connect to port 5080 (default), if the port is open. The port can be changed in the server's configuration options. So your server is able to connect to the registry, you must set a server name. This can be done in the server's configuration options. The screenshot below shows the configuration window. (Outdated screenshot - will update soon.) Resigzed Image Click this bar to view the full image. After you have done that, test that the server works. Open up the Pokemon Online Client, click "Go Online", then double click on your servers name. If you can connect to it fine, get a friend to test it out and see if they can connect. If you or your friend can't connect, something is blocking connections to the server's port (default 5080). To unblock this port, go into your modem/router's configuration page and forward it to your local I.P address. You can find your local I.P address by opening command prompt and typing ipconfig /all. Beside I.P Address will be your local I.P address. To open command prompt, click "Start", then "Run", then type in cmd. If you need help on forwarding your port, you can find a guide for your router here: http://www.portforward.com/english/r...outerindex.htm. Select your router from that list then click on any of those programs. Instead of using the port number they tell you to, use the server port number you set (default 5080). Resigzed Image Click this bar to view the full image. If you or your friend still can't connect to the server, it could be that a firewall is blocking the connection. Firstly, try disabling all your firewalls, including Windows Firewall. If you and your friend can connect after this, you know what the problem is. Enable your firewall again and configure it to allow the server application to accept connections on port 5080 (or the port number you selected). You can find help on disabling and enabling firewalls by searching on Google. You should also be able to find out how to configure your firewall by doing a search on Google, too. There may be other reasons why you can't connect to your server. If other people can connect, and you can't, it's because of a certain router setting (which usually can't be changed). In this case, advance connect to Also, you will be unable to host a server if you're using a mobile internet connection. You probably won't be able to run it from a school/college connection, either. How to configure your server. You can get to your server's configuration options by clicking on "Options" on the menu bar across the top of the server window. Resigzed Image Click this bar to view the full image. From here you can check the user list (which allows you to change user's authority and other options), change anti-DoS settings, change the main configuration, insert scripts, and set the server's tiers. Scripting. Scripting in a server is basically adding extra features to it. You can add games, battle commands, and other stuff by scripting. To open the script window, click "Options" on the menu bar across the top of the server window, then "Scripts". This will open the script window where you will put your code. If you would like to learn how to script, read this page on scripting: http://pokemon-online.eu/none/Scripts_21.html If you can't be bothered to learn scripting, you could ask someone who already knows how to script to do it for you. Or you could just use scripts that have been posted on the scripting page, or forum. You can download scripts, request scripts, and get assistance scripting here: http://pokemon-online.eu/forums/foru...php?13-Scripts
  2. Uhm, If you can like get on like a PO Server so we can discuss this that would be great, Imma try to host one. Thanx
  3. So basically I am working on a program where u input the rom file and an Image with a pokemon name that will replace the sprite for any game, so for example, I find an online version of A Gen 1 Skarmory sprite, and I input it to my Gen 5 Black/White Game so that when I go to the pokemon profile It'll show my new sprite. If anyone has any ideas or any pointers on how I should do this Please Tell me at my Profile I will upload it when I am done. Also one question.. What is the maximum 'updated' Dimensions of an Avatar here because my old skarmory avatar wouldn't fit thanks for all people.
  4. Thanks
  5. Hi There, I would like my name to be Superskarmory or Superskarm thnx
  6. Is wot? lol uhm
  7. I uhm need to know if there is anyway to get the files from my r4 back, It currently doesn't work for some reason that might be the r4 cartridge or my micro sdhc card. I put it into my T-flash and it reads for one milla second and then it'll go away on the computer window.
  8. Can you tell me where you learned from cuz I faintly remember some characters of hiragana and katakana.
  9. I can do it for you but it might be tomorrow cause with school and everything I don't got alot of time
  10. Is that why your name is a different color than mine? Cuz i wanted mine to be Pink or Purple.
  11. Wow, uhm So that kind of means You are a moderator
  12. Hey Pyril, I'm new here also but didn't want to make a new thread. Welcome to the Project Pokemon Forums ! +Avia
  13. Also, I can do any generation, but I'll need you to post which gen here that you'd like.
  14. Well, First off I'd like to say how amazing this forum is and how well put together, and how it is much better than the other forum I belong to, so that's great. I would also like to know how some people of badges next to their names and how people might be able to get them, thanks +Avia
  15. Skarmorylande


    Ok so, basically I want some practise with pokegen, so I want basically for you guys to give me some examples, of specific pokemon for me to try making. Thanks -Avia
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