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About nicoelson

  • Birthday 02/18/1995
  1. one question, due to the flags groudon appeared before heatran. what will happen if i upgrade, will heatran be there or will it be overlapped?
  2. game id isnt working, are you sure you pasied it right?
  3. A great hack so far but there are is something really bad... must that togepi on route 4 have yawn?
  4. Can you please post game ID's please?
  5. The roms at the video you posted are the full versions right?
  6. I remember reading something about an app working like pokegen from the ds, but cant find it, does anyone know somethin about that? thanks Nicolas Elson
  7. tested and worked a millon thanks
  8. Its my first post so excuse me if its posted in a wrong place. Does anyone know a gen 2 equivalent to pokegen? thanks in advance Nico Elson
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