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Everything posted by chhapo1

  1. It works on SUPERCARD DSONE/i just need lastest frimware and wait 2-5 minutes in black screen when starting.
  2. ty btw how did you changed you POKEGEN skin?
  3. It dosn't working at Supercard DSONE/i flashcard, it get inside but can't open new game, save
  4. chhapo1

    NDS file

    Hi, Someone have NDS file of Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald?(remake) prefer hacked on hgss but I want 1:1 remake if it could be so any rom hacked will be great! EVEN Firered and Leafgreen remake will be good TY
  5. ok, 1) already did it yesterday normally in the normal way... 2)already found one after was sure I won't find anything ty anyway
  6. 1)hi, is there a program can edit your wins at the battle frointer at HG SS? and how to check how many times you won... HG SS 2) is there a pokesav/pokegen for pokemon emerald? : ty
  7. 1)hi, is there a program can edit your wins at the battle frointer at HG SS? and how to check how many times you won... HG SS 2) is there a pokesav/pokegen for pokemon emerald? : ty
  8. oh, thought is from the 21
  9. hi, someone already have keldeo one?
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