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Posts posted by MACandCHEEZWIZ1

  1. Wait... by scrapped, do you mean you destroyed or threw it out? Or do you mean you stopped playing or started a new game? Or even it broke on it's own? I sure hope it's the middle, because I can't help but feel sad over the loss of Gold, Silver, and/or Crystal.

  2. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You just provided me with my means to get Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina all on one game using the same event without trading! It'll be fun to redo important battles. Would you also be able to make codes where you can redo important trainer battles?

  3. This was a good read. Although I suck at competive battling (I'm actually one of those kids in the Charizard part... EXACTLY), I enjoyed the personal touches you gave to the descriptions, and I learned a bit, too. I hope Articuno gets some fairer moves for the next game(s). Now, I shall evolve my Charizard, make its stats 999, give it Hyper Beam, Judgment, Overheat, and Fire Blast, and brag to everyone about its uber-duber-PWNAGE

  4. My brother is EXACTLY 2 years younger than me (same day). I could go on forever complaining about him, but I'll get back to what I was talking about. He gets home later, but rarely gets homework, unlike me. The rules in my house say homework is my first priority, and I'm a pretty slow worker. Luck just happened to shine down on me yesterday; my brother was sick and got off the computer. I checked my IP, which wasn't doing anything funny (thanks for the suggestion, though). I originally thought my modem was messed, but I learned that my router had a bug. Apart from being a year behind in updates, it also had a very common problem. Without my brother having a freak out, I unplugged my router and modem for FIVE MINUTES. I turned off my hunk o' junk computer, plugged everything back in, turned it back on, and just to be safe, did a factory reset. Everything's updated, too. The only weird thing is that sometimes a page times out when loading a page on the Nintendo Channel or Wii Shop Channel (I heard it was due to high traffic).

    Anyway, I received the Wii Shop Channel update late last night. It let's you download 1 free NES game by December 31st, 2009. It only works though if you had purchased the Internet Channel for 500 Wii Points. I got it when it was free, but I bought it for my cousins as a gift. They get a free NES game, but I don't :(. The same thing happened when I saved up 990 points on Club Nintendo, got to Platinum, but I didn't redeem my gift in time (exclusive version of Doc Louis' Punch-Out or a Mario hat; couldn't decide which to choose).

  5. This is sort of off-topic for an Off-Topic thread (didn't want to start too many threads), but my modem is acting up. Every 30 seconds or so, my Wii will just cut to "Cannot find Network Connection" to "You have a working Internet Connection." It gives these messages within 5 seconds of each other, taking me away from any page I was viewing. It's starting to annoy me a lot, as the Wii is all that I use for my Internet. My brother goes on the computer from the second he gets home from school to when he goes to bed. He won't let me use the computer (let's just say he's the kind of kid that you wouldn't feel bad about punching in the face), so I can't check my computer (it doesn't keep exiting pages when the Internet's like this). Anyway, I use an RCA modem, model DHG535. The "Link" LED keeps flashing randomly. If it even goes out for a second, my router senses it and reboots itself. I checked all of my cables, and they're fine. I tried unplugging them, then plugging them back in, but it still didn't work. I've had the modem and router since the Summer of 2008, and this hasn't happened before. I use a Belkin N Wireless Router.

    *If your wondering how I'm writing this, I just click "OK" on my Wii text input screen before it resets, and when I go back, what I've written is still there.

  6. Is anyone else having problems with their Internet Channel since updating? Every time I go on YouTube now, 90% of the videos don't load. It never seemed to do this before, and I've heard of others with this problem. Possibly one of the side-effects Poryhack was speaking about? If it is, maybe Nintendo will release 4.2aU soon to fix it. It might even be a side-effect of the recent Internet Channel update. Anyone have confirmation of this happening in other regions?

    PS - YouTube seems to get farther and farther away from the Wii. For a while now (long before the update), I haven't been able to comment on videos, only on channels. Also, some videos were buggy and paused/skipped randomly (I first noticed when I searched for "Everybody's Working for the Weekend" and got a choppy video. More videos became choppy for me after that. I haven't tried watching them since the update.) I think those were just caused by updates to YouTube.

    PPS - My router's connection keeps going on and off every few seconds, but I think it's unrelated to any updates, even though it started right after.

  7. So that means that the update has also been bricking some normal Wiis as well? That sucks. Also, I'm not trying to complain, just start up a discussion on what people think of and predict about what will happen with Wii updates. I have to start using emoticons more, as sometimes what you say sounds different than what you type (I'm actually using the Internet Channel on the Wii right now) ;) .

    UNNECESSARY OFF-TOPIC EXPLANATION: I'm not very hardware oriented, I suck with technical terms and how to use them, but I'm trying to learn about programming, and I've heard Pokémon games are pretty good practice. I just don't know where to start. I'm trying learn about addresses (my Tech teacher actually doesn't know how to do it :-( ) I enjoy it, even if I'm confused about half the things being said. You're actually quite impressive yourself, Pory. At 17, you know a huge amount of information, so I kinda look up to you on here :) . By the way, are you just starting your Grade 12 year, or did you already graduate and are turning 18 this year? Also, when did you decide/start learning about programming?


    TL;DR- This is pretty much just a discussion thread. Also, I did not know that companies licensed by Nintendo are actually ONLY licensed, instead of being a smaller division.

  8. I sort of thought it would be interesting to discuss the firmware updates the Wii receives every few months. At the time of writing, the Wii is at version 4.2 for most, if not all places. The newest update was added about a week ago. This update deleted many homebrew applications, along with updating some internal software. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think Nintendo should spend more time working on new applications and improving aspects of older software (such as the update to My Pokémon Ranch, or a better Internet Channel), or do you think it's justifiable for them to spend so much time working against the homebrew community? You can also talk about future updates (predictions, release dates, etc.), previous updates (your opinion, pros, cons, anything), basically anything about future and past Wii firmware and apps.

    PS - I do not support, nor go against the homebrew community, although I have been tempted *wink*.

    PPS - When my math teacher wants my class to move their desks farther away from each other for a test, he shouts "MEGATRON, ASSEMBLE!". Is that off-topic, or what?

  9. YOU SEEM TO HAVE LEFT YOUR CRUISE CONTROL ON. PLEASE REMEMBER TO STEER CAREFULLY. So the gist of what you're saying is that you have a legitimate Kyogre from HeartGold that you are willing to trade, because you have access to the HeartGold and SoulSilver Pokésav, giving you the means to make more?

  10. It's pretty depressing that no GS Ball was found in the game's programming... but we have to stay optimistic! Maybe the Rock Capsule has something to do with it. Hypothetically, is it possible to download an item that wasn't originally in a game's programming? Isn't that what they do with downloadable content for the PS3, or am I way off? Maybe a Pal Park Ball will somehow be worked into an event. I originally hoped that the time machine from G/S/C would make a return, and an event involving getting a gold and silver Poké Ball sent to you through it with using an event would solve this. Unfortunately, Pal Park came back instead. I think they only excluded the GS Ball to not remind the people who watch the anime, not that anyone's forgotten. That, or they wanted it to be like the originals, while including only some features from their third games, just like FR/LG. Did anyone check the game's RAM for a possible Celebi event, or have they all been found?

  11. I hope it isn't a WiiWare game. We already have My Pokémon Ranch, Pokémon Rumble, and those three Mystery Dungeon games. All we have for the Wii is Pokémon Battle Revolution. A sequel with Pokémon Stadium-esque style gameplay is what I'm looking for (minigames, Gym Leader Castle, emulated

    D/P/Pt/HG/SS with cool frames playing on the Wii, etc...). Keep the online, the graphics, the customizable characters (maybe add R/S Brendan and May, E Brendan and May, FR/LG Red and Leaf, D/P Lucas and Dawn, Pt Lucas and Dawn, and HG/SS Gold and Kotone character models, also rivals), and try to add in destructible enviroments and the dynamic cameras that they weren't able to include in Battle Revolution. What else should be included? Also, if it's a game based on Shadow Pokémon and/or Orre, I guess that's fine, too. I'm more of a Stadium guy, myself.

  12. From what I've heard, HM09 is a glitch move from Gen I and Gen II. I forget what it did and why it happened, but it had a similar effect to other glitch moves, although they are pretty random themselves.

  13. What I'm basically asking is: On the typing screen (for nicknames, character names, etc.), is all of the kanji/katakana/hiragana (I don't know the difference) the same as normal text used throughout the game? Are there any symbols that the game text uses that you cannot include in your nicknames/character name (not counting games in other languages)? Also, is the main difference between kanji, hiragana, and katakana that they have different sounds, or is it another type of writing altogether?

  14. I can't find one anywhere (that's suitable for me, and specifically for games). I already understand Hexadecimal, Binary, Octal (Not that I'll need it), Decimal (THE HARD KIND), and how to convert between them. I also know Logic Gates, but that probably only applies to hardware, not software. I want to learn about addresses, and what order I would put a code in, and things like that. I own a Trainer Toolkit, but I don't understand large portions of the manual. If anyone could give me a link to a website that I don't have to sign up for, I would be eternally grateful. I still don't get what 32-bit addresses and "If equal to/If more/less than" means. If you know an incredible tutorial that I would have to sign up for, that would be fine, too. Thanks in advance!

  15. I remember you all. Poryhack is incredible at technology in general, and I like the thread he made for HG/SS official art. HottSushiz, you are well known and respected by the community. I totally remember you! And Toffeuy... Hello back to ya! Now I feel like some creepy guy who spends his years spying on forum membe- I mean "Whoops!". Also, I only know basic computer science, but I can't wait to learn more.

  16. What if they re-introduced the Beserk Gene in Gen V? Like, they gave it a new ability to transform certain Pokémon into legendaries, sort of like a "Super-Evolution"? Just like an evolutionary stone. They could give a back story, such as every legendary possesses it, Mewtwo had an excess amount or something, and there's only one in the game. Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporean Super-Evolve to Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, respectively. Skarmory and Pidgeot Super-Evolve to Lugia and Ho-oh, respectively. JFV became legendary because Ho-oh passed on a Beserk Gene to them, creating RES. It would also explain the whole "multiple legendaries" thing. Mewtwo would be violent and destructive due to the Beserk Gene being constantly spliced into him.

    Sorry about getting off-topic.

  17. My name is MACandCHEEZWIZ1, but you can call me Brandon. Many months ago, I found http://www.db.pokesav.org/, and I loved it. A couple of months later, Project Pokémon was born as the man-child of it (Man-children are awesome). At first, I missed the original layout, but PP was updated over time, and I now I like it. I had never registered, but I always read the articles and threads anyway. Today, I noticed that vBulletin prevented me from checking out the forums, so I decided to sign up. This is actually the very first forum I've ever registered on, and I'm glad I did. I can't wait to learn new things about computer science, and just talk about things in general. If you want to know more about me, just ask. Also, I use my Wii for the Internet most of the time (including now).

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