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Posts posted by MACandCHEEZWIZ1

  1. Xatu = Za-tu

    Milotic = My-low-tick

    Arceus = Ar-see-us (Following the Japanese pronunciation, which is the most correct. PUSA simply changed the pronunciation to have a Greek-ier name.)

    Sceptile (Sep-tile)

    Gliscor (Gly-score (Long i sound))

    My questions:

    Raikou (I suspect it's Rye-koh, following JP, but I've always pronounced it Rye-ku.)

    Suicune (Swi-koon or Su-ee-koon?)

    The Nidorans (How should you pronounce the gender symbols to avoid confusion between the two?)

    Linoone (Lye-noon or Lih-noon; I think it's the first, but I've always said the second.)

    Porygon-Z (In Japan, Z is "Zetto", but in the US, it's Zee, and in European derived countries, it's Zed. Does it really matter, as it's based on culture? Do they call it Porygon-Z (Zetto) in Japan?)

    Aron and Lairon

    Regice (Rej-ice, Re-jih-ice, or Re-jee-ice? Is the "gi" in the Regis pronounced jih or jee?)

    That's all I can think of now. Remember, everyone can pronounce a word in the way they interpret it.

  2. This is a thread for when silhouettes of new Pokémon are shown. So far, we've got Zoroark (already confirmed) and the starters. My guesses on the starters (if they are following a Grass, Fire, Water order) are:

    Grass: Reminds me of that one crocodile thing on NeoPets in shape, but could be some bird with a beak (unlikely). The three points are probably leaves.

    Fire: Easily a rabbit.

    Water: Looks something like a beaver, as you can see what appears to be a beaver tail and maybe puffy cheeks. Still a little unsure though.

    So what are your guesses?

  3. I tried looking on Smogon for this, but I got totally lost and overwhelmed with the sheer amount of posts. So I thought I'd check here. Has a method been found that will make the next wild Pokémon you face have Pokérus?

  4. IVs will alter your final totals by anywhere from 0 - 31 points. Nature will alter your final totals by multiplying them by 0.9, 1.0, or 1.1. EVs alter your final totals anywhere from 0 - 63. If you already have max EVs for one Stat, it's most likely the IVs and/or Nature. What are your Nature and Stats?

  5. Ok well I only read the OP, not gone through 18 pages to read everyone else's answers, because well I don't wanna challenge someone else's beliefs. Though I welcome anyone to challenge mine. I've put it in spoilers because ... it's late and I've got nothing better to do than write a stupid amount lol.

    I am an agnostic person, the pussy-footed hell bound among us who can't decide between creationism and science. Not naïve enough to believe science can prove everything, and similarly not wishful enough to say that something with little to no proof of existence holds all the answers.

    There's loads of theories as to how the universe came to be and how we are here, and most of them hold some strong footing. I could rant all day about the pros and cons to each theory but I'll spare you of that boring stream of nonsensical babble :P .

    When it comes to how we are here I got to score it 1:0 no to evolution. Simply being because of how rapidly things like viruses, fungi and bacterium 'change.' With every new year there's something like 144 new different strains of cold. Now without going into their purpose and saying things like God created these to test us and keep us on our toes, lets look at that on a basic level. In most cases a smaller organism is prone to a shorter life span, and within that life span every organism fulfils the same amount as every other organism (in most cases ;) ), lest species of the world would be dying out day by day. The things that organisms need to fulfill are procreation and a way to live (might that be the answer to the big 'Why are we here' question? Simply to live and give life).

    So let's start with something as small as a bug, moths in particular. With every new year and changing seasons a lot of moths change their appearance to better fend for them selves and help camouflage themselves into their surroundings. This is adaptation, which is a form of evolution in itself - and provides a good reason as to why evolution happens.

    In saying that lets take it back to micro-organism, viruses and such. Bacterium and fungi all love warm places to live and multiply, to, in essence, carry on their population. A human body provides such an environment of which bacterium can multiply and leach off of our existence - until lymphocytes, B and T Cells come a swinging and kill them. When this happens our body forms an immunity to that specific strain of bacterium/fungi/virus - again another solid argument for evolution. Not only does this happen but in a micro-organism's desire to 'live' and populate.. and in general be a parasite it too has to change to allow for this to happen - more evolution. If this wasn't to be true then no one would ever get sick again, or we'd all have died long ago.

    More on human evolution. let's just, for funsies, say we were all ape-people before we came to be in this state. Humans started life back in the latter ages of the ice age, as the ice age dwindled so too did the need for us to have fur. Similarly hunting, walking, eating and mating methods all changed and as such so too did our posture and general physical biology to complement this (this could explain why we no longer need our appendix, and why we have no use for the eye lids behind our eye ids [i can't remember the scientific name for them .. optic appendages :S ? ... cats have them too lol]). Also take into account the lack of religion and social etiquette right back in those times, with a lack of religion, and considering this still happens to this date in some places, incest fuelled a lot of genetic shifts and make ups. This could have been the catalyst to us loosing fur, some children created by way of incest have all sorts of abnormalities - some people lack a clotting agent in their blood and develop haemophilia, who's to say we lost a hormone gland that promotes hair growth? Possibly what the tonsils were before they lost their use? (When you take into account the amount of glands that surround that area as is, it wouldn't be a total surprise if they turned out to be part of the endo/exocrinal system.)

    Anyway that's how I explain as to how we are here.

    Now if I haven't lost you already, this next part sure will.

    The universe. Now let's go back to how I said smaller things evolve faster. Let's also now say that universe is actually tiny. And let's also look closer to home - our solar system. Now if any of you have done SAT or the equivalent in physics you will all know what an Atom looks like and how it is made up. An atom is electrons spinning around a nucleus full of protons and neutrons. Now again look at our solar system. You'll be hard pressed to say that our solar sytem and an atom doesn't share similar traits. The sun would be our nucleus - it's too hot to actually have a look inside of it so we can never be too sure as to what it contains, so this might all be moot - and the planets would be the electrons.


    The above picture is a picture of flourine - it has one neucleus and nine elctrons. I don't know about you but I think it looks pretty damn close to our solar system ;). So what am I getting at here?

    The universe is ever expanding - and as such it's ever evolving to accommodate for all the nothingness that we're yet to discover. The stars are actually suns, big bulls of gas high in the sky, 7 - 100 years in the past (that doesn't go to say they are 7 years away - more like 7 - 100 x the speed of light away), all of which could well have their very own solar systems, and indeed their own entities and life forms. (Going off on a a tangeant >

    The reason we haven't seen these lief forms is because aliens and other living things are probably only about as evolved as we are - and even if they weren't there would be no way for them to be able to survive a trip from their home galaxy/ solar system to be able to find us. I'm not trying to discredit the folk that believe in aliens, but think logically, if we can't do it, what makes you think they would be able to.

    ) What I'm trying to say here is that maybe the universe is like a sea, or a gaseous planet (that's right the universe being part of a different bigger planet .. odd concept right, if you're smoking something you shouldn't be I'd throw that bad boy away now before this gives you a stroke). The chemical make up of any liquid or gas is their corresponding atoms set about in a sparse fashion with a lot of space in between them. Now I think there is a lot of space between us and the next ∞ solar systems. So to me that idea makes a lot of sense. And then this carries on a lot like a mirror facing another mirror does ... each planet is a part of an atom which is a part of a bigger sea of atoms which is part of a planet. Similarly we could all be part of a table or some other object. ~On the same point here, with scientist trying to split an atom and everything - let me put this to you, anti matter is a substtance that lives without any external source of energy, it is in itself pure energy. Humans have a life force that keeps us alive ... an electric current that makes our heart pump, our bowels move in tune to peristalsis and thoughts occur in our head. Could we merely be the antimatter that scientists are looking for?

    As to why all of this exists - look up the theory/laws of chance. I'm not saying there isn't a creator, I'm just saying there might not be :) ... and if it wasn't for holy books and all the flaws, contradictions that they hold, I may have a little bit more faith in the idea of creator.

    And wouldn't you know it, I just gave you a stream of nonsensical babble xD


    I could not help but imagine the Dilbert cartoon theme playing as I read this.

    Anyway, I believe in Creationism, although I always do have a couple of nagging doubts in the back of my head. It's the concept of the soul, death, mind, and origins that get me thinking. It's just so fascinating how the universe works, how can I not believe that there is a God? But, science does make a good point. It's ultimately up to the person to decide what they believe in, and why they believe in it.

  6. I thought it would be a cool idea if we could post our favourite Pokémon videos that we have seen. I saw this one today, and knew I had to post it. Everyone, this is the time to post your favourites! Also, please put the videos in spoiler tags, or just post the URL. Here's the URL of my favourite, with the video in spoilers.


  7. He had one of, if not THE greatest impact in pop history during his time. During the mid 90s to the mid 00s, his popularity was nowhere near as high as his peak. He was still a household name, but the only reasons people seemed to talk about him anymore were "scandals". When he died, the focus on him increased so much, including his music. I have to admit, even I gave a second thought. Now, everyone hates him or absolutely loves him for reasons they don't fully understand. You have to admit, with "This is It" being passed off as a mainstream movie, and small developments regarding his death still appearing, not to mention that one show with the former Jackson 5, that his death significantly affected the lack of hype around him. And it's only because of his death. If he were still alive, his music wouldn't have had the popularity it had during 2009.

  8. I enjoy alternative rock bands such as Disturbed (although they have a little bit of metal), Nirvana, Pearl Jam, etc., and southern rock bands like The Outlaws and Lynyrd Skynyrd. On occasion, I also like dance/techno, as it's fun to listen to at parties, and makes me feel uninhibited. Not many people that I know even know what alt. rock is. They all pretty much listen to the same thing, which gets on my nerves. I also can't stand most radio music. Alternative rock symbolizes the break from commercialism, where artists let their instruments let out what they feel.

    EDIT: I also don't like the overhype older artists are getting. Everyone makes fun of Michael Jackson. Then he dies. Now, he's a "saint", just because it's now popular to like him. His music is alright, and made a significant impact in musical history, but why only acknowledge it now that he's dead? The same goes for the Beatles. Although they were more respected throughout history, they had a massive spike in popularity during 2009. Now, people go around acting like they know them like the back of their hand. Why can't people just keep a consistent opinion? Choose your own musical style based on your self-explored preferences, not on what everyone says is an awesome song. I also happen to despise recent teen pop and all it represents.

  9. @ Pokemon walkthrough help

    That is spam. It does not belong in a news thread.

    @ Everyone else

    Obviously, we're gonna need a seperate "Black and White Speculation/Discussion" thread. We have no proof of anything so far, so we should probably seperate what we know (news articles) from what we speculate. THERE, WE SHALL ENGAGE IN WAR!

  10. As far as systems go, though, the DS is as far as it goes. Whether there'll be a few 3DS-enhanced features thrown in... that's possible (as a hint of what's to come in the 3rd version, which will almost surely be 3DS-exclusive now that the first two are confirmed DS games). But the games clearly have standard DS graphics, and will be intended primarily for the DS. The 3DS is rumoured to have the power of the Gamecube; these screenshots so far would be an insult to such a system.

    But we don't know how far these games are in development. I gave an example above about G/S being similar to Gen I at the time of announcement (as shown in incredibly old pictures), but being massively altered two years later during the release, which was thought to happen soon after the announcement. Each Gen's starter games were released long after their planned release date. In B/W's case, it's late 2010. I am sure that it will get pushed back due to unspecified reasons, and we'll all wind up with Gen V on the 3DS. I just can't imagine them on the DS. It has nowhere to go for its future, even if some slightly re-worked Pokémon games are gonna be put on it. It's just not good business sense. I'd think the second-best selling video game franchise can do better than that.

  11. Whether there's a 3DS logo or not, were these games intended for that system Nintendo would've included no logo whatsoever on the new page. The DS Logo clearly, beyond any doubt, indicates that these are regular DS games.

    The only look massive, thanks to the increased depth of field that the new camera angles in some locations give. I doubt they're any larger (in RAM, anyway) than equivalent locations in Gen IV. The graphics are basically just Hg/Ss with some tweaking, and a modified camera angle. The 3DS is likely to be capable of so much more than what we're seeing in these screenshots. The screens show the same type of limited, pseudo-3D effect that the DS has always been capable of.

    Gold and Silver were originally planned for the Game Boy, but (while still compatible with it) were optimized for the Game Boy Color.

    We've only seen a few pictures. Nothing can be assumed yet. There is no indication of a touch screen yet, so we'll have to wait for a bit before making anything beyond speculation. At this point in the game, anything goes.

  12. I am now almost positive that the games will be on the 3DS. The DS logo on the website being proof that it isn't doesn't make sense. The 3DS is a tentative title, like Nitro was for the original DS and Revolution was for the Wii. So why make a logo if 3DS may not be the final name? Also, the scans show massive enviroments, which would be a pain to load on the DS, even with reduced frame rates. So far, the overworld (like caves) look a bit better than HG/SS, but remember Diamond and Pearl? Their graphics were significantly changed and upgraded from their original scans. The original release date was in 2005, but ended up being mid-late 2006. The same could be considered for Black and White, especially considering it's almost guaranteed to be seperated from Gen IV. Gen I and II were a group, followed by Gen III and IV, and so will Gen V and (possibly) VI. Also, do we even know if we are viewing the BETA or ALPHA gameplay? Gold and Silver looked extremely similar to their predecessors during their Alpha stages, but had a dramatic change in graphics leading up to their release. Even the Alpha versions were playable, albeit in a small demo with prototype Pokémon. Also, we have not seen what the gameplay looks like on any actual system.

    Also, did anyone happen to notice the male protagonist's arms stick out?

  13. I was surfing on Bulbapedia, only to see "Black" and "White" under their Generation V section. MASSIVE SPOILERS POUR MOI. Goshdarn, I'm so excited! I might just explode! The logos are interesting, but I can't help but miss the ones used since Generation III began. I hope NoA treats this as a sign that they should start making the English logos look similar to the Japanese ones. I guess we'll have to wait until April 15th, but CoroCoro should be out before then. Also, congrats for reporting this before Bulbapedia made a news article!

  14. It's been a great year. Through all the ups and downs, this site has prospered. It is one of (if not THE) best websites for its theme. This was the first forum I joined, so I owe my thanks to it. This may be the first anniversary, but it is certainly not the last. Here's to another great year, to Generation V and beyond!

  15. Hello, TrueGamerGirl! Many members who are on PKM DB were originally members here. In a couple weeks, it will be Project Pokémon's one-year anniversary. Before that, it was the original PKM DB. In August 2009, PKM DB returned as a seperate site. Unfortunately, it only had about three updates. After that, it just sorta died. As of recent, it has returned, but you already knew that;). Each site has a specific purpose. PKM DB specializes in events, while PP (although covering a wide range of topics) specializes in Research and Development of the ROM and RAM of the main Pokémon games. Both websites are growing, although PP went through a slump. Its high point was in September 2009, when it had over 10,000 visits. Unfortunately, in November, it suffered a lack of updates, lasting about two months. Many people stopped coming. I personally thought it would have the same fate as the 2nd PKM DB. But as luck would have it, the Administrators were paying attention, and completely revamped the site. Now, people are slowly coming back. That is your website history lesson for the day. We hope you enjoy your stay!

  16. Well, you get the coin case in the underground in the Japanese version. not 100% sure on the USA version, but most likely it's the same.

    In the all versions that are not Japanese, the Coin Case is obtained from Mr. Game, or whatever his name is. I gave all the values from a Japanese version to an English version, and the Coin Case was then in the Underground. After, I went to that weird tent place at the end of the city, and it crashed. I don't know if this was a side effect, or maybe I just used the Walk Through Walls code too much.

    PS- Hey SCV, are you planning to implement a Text Searcher on PPRE, so specific words and phrases can be found easier?

  17. To that, I would think it isn't... unless the data for the Game Corner is still in the files somewhere, it would be unlikely. Your best bet would be to use the JP version and translate that.

    In any case, I still look forward to the day that this program is able to edit the actual moves!

    I was thinking that I could just copy the script, text (translate it later), and everything else from a Japanese version (copypasta FTW!!!11), and hope for the best, but it seems that PPRE won't view the Goldenrod Game Corner's information. Would this have worked in the first place? I am completely useless when it comes to stuff like this, but does that mean that the information from the Japanese games has not been fully integrated into PPRE, yet?

    EDIT: Wait, are the maps numbered differently in the Japanese versions? If so, what are the map numbers for the Goldenrod Game Corner and the Celadon Game Corner? While I'm at it, is the Coin Case obtained from the Goldenrod Underground like in the original games, or is it actually obtained in the Game Corner (this question only applies to the Japanese games)?

  18. Exp. share is given by Mr. Pokemon when you give him a Red Scale. Get a Red Scale by matching three #s at the Goldenrod lottery.

    The Red Scale is actually obtained right after the battle with the Red Gyarados. You're thinking of getting an Exp. Share directly from the lottery, not the Red Scale. But your right about giving it to Mr. Pokémon.

    My question: Is there a guide somewhere with a comprehensive list of items found by the Dowsing MCHN (Itemfinder)? Pokéarth isn't that specific with the exact locations.

  19. If anyone happens to have an early copy of the US HG/SS, could you possibly create a code to repeat the starter selection? Just for clarification, something like:

    1. Activate code.

    2. Choose starter

    3. Exit lab

    4. Code causes you to enter the lab again, and repeat the scenario

    5. Repeat steps 3 and 4

    6. Turn off code

    7. Exit lab

    8. Rival's starter is based on the last starter you chose.

    I know it's a big favour, but a lot of us getting one or both games tomorrow, and I want to be able to obtain all the starters on one game. Sorry that I can't help, but I am a ph41l with stuff like this. Also, if this has already been asked, sorry.

  20. 1. Typhlosion

    2. Infernape

    3. Ditto

    4. Kecleon

    5. Charizard

    I have a strong affinity towards Fire type starters (not as much Blaziken). Typhlosion was my first level 100, as well as my first Pokémon ever (starting off as a Cyndaquil). Infernape is my most lately used starter, and I've grown affectionate of it. Plus, I enjoy how it looks. I hardly remember my Charizard from my FireRed, but I included it because of my fanaticism with it as a kid. Ditto is great for breeding, and is useful in just about anything. And I just like Kecleon.

  21. If Nintendo ever made a Virtual Console (maybe Handheld) for the DSi, released Gen I and Gen II on it, released the Stadium series on the Wii's Virtual Console, and modified both to receive wireless signals from each other, it would be awesome. You'd be able to play Gen I and Gen II in all their glory. I just wish the Nintendo Points used isn't too high, and that they release Red, Green, and Blue as they originally were.

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