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Chris M W

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Everything posted by Chris M W

  1. Anyone want to wifi battle? My FC in sig
  2. Access PC everywhere (START) 52188E10 B086B570 E2002240 00000030 F034B50E 2170E858 D00A2808 E006981F F034B50E 219EE850 D0022808 07C09822 2027BD0E 306A0200 18529A03 BD0E9203 12189DFA 0000F678 12189DFC 0000FA29 1218A33E 0000F677 1218A340 0000FF7F D0000000 00000000 The fly and PC codes are for PKMN White u can find black in the link Do not use with Event pokemon codes that put the pokemon in the PC it will freeze All credit goes to the maker i got these here http://pkmcodedepo.net/main/codes/black-white-adventure-codes.htm Fly from/to anywhere Use Walk Through Walls or Fly back is you are stuck 5215EC90 FA48F000 1215EC96 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 521B9BA0 FDF8F000 121B9BA6 000046C0 D2000000 00000000 Anyone want this? Choice scarf shaymin L+R Box 6 slot 1 =) 94000130 FCFF0000 E2220FAC 00000088 7192741E 26BC0000 FBBABD0A F52B58A6 2DAC7693 FDEA9541 B20AD612 6984CFBC E12A0FB6 308CBE8F 8C5F0D63 325D90C6 A1AB3A5B 12125308 82CDBD47 A9D292C7 A12AC8B4 2A0B0321 966CD802 BB0E8CBF 1BAC8B7C E9ED77E5 00E63FF0 2F699C2B 8B9FC19F F18F6285 64D57747 982D88A0 6F99FD40 02AE6EFE 07911EEC FE8B6133 4D35E629 72680C8D D2000000 00000000
  3. IT WORKED ---Posts Merged--- Thank you very much RoC =)
  4. Darn : / ---Posts Merged--- Oh and I tryed downloading the config folder and edited the line and i save it then i go on PKM pearl and save then load the sav file on Pokegen but it just says this file's size doesn't match any of the supported types.
  5. Do you know how to make PKM white or Soulsilver work on NO$GBA?
  6. Thank you very much
  7. I have a NO$GBA.INP. But no INI and how would i open it?
  8. Are you saving on Pokegen then on your game? Cause that saves your game over what you saved on pokegen. =3
  9. I use DeSmuME too. But, its REALLY SLOW on my computer so I use NO$GBA which is faster . But, how do I change the Sav type?
  10. When I try to load the .sav file into Pokegen that was created when i saved on PKMN Pearl on NO$GBA. It says This file's size doesn't match any of the supported types. Help I don't know what to do :frown:
  11. When i tried to do the same thing it wouldn't let me either. But, i found out that if you go to the Battery folder and select your pokemon game's .dsv and load that it works =)
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