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Posts posted by Okami

  1. Lol, I really am fourteen. If you heard me talk over the phone, I sound like I'm 10. :/

    I'd get on webcam, but you don't want to see my fugly couch. o_O; Or my weird face. >_>

    And I think wraith looks 19. :o

    I wish I were 16, I'd love to be able to drive... To NY for the Nintendo Store! :D

    It's okay, Kuo, I have an online friend who just turned twenty who can't go anywhere without people thinking she is a pre-teen. (10-12)

  2. *laughs* I could have just tranformed my Vaporeon for you, Wraith....

    Anyways, next avatar you'll be seeing from me will be a collab work of my best friend and I. She drew a cute little Mightyena chibi on a Physics lab a while back, and I'm taking the little scrap and PSing him and making him into an avvie <3

  3. ^ lolol, you sound like me, Wraithy~

    Maybe I should continue doing some more basic contests. And I need a good pokemon that will make me get through Master's. Anyone have any recommendations, pokemon, moveset, and a contest type? I'm thinking a NinetailsTALES with Beauty but idk.

    Whoa, so I just stared at this crazy acid trip picture and now my eyes are all messed up, everything is spinny and green @___@ *goes back to reading Monster*

  4. I just haven't had the time to get my Milotic up to 10 ribbons. I could transfer my mightyena from Hoenn from Diamond over, but that would just take the fun out of it ^^ Aphrodite will have 10 ribbons in 3 days if I get the daily ones from Sunyshore. And if I train her enough to get the effort ribbon...but that requires too much effort....

  5. Okay guys, this is a really dumb question coming from me, but how many ribbons do you need to get into the Ribbon Syndicate? (I say that's dumb because I made it in in Diamond and I'm too lazy to look it up xD)

    Also, what is this thing that lurks in the water at the Resort Area? (Speaking of which, I was surfing and fishing in there and caught a LEVEL NINTY Magikarp! Whoamagosh!)

  6. Going back to what PF said about divorce. Sure, God sees divorce as sin, but it doesn't always mean ruined relationships between parents and children. My parents divorced when I was 9, both remarried a few years down the road. My parents decided together that they would only do what is best for me, their only child. As a result, they are better friends now than they ever were as a married couple.

    They live three hours apart (All the way from north of Grand Rapids to south of Detroit, look at a map if you don't know the distance) and both have come to the other's house and stayed there overnight.

    My mom and my stepmom are like best friends, my dad and my stepdad get along quite well, too. The fact is, they all accept me as their child and look at what best suits my needs and not their own when it comes to parenting. It's selfless love.

    Divorce doesn't have to be a bad thing. Sometimes it's in everyone's best interests. I know what God says about divorce and all (especially since marriage is binding, that's in the symbolism of the ring--it goes on forever) But it doesn't mean that divorce is always disasterous. :]

  7. RENT has been one of my favorites since I saw it for the first time last Spring Break. The love in it is beautiful, the music flawless. It is one I would like to see the actual play of. I may not believe in what it promotes. But everything, through the homelessness and STDs and homosexuality, it is wonderful.

    Plus.... Roger is gorgeous, his voice makes me want to melt. :D And the scene where they're singing the song "Will I?" during one of the support group scenes...priceless. It makes me sob every time.

    The Dark Knight is very high on my list. The psychology involved with the Joker's character is stunningly beautiful. I was very glad that Ledger (or, his family rather) got the Oscar.

    I'm not a big movie watcher, so I guess that's all I can give for right now. =/

  8. Yeah...it's a personal choice whether or not to have sex, to save yourself for sex. Just because the Bible says so doesn't always mean that all God-fearing Christians are going to 'save themselves for marriage'. Sometimes lust and desires rage and there's no stopping them; I'm not saying from experience, but I have many, many friends who both love their sex lives and others who wish they'd waited. In the end, we're going to pay the consequences for our actions, it always happens.

    How many pastors are out there, preaching the word by day and then masturbating to porn at night?

    Again, as I stated previously, sex can become a debate in and of itself. I'd say unless we turn this back into a topic on evolution, the sex debates should become their own thread.

    Sex is pleasurable, this we agree on. If humans can have sex for pleasure, then why not the other animals? Sure, animals all have a life-preservation instinct that tells them they need to mate to survive, but who says that it can't be pleasurable? If that were not the case, then why do fixed dogs hump? Why do apes masturbate? Why do female aligators (or was it crocks?) have clitoris'? Why can a pig have an orgasm lasting a half hour?

    It just makes one wonder, how could it be possible that we are the only ones to have pleasurable sex? Especially if other animals are known to have orgasms: because that is the cumulation of all sexual pleasure.

  9. I think the transfer of votes shouldn't be allowed ( except in the case where I voted wrong, so 1 of my votes goes to Narwal ) as it's just gonna cause confusion.

    Also I don't particularly care who wins, but it would be nice to get some feed back on my art and how I could make it better. I've a few people say it needs some tweaks, please enlighten me on what they would be.

    Here is what I see, Enkidu. There are many spots in your banners that appear to have a lot of 'pixel noise' (generally unnecessary pixelated areas, but in this case, places that are not as smooth as others)

    This is what I see, I just have an eye for this kind of thing.

    I have attempted to circle the major areas of this:


    And here is a cropped version, attempting to show one of the main areas.


    That area, circled here, almost has a "Filter>Texture>Grain" effect to it! (At least, in the way the colors are shown, they are the exact same as the unsmoothed pixels in the image)

    enkidu3.jpg and enkidu4.jpg

  10. That may be so, but dont you think its a bit too easy?

    That's why so many of us have wanted difficulty levels for years. When I play games, I want to be challenged, entertained, for hours on end. Of course, with my record so far (Coming onto 500 hours in 4th gen alone!) I'm not quite sure how that happened...I haven't been challenged with Pokemon since I was a kid. Because once you get the game mechanics down (Oh, electric takes out water, water take out fire, etc.) you're golden.

    Of course, one thing I am very glad for is that GameFreak hasn't bought into: placing innuendoes through every inch of storyline just to make money. =/ That sickens me to no end.

  11. Hm, the topic of sex in its entirety is a whole debate of itself...The three forms (Actually, four: I forgot asexual) of sexual beings and discussion of lust, STDs and other things could be debated in great detail, I believe.

    Just a thought, but where would any of us be without sexual intercourse? ;)

  12. A Sin to Hold On To ~ Emery

    This song makes me smile, bringing back the nostalgic value of songs from The Question such as Playing With Fire, So Cold I Could See My Breath, and Studying Politics. All songs dealing in part with the struggle of lust.

    When I saw you walking by, I could not believe my eyes.

    Underneath the city lights, reflecting all your curves just right.

    Can I have your attention for a moment? I just need to say something.

    If you’ve got the time, then I’ve got the reason for the sin.

    Have you been looking out? Have you been watching my back?

    My patience is running out and I can’t seem to stay on the right track.

    Your wanting eyes keep me coming back for more and more each time.

    Let’s get this right, cause there is no second chance after tonight.

    I know you’ve got it in you, won’t you let it out (let it out)?

    Dig a little deeper and I know you’ll find strength inside.

    If we could be the ones to hold on (to stay strong), then maybe we can make a difference in somebody’s life (in somebody).

    I won’t be part of the riot. I won’t be part of the revolution.

    You think you’re keeping us quiet. We’re not the problem, but we are the solution.

    Let’s get this right, cause there are no second chances.

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