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Posts posted by Okami

  1. I don't see it being so bad if you just shake it if you happen to really need the experience/happiness quick. It's still physical, even if you're only shaking your arm... Better endurance might be a side effect? Humans suck at holding up their arms so...

    Either way, since it'll be something to do just because I'm able to, I'll just stick it on me all day while not going out of the way to get more steps. I don't think it really needs to be related to excercize... It could just be for the following around idea and having your favourite Pokémon be with you. It'll just suck if it makes random noises like Tamogotchi without being able to be disabled because then I won't be able to use it at school.

    Bringing up the Wii Fit, you could use it while doing that jogging minigame.

    Tam's could disable noise, though. I own three of them and played with them all the time at school ^^; Of course, then their batteries died and I don't have the money for three new watch batteries...

    Ooh, that is an idea. Maybe that could get me back into Fitting again. I was starting to become pretty toned before I stopped =/ And you know what made me stop? I was doing the push-up challenge and my board stopped counting my push-ups after a while and kept making me lose! Argh.

  2. ^ Yeah, me too!

    I really want one just so I can get back into the habit of walking daily. Of course, after a while it will probably fall out of use (Much like my Wii Fit...) but it'll be nice to have while exercizing is fresh in my mind :] It'll be nice for use on campus, definately!

  3. $55 for a Lite isn't all that bad, either, Fenzo. :]

    Actually, when I got mine, I went to GameStop and was giving them back all of my old PS2, GameCube, GameBoy/Advance etc games that I no longer touched (were collecting dust in a closet, better just to get rid of them) and I had so much stuff that they could only give me 2 transactions (I lost out on a lot of money due to it, too)

    -- I was doing all of this so I could buy my Pokemon Diamond: I REALLY REALLY WANTED IT. And had so much left over that I bought my DS Lite, Diamond, and 3 of those crappy DS headsets (1 for me, the others for friends)

    Might have told that story before somewhere else, sorry if I have.

    Now I have a nice headset (still with the same crappy wire that broke in my first) but it's both headphones and an easily adjustable mic. Which is good, because my Lite's mic gave out on me =/

    So if you're going to be doing a lot of Wifi gaming, Fenzo, I'd recommend this.

  4. ^ O___o;

    Anyways, I might post my recently done caricature. I've got to think on that one a while, though. Needless to say, minus the wolf features, Okami basically looks like me minus glasses lol *points at her profile pic*

  5. Technically, you could've traded these pokemon to platinum, used the tutor, then traded back, no?

    Mm, so let me get this straight. What you're saying is that I remake those pokemon without the moves, place them from Diamond to Platinum, move tutor the moves onto them, trade them back to Diamond, and then back to Platinum? Am I getting that straight?

    Honestly, it might just be easier to take my Platinum codes and switch them out, placing the 'illegal team' back onto Diamond and save them as backup or something :tongue:

    Also, let me get this straight before I continue: The IVs are fine? Those are not the problem at all here?

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