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Everything posted by Ichimoto

  1. I've never met a shiny pokemon before this game. However, in White, the first wild pokemon I ever met was a shiny patrat, which I caught. Then I got a shiny audino, and later, a shiny rufflet. :U Either I'm ridiculously lucky with this game, or it's a heck of a lot easier to get shinies.
  2. I don't think that it can be the RSE effect, because the only dive spots in the game don't involve any wild encounters. :I Or at least, as far as I've seen.
  3. Bluh, nevermind. It seems that the problem is with using the B button, for whatever reason, probably to do with its somewhat active use, probably not. Either way, problem solved.
  4. I was searching for a rebattle code for the Pokemon White english version, and basically, you have to hold down the L button when you talk to a trainer you've already beaten, and you fight them again. Problem is, my L button is broken. (And my R button hardly works) Now, I thought this would be easy enough to fix, being that this isn't the first time that I've run into a code that requires the L button to be pressed in order to activate the effects of a code, but this one is a bit different. Mainly because you have to hold down the button. I don't really know anything about the language, so I'm having a tough time comprehending what it is I'm supposed to do. The code: 5215b3bc 1c301c04 94000130 fdff0000 0215b3c0 e0002000 d0000000 00000000 5215b3bc 1c301c04 94000130 fdff0200 0215b3c0 f7ff1c39 d2000000 00000000 I'd post a several paragraph long explanation of my thought process and the actions I took, but I honestly doubt you care about any of that. (No, believe me, I had it all typed and everything). If that's somehow necessary or if you cared how I thought (which you don't), then... Yeah, I'm gonna shut up now. So... Great gods of technology that you are, pleeease work your magics and help me out? Thanks~
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