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10 Good

About palasx

  • Birthday 06/07/1982
  1. Chase-san, thank you for your dedicated work on this project. I know how hard it is to juggle a pet project and real life, and presenting one as well polished as this and safe for mass human consumption doubly so. You've done a very good job. If you decide to pass on black/white, and this project is no longer relevent to yoru interested, do you have any intention of GPLing it? Since the save format for the black/white carts is already known, it wouldnt be TOO hard (though time consuming AND non-trivial to be sure!) to update the format, type recognizer, and icons in this project. Its such an AMAZING bit of code that it deserves not to die. Once again thank you very much for your hard work on this. I registered just to say that. P.S. How much? What is the donation level you would like to reach in order to make this relevent to yoru interest again? I find that given a specific numerical goal (read: ransom demand) that blackmail is more effective. *AHEM* i mean DONATION....what did I say?
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