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Everything posted by maximxxl

  1. First you have to dowload your sav file from the cartridge on your pc, then trade the 3 pokemon from the sav that i'm going to send u to your emerald. and just put your sav back to your cartridge. that's all and yess tell me ur email. this way i'm trading pokemon with the xboo cable.
  2. i can send u a sav file which contains the 3 pokemon
  3. Yes, they are untouched, like new Well you see back in 2006 there was an event about the Aura ticket somewhere in America. The players name is Steven. I downloaded his sav file, load it on VBA and I saw the deliver man in pokecenter on the second floor, which gives you the rare ticket. The game is saved before catching Deoxys I think. I will give you them for free I'll be glad to help you. I know how it feels to collect all 3rd Gen pokemon legit, without any cheats. When I'm ready I will send you a PM, I am really busy these days... :\
  4. I can give you 10anniv Celebi and Mystry Mew and a Deoxys that is caught in Fire Red which have the aura ticket legit from the real event. I got them from the web so I will be happy to share with u
  5. Heyyy, I have a good news! You can send pkm files to your 3rd gen games! But it's a little complicate- You need: 1. a Gameboy advance (SP or normal) 2. a copy of Pokemon Emerald/Ruby/Leaf Green/Fire Red/Sapphire 3. Xboo cable - Download your .sav file on your computer then load your sav with .pkm or .3gpkm files with encyclopedia For the third thing look here : http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11990-How-to-backup-and-restore-your-GBA-save-files&highlight=Xboo That way I got every pokemon I want on my Leaf Green...It's very cool Also you can share if you have any event pokemon I have some rare LEGIT events that I can trade with you.
  6. Hey if you have some event pokemon on .pkm files can you share, please? :-)
  7. Ho-oh from colosseum
  8. Vaporeon all the way! I already had Espeon and Umbreon from Colosseum, Flareon sucks and ampharos is better than jolteon IMAO
  9. Hey ppl! I just builded xboo cable and send my leaf green sav to my pc...I traded some cool pokemon including celebi,jirachi,deoxys...but I'm missing Aura Mew... If someone have one and it is not problem to share I'll be glad to have Aura Mew!If you have Jirachi,Celebi or Deoxys or maybe another event pokemon I'll be glad to have it too and make video about it! ) I'm sorry if this is not the right place to start this topic! :bidoof::bidoof::bidoof:
  10. On the picture here in the forum 5 wires are connecting to the connector- blue,green,white,brown and red!BUT on my gba to gba cable the green one is not connected! on possision 5(where should be the green) the wires is not connected! but the wires on possision 1 is connected? please if you know tell me where should i connect the wires on possision 1.THANKS A LOT!
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