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Everything posted by LacusEternal

  1. How does this code work? DO I need a pokemon is the daycare? and I'm looking for Oblivia Deoxys all 4 forms (2010 Y) Walk a Step to obtain a Shiny Egg: Hold Select 02028328 00892176 0202832c 28005840 94000130 fffb0000 02028328 47084900 0202832c 02000231 e2000230 00000030 00892176 68124a08 189a238c 88538816 40562207 1c8a4053 52835246 46c05840 47104a00 02028331 02111880 46c046c0 d0000000 00000000
  2. I'm looking for a High Friendship action replay code for Pokemon Soulsilver
  3. Is there an Action Replay Code to get the Mystery Egg Event (All 3 Pokemon)? And Liberty Ticket that works and isn't too long of a code? And I have a Change Pokeball Code that works with Black but not White does anyone have a Change Pokeball Marking Code that works on white?
  4. I know this page is for Heartgold but does any one have a Re-get Starter Pokemon Action Replay Code for Pokemon Platinum
  5. Rename Traded Pokemon: (Only Tried on White but I think it works for both games) 5215be74 2800fb2b 0215be78 b0022001 0215be7c 1c388028 d0000000 00000000 Go to Name-Rated Services in Castelia City to Activate. Take to the name-rated man.
  7. Re-Activate Starter Event (Select+L+A), Clean the Messy Room (Select+L+B) (White version) Black Version NOTE: I haven't tested these. Taken from gbatemp. Credits to original makers. Thanks It works for both games.
  8. Does the liberty code and re-battle Victini code work?
  9. Is there a code to re-get starter pokemon from Professor Juniper?
  10. I have this code from codejunkies I'm afraid to try, maybe someone could test for me, I would like to know if it will work on a Nintendo DS Lite. Pokemon White Code (SELECT+A+L/R/B 3D,45,TopDown) View Change 5228aed0 61635f64 94000130 fff80000 2228af5d 00000040 d2000000 00000000 5228aed0 61635f64 94000130 fefa0000 2228af5d 00000020 d2000000 00000000 5228aed0 61635f64 94000130 fdfa0000 2228af5d 00000004 d2000000 00000000
  11. There's Code's Empty the pokedex and white works, I here that using a complete pokedex well give you a error number 13204 on Game sync for the GTL so? http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14900-Dream-World-Game-Sync-Error-Code-13204-FIX
  12. everything about the pokemon is legit the code just turns the pokemon shiny, sometimes changes a pokemon gender but thats just it, I use it all the time
  13. Here's A Marking Shiny Code (Black) (Tested and Works) 020195B4 FC24F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001ED0 88F488B0 02001ED4 88384044 02001ED8 0A004060 02001EDC 887870F8 02001EE0 24074060 02001EE4 70384060 (White) (Tested and Works) 020195D0 FC16F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001ED0 88F488B0 02001ED4 88384044 02001ED8 0A004060 02001EDC 887870F8 02001EE0 24074060 02001EE4 70384060
  14. yes both codes work I've tested.
  15. I'm looking for a Pokemon Gender Modifier for Pokemon White/Black
  16. I just tried and I can't seem to get it to work can some make a code so I can get all attacks in bag.
  17. I'm still looking for someone who can change this code for White/Black or already know a working Pokemon Gender Modifier code hoping like above.
  18. Both codes work, tested myself. POKEMON BLACK Everywhere is Computer ( Press START) (copyright M@T) 52188DF0 B086B570 E2002240 00000030 F034B50E 2170E84C D00A2808 E006981F F034B50E 219EE844 D0022808 07C09822 2027BD0E 306A0200 18529A03 BD0E9203 12189DDA 0000F678 12189DDC 0000FA39 1218A31E 0000F677 1218A320 0000FF8F D0000000 00000000 POKEMON WHITE Everywhere is Computer ( Press START) ( copyright M@T) 52188E10 B086B570 E2002240 00000030 F034B50E 2170E858 D00A2808 E006981F F034B50E 219EE850 D0022808 07C09822 2027BD0E 306A0200 18529A03 BD0E9203 12189DFA 0000F678 12189DFC 0000FA29 1218A33E 0000F677 1218A340 0000FF7F D0000000 00000000
  19. Here's a Shiny marking code that you could use after the egg hatches Use stylus on marking the code: Load UP your pc select pokemon select on the menu the marking option then mark the pokemon after marking just click on another pokemon and then go back to the pokemon of choice to be see effect Box Marking Shiny Code (White) 020195D0 FC16F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001ED0 88F488B0 02001ED4 88384044 02001ED8 0A004060 02001EDC 887870F8 02001EE0 24074060 02001EE4 70384060 Box Marking Shiny Code (Black) 020195B4 FC24F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001ED0 88F488B0 02001ED4 88384044 02001ED8 0A004060 02001EDC 887870F8 02001EE0 24074060 02001EE4 70384060
  20. Could someone change this code from Pokemon Heartgold so that It can work on both games White/Black. Please and Thanks.. ::Pokémon Gender Modifier Change 1st Pokémon Gender via Box 1 Slot 1 Press L for Male/Press R for Female 94000130 FDFF0000 B2111880 00000000 2000F710 0000007F D2000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 B2111880 00000000 2000F710 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Please test first I don't want to crash my game. I'm also looking for All TM's and HM's with all of these attacks:
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