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Posts posted by Djidane

  1. Yeah I know ... That's not the question. :/

    I talking about to transfer a Darkrai Almia from korean ranger (or riolu) to a korean pearl and after that, transfer in an european.

    I never see this event, never listed. Nobody trade it or talk about it.

  2. Hi people !

    I have a little questions about this spin-off. Only korean versie.

    You know for the secret mission, from wi-fi.

    You can receive a pokemon (darkrai and riolu from pkmn ranger almia)

    Anyone know if that's possible in a korean versie ? I never see a darkrai almia.

  3. Hi people.

    Well, I suppose we can extract a .pkm from a korean version.

    So, when I extract it and put in an other sav (Europe or USA)

    The pokemon is always same, right ?

    Nothing change, hex, pid, iv, so NOK event are legal just corrupt name/do, right ?

    All are correct like if this in a korean version.

    (I'm sure that's right but ...)

  4. Jirachi ETE2010 from Belgium.

    024 French Summer JIRACHI

    Card Title: Faites un vœu avec JIRACHI!

    Card Comment: Ce JIRACHI a une petite surprise

    pour le Pokéwalker de Pokémon

    HeartGold ou SoulSilver. Sauvegardez

    une fois que vous aurez récupéré

    JIRACHI dans une Boutique Pokémon.

    Pokemon Icon 2: 385

    Date Card Received: 2010/6/26

    Distribution Value & Game: 801D (D/P/PT/HG/SS)

    (Sorry i can't do picture)

    Jirachi ETE2010 Fr.pgt

    Jirachi ETE2010 Fr.pcd

    Jirachi ETE2010 Fr.pgt

    Jirachi ETE2010 Fr.pcd

  5. Hum, I known that but when i change Ev/IV (999/99) in pokesav the stat is return in normal stat (255/31).

    (In Party of course, I known the system of box ^^)

    It's a other value in HxD ? Perhaps after 86 ? I known not. I continue to search.

    Thanks again. =)

  6. Hi all. =)

    Well, at firts, you known whit AR you can make 999 stat.

    (I haven't AR so I don't known how work in save.)

    I search with HxD the value who change stat (Ev/IV).

    I known a stat can not have more than 255 (So FF in HxD)

    But with AR you can ...

    My question is : How can you change stat at 999 with HxD ? (999 = 3E7.)

    I'm just curious, I'm a strategist not a cheater ^^

    Thanks for your response. <3

    (Sorry, I'm bad in english ... Correct me if you want, I learn like that <<)


  7. Well, who use a R4 1.18 ? x)

    And who can explain ?

    I put the .nds whit all my rom.

    That's ok or I do create a special folder and put in ?

    Thanks for help. ^^

    (Private message or direct here)

  8. Hi chase-san.

    Your program looks really great.

    But I think I'm stupid ... :P

    I can't use it on my R4. Perhaps It's not the good folder ... I don't known.

    I test all folder, my R4 create a .sav and after ... Nothing, problem with:

    - "Initializion failed!"

    - argv[0]

    - argc 0

    It's a R4 for DS/DSlite, 1.18. ^^

    Thanks for your help. <3

  9. Hey, I'm Djidane 20years old.

    I from Belgium (French) and i speak not good english. x3

    I'm good in strategie battle (with official rules of shody battle)

    So, I have all versie of pokemon games and I'm ready for share my event if I have.

    Well ... I think its ok. :P


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