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Posts posted by Djidane

  1. The answer is in this page.

    Chase-san say : "If I decide to buy Black/White, it may enter back into my "in my own interests to work on", but the US release is several months away (Spring 2011 right?)."

  2. Hi people,

    That's with de pokegen version 3.13.

    When I choose "dream ball" for one pokemon, all pokeball of my others pokemon become a dream ball.

    If I change Dream ball to Poke ball, PokeGen show always Dream ball but not in game (that's a pokeball)

    The second problem is the exp table, my pokemon was lvl 37, I'll just want to change EV and Nature but PokeGen show my pokemon lvl38.

    I look in game, that's always 37 but when I use one rare candy, lvl up 39.

    I hope that's a good explication ... I can't screen. ^^"


  3. Hi people,

    I have a Mew Aura Fr ... I check it, he is normal, no problem with legit, no problem with pid ...

    But I have tried to trade this event and a person say he is hack because he from someone called DX.

    I don't know this DX but how can I know if my event is really hack or not ...

    My Mew here. Thanks a lot.

    Edit: Mew delete.

  4. Seriously what's wrong with my question ...

    Well I explain with details.

    Imagine, I play with a Korean version of Pokemon ranger 2.

    I do the secret mission for Darkrai and Riolu.

    So I send it in my diamant korean version.

    Now I use pokesav/pokegen to take this 2 event et send it in a European version.

    So, no problem with that, I know how I must do that.

    So my question is ... the korean secret mission for ranger 2 exist or not ?

    Because nobody purpose this event from korean version. (Darkrai and Riolu, You can trade a korean pokemon if he is send with pokesav/pokegen in an other version) ...

    I hope that's better. I can't more explain.

  5. That's not the problem ...

    My first question isn't with a korean version; that's about my Shaymin create with PokeGen. (GTS went not my Shaymin)

    I know the "rules" to trade with Korean but here I ask why korean save are corrupt with PokeGen. (That's a second question)

    No more question, this topic can to be close.

  6. Hu, deleted since a moment. ^^"

    I have this problem only with my korean save.

    But well, I restart my game and try again. x)

    Thanks and ... Cya. =D

    Edit: I tried to trade the shaymin with "fateful encounter" actived.

    That's work. Thanks again man. ;)

    I reedit if I fix the problem with korean version and PokeGen.

  7. "It's possible, but very unlikely at this point, that PokeGen itself is corrupting your save file. It's hard for me to answer your question without knowing more about what you're doing. The save file currently needs to be >= 512KB. "

    Normal .sav 512kb from R4 (for DS tank) 1.18 with ysmenu.

    That's a korean .sav. (pokesav corrupt names trainer and pokemon <<)

    "The only legendary that is blocked from GTS is Arceus.

    Your Shaymin needs the Fateful Encounter flag checked. "

    Ok for Fateful, I correct.

    Yes for Arceus but well ... I don't find Shaymin, Jirachi or other legendary like them.

    Really I don't know, that's the first time I have this problem. x)

  8. Uh ? Sems problem with a legit Shaymin ?

    (In fact, lot of lengendary are impossible to find in GTS, or I'm unlucky oO)

    So, my shaymin is correct ? x)

    Ow, a bit question about PokeGen, I see your link so I suppose you know this program.

    When I want to save a .sav that's ok but when I re-opend the sems sav that's invalid and I can't use the .sav ...

    I save normaly. What's wrong ? x_x

  9. Hi people !

    Well, I explain my "problem".

    I received a Heatran on GTS, that's ok.

    I transform it in Shaymin. I do it fine, I think.

    Right PID with PokeGen, right move et co.

    But ... When I want trade it on GTS, that's impossible "You can't trade ...".

    That's not my first pokemon with this and in general they past.

    The file here. Thanks a lot if you find the problem. (and explain me if possible. x))



  10. Man, I know how I must do that. x_x

    Just I demand if this event exist ... Because I never see a darkrai Almia from korean. Nobody trade it.

    I hope my question is ok now. :/

    My apologize, English is my third langage ...

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