It's been a while since you've had one of these threads. Figured it's time to bring it back, amirite?
I'm trying to get my old, old Action Replay functioning. It's an OLD one. One of the ones that doesn't even have a slot for another cartridge up top.
Naturally, I started off just wanting to HAX some pokemanz. Popped in my AR, got the codes from the code manager, loaded em into AR, picked a code and then had it freeze on the AR manager screen when I hit the "START" button.
Ok. Checked around. Need a firmware update. It's running on v1.54. Read that I'm supposed to use v1.71, but need to update to 1.55 first and/or to 1.60.
So I try updating to both 1.55 and 1.60 (and just going directly from 1.54 to 1.71 directly) and regardless, when I drag/drop the .bin file into code manager, it gives me a "COULD NOT READ FILE" error.
Now I'm sure you've seen many of these, and a solution must be out there.
How do I get into the swing of things?