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About Kalashnikov

  • Birthday 07/04/1991
  1. The site it originates from is too terrible to come close. Can somebody please ask for source code or research data? I wanted to dig into API myself as well, but it seems it was done already.
  2. But why how exactly is it stored in 3 bytes? That's what I'm trying (javascript): var seconds = ((new Date()).getTime() - (new Date('January 1, 2000 00:00:00')).getTime()) / 1000; var date = new Uint8Array(a, 0x7B, 3); date[2] = seconds >> 0 & 0xFF; date[1] = seconds >> 8 & 0xFF; date[0] = seconds >> 16 & 0xFF; Or, if the date is 111111111111111111111111 I write it this way: 0x7B 11111111 0x7C 11111111 0x7D 11111111 But according to Pokesav today is 14 of thirteenth month, 2193...
  3. That part of data is not documented, so how exactly the date is stored? And why is it 3 bytes long? When all bytes are set to 0 it appears as 1 January of 2000, which also makes no sense. Same for location, though I only need to know how to set to something which makes sense for all pokemon.
  4. It appears that Characteristics are messed up. Like my "Somewhat of a clown" Arceus in fact should be "Strongly Willed" and so on...
  5. I'm kinda late, but mine is female. taillow F dw.pkm
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