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Everything posted by Whelming

  1. just a heads-up, mention of roms on this forum will get you an instant 1-4 week ban.
  2. Just an update. once I found the building in Sanyou town where I find the C-Gear, the Spiky Eared Pichu error message disappeared at the Wi-Fi area, I can now successfully connect. I'd also like to confirm that you can trade legendaries and events through the union room big thanks to Shadow_Steve and BabeePooh for the advice
  3. Thanks SO much for writing this up, Babeepooh. The translation said I wouldn't be able to trade until my first gym battle, so I'd just assumed I could access the Wi-Fi after the first gym. I have one more gym to beat before I test out the method you kindly took the time to write out. One question though- do you know if I can trade event Pokemon through the Union Room ?
  4. I'm not sure, but the fact that you can go to the GTS is promising. Which translation version are you playing? V1, 2 , 3 or 4? That may have something to do with it thanks for your help ^^
  5. hello! :3
  6. no, actually, it isn't on the Black game cart at all. The only Spiky Eared Pichu I have is on my Soul Silver cart
  7. I've only noticed one other user comment on the issue I'm running into ( User Matscape ), and I couldn't find the solution in this thread. Does anyone know why we're getting the message "This spiky-eared Pichu cannot enter the wi-fi club" when we try any of the wi-fi options? Neither of us even have that Pokemon on our team. I tried switching from English to Kanji to see if that would make a difference, but no dice. Any hints on why this is happening would be fantastic. Thanks very much guys, amazing job on the translation project so far. I can't wait to be able to trade over my Shiny Suicune ;_____;
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