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Everything posted by kdb424

  1. Honestly I think you did a great job. However, my preference is with the old style logos (black and white, not blue and yellow) You did amazing, it's just my preference to have the old way.
  2. Yep drag it right on there. That's it. You'll see the patched file get made within a minute or less.
  3. Basically anything that can run Wood (Acecard, R4, R4SDHC) are really known to work well, as wood is very compatible. There are others known to work, though I know personally that Mood works really well for me. Hope that helps, and maybe someone will suggest any other cards they have found working so it's not bias to only my view.
  4. Anyone using R4SDHC like me, use this. It works great! http://gbatemp.net/t255489-pokemon-white-black-fully-functional-tutorial
  5. lol oops, I misread, and didn't see you were quoting someone. My apologies.
  6. First page the patch is on. It's in the same files as the logos. Called New-Kata, and stuff like that.
  7. Seeing as most people run wood on their cards (Acecard's software) U'd really hope that it'd work for you
  8. For those having trouble this solved my issue (and I'm told it works on several cards with wood that fail). Of course you don't need to use everything but change the saves like it says (and make a save with the emulator) http://gbatemp.net/t255489-pokemon-white-black-fully-functional-tutorial Basically, you switch the save game size, if the game launches, you can follow the rest of it to make the game save correctly. Good luck!
  9. Patch.exe is the anti piracy, the english patch isn't n patch.exe, it's on the first page also.
  10. I'm patiently waiting for it's release. Compiling dolphin to hold me over, and puttin this gamecube/wii game reading DVD drive to work! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
  11. Well seeing as some people are artists and not translators sometimes, every bit helps
  12. Actually I think it's sorta there as a joke. I believe that was already established, though I could be wrong
  13. Please tell us which version you are using when reporting problems, also how you are running the game (R4, supercard, ect.. or what emulator). It allows us to help you faster
  14. That's the plan, no guarantees from me though. I'm not working on this really, I just follow the thread, and offer my knowledge to anyone asking a question.
  15. http://www.mediafire.com/?bgu2a3tcs99qx Right from the front page. You choose the logo, and the rest goes with, but you may wish to wait for tomorrow for the expected release of V5
  16. Unfortunately, the translators here for the most part (from what I know anyways) are not really hackers. Seeing as that is a limitation due to the Japanese game, it would be likely that it will not change, though I could be wrong.
  17. As for patching in or out of a folder, it doesn't matter. Your desktop is a folder, but windows does have some odd errors. As for the patch, it usually makes a 0KB file, then you have to wait for a min or 2 depending on the speed of the computer, and it'll finish patching.
  18. It's just for those that can't wait. It's the same source of translation (the same thing just released earlier with less translation) so it's only right to put it here. It's not their translation, it's everyone's that worked on it.
  19. Making the patch is easy. You make a copy of the rom, edit one of them like that post says, and use the patcher to make the patch (second tab) it'll ask for the original rom and the changed one and give you the patch.
  20. It's a common question. Seeing as all translators are working for free on their own time, a date can not be estimated. As for the percentage, it's a guess of 90% though I havn't checked the repos recently. It'll be a little while but is assumed to be that this project will be translated 95%+ by actual English release (assuming someone doesn't leak the official full translation first, but seeing as that is illegal stay with the fan translate or just buy it when it comes here to america like you already did with your Japanese game) If I had to guess based on previous work I'd say a week or 2 we may have something. If you can't wait make your own patch with the current progress
  21. As for the dsume, I have a pretty powerful desktop compared to the recommended requirements, so I see no lag at all. As for helping, unless you can get portable git (I have it but can't remember where) your stuck. As for programming knowledge none needed at all! First 3 posts like the person above me said covers it, but use portable git and you'll be fine
  22. It's been stated many times. Please don't use no$gba as it's out of date and has issues with many of the newer games (and almost always this translation) I found DSume to work every time for me flawlessly, but feel free to try others. Edit, sorry if that sounded rude, I need to choose words more carefully in the future.
  23. Someone was complaining about the EXP patch on mac as they couldn't us e an exe, and seeing as windows is not free, I can't ask them to install it just for this project. So I canverted the EXP patch for black and white to .patch files. Hope this helps those that can't use the exp patch, and reduces the desire for them to obtain pre-patched roms, which is bad. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THESE! THESE ARE THE SAME PATCHES FROM THIS THREAD, ONLY CONVERTED FROM EXE TO A .PATCH FILE! I don't want any credit, just please lot this as an option to help mac/linux users. Black EXP Patch http://www.mediafire.com/?xa3358k425psrch White EXP Patch http://www.mediafire.com/?6hx16siqmwqdak7
  24. Duncan Idaho: Are you using black or white? I can make a patch (basically convert patch.exe to a .patch file, I claim no rights or ownership, I could mearly convert it.)
  25. How is patch.exe hard to use? Drop your ROM on it and your done. Easier actually.
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