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Everything posted by Deathscreton

  1. He said "last time". He was asking at a present tense, are they done or close to being done. A proper reply would have been: "If they were done, you would see it on the front second post. Learn to read." Just sayin'. :3
  2. Er, why is someone posting a Unofficial translation patch in a "Official" translation thread? Doesn't that seem a bit "redundant" if anything?
  3. I giggled about that. Obviously, he didn't have anything important to say in the first place. Someone just thought it was funny, and the translators kept it in there as an easter egg. Shouldn't be a problem.
  4. I just recently went through the beginning and no. It still hasn't been "Fine Tuned", the team I'm sure, is busy working on getting other parts of the game translated.
  5. I got a few errors in translation. Cheren after fighting Bel for the first time. "And of course, Rukel's need to r" That's probably not word for word, but it in fact does cut off on that exact letter. Then when you meet the Professor on Route One, Bel says something weird midconversation. She states that to make it a bit more fun, she's going to give you "These". Two things wrong with that, one, she never explains what "these" are, and two, she never gives you anything and continues to talk about a completely different subject. Another error, if an error at all, is when you use a item (A potion to be exact) it states that the potion was used, followed by "Potionkanjikanjikanji", replace the kanji with any type of japanese you can think of because that's what it looks like to me.
  6. Are these patches still EXP patched, or do I have to manually EXP patch them myself?
  7. Then you should know it's a type of literary element that he used. He was cracking a joke. Be a better police man or you're going to be fired.
  8. Read the very first post. It states the problem and fix there.
  9. 1.) The save will work. However, both the save and the file name need to have the same name. So both the save and .nds should look like this: pokemon.nds pokemon.sav provided that you named your .nds file pokemon of course. -------------- 2.) The pokedex is about finished. They are still adding in the finishing touches and such. 3.)Some of the story in v2 is translated, such as the intro with the pokemon professor and parts of the story before your beginner pokemon battle.
  10. Somehow a line was erased during translations breaking repacking >< Someone check lines 55-57 from the kanji files and re translate them as well since these seem to be off thanks I really can't tell if someone has already translated things, so here you go: + Cheren: This Kandou ... ... \ xfffe I finally got used to the trainer \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 ... ... Well no \ xfffe room that the kid's mom \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 I have to Ayamaranai \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 Obviously not everything is right, but for the most part, it seems to make a bit of sense. Someone can go and fine tune it later.
  11. Sounds like things are going good. I wasn't able to contribute, but it seems like I didn't need to.
  12. Here's 0000/0024: I get this one right finally?
  13. Alright. I'll check there then. Anything in Japanese is fair game right?
  14. Dammit. I didn't know we had spoiler tags. D: Sorry man. I thought code would work. And I checked the site, all of these were in japanese. O_o Was I reading it wrong?
  15. Here's 202. Not sure if it's all correct, but I tried my best. I can't use GIT, computer won't accept it, that and I don't feel like racking my brain on trying to get it to work. And here's a rough translation of 203. I know it's not all correct. >.> You might have to do something about the grammar.
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