I got a few errors in translation.
Cheren after fighting Bel for the first time.
"And of course, Rukel's need to r"
That's probably not word for word, but it in fact does cut off on that exact letter.
Then when you meet the Professor on Route One, Bel says something weird midconversation.
She states that to make it a bit more fun, she's going to give you "These".
Two things wrong with that, one, she never explains what "these" are, and two, she never gives you anything and continues to talk about a completely different subject.
Another error, if an error at all, is when you use a item (A potion to be exact) it states that the potion was used, followed by "Potionkanjikanjikanji", replace the kanji with any type of japanese you can think of because that's what it looks like to me.